FOLLOWUP: Here’s where Highland Park Improvement Club rebuild project stands as city announces permit-comment period

(Rendering by Wittman Estes)

The nonprofit Highland Park Improvement Club‘s plan for replacing its fire-ravaged building is now in an official comment period with the city. The process was announced in Thursday’s city-circulated Land Use Information Bulletin. It’s been more than two years since the fire and more than a year and a half since HPIC started working with local architects Wittman Estes. So where does it stand now? HPIC board president Rhonda Smith answered our questions.

Timeline for permit process? “We are in the MUP [Master Use Permit] process, which SDCI says will take 5-7 months. Providing the city gives us the permit to do the project, we most likely will see that permit coming [first quarter of] 2024.”

How long will the rebuild take? “The architect, Wittman Estes, and general contractor, Metis Construction, have stated it will take approximately 15 months to do the rebuild. This means that providing we have the funding in hand when the project is ready to start, the new building will reopen in 2025.”

Insurance on the old building only covers part of the cost of a new one, so HPIC has been fundraising. Where is that at? “We have effectively raised $1.7 million. We are working with RJZ Connections, LLC to develop a fundraising plan that can be executed in stages. We need to raise $2M more to rebuild the building. We have launched the HPIC Building Booster campaign to give our community the opportunity to help us raise funds. We are building a case statement that will help tell the story of HPIC to be shared with future private donors, foundations and agencies. We have applied for many grants, some of which we have received. We will continue to do this as we identify the grants that match our needs and purpose.”

Smith says there’s another way to get involved in addition to contributing cash: “We are looking for new community partnerships. We are building a business model for the future through the development of new community partnerships that will keep HPIC independent and self-sustaining. We will still keep some of the favorite things people loved about HPIC while adding new programming that will reach a broader community audience. If there are non-profit organizations that are seeking a home and think HPIC could be a great partner, please send an email to HPIC at with the header PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY.”

Smith adds, “This has been a challenging project and we are working hard every day to make this rebuild a reality but we can’t do it alone. We need everyone’s help.” Here are more ways to get involved.

As for the city’s permit-review process, this notice explains how to comment; the deadline is September 6th.

6 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Here's where Highland Park Improvement Club rebuild project stands as city announces permit-comment period"

  • KD August 25, 2023 (1:24 pm)

    WSBlog; was the cause of the fire ever determined by investigators and fire department? 

    • Rhonda Smith August 25, 2023 (4:31 pm)

      Hi WSB, I believe you have an SFD report for another fire incident not related to HPIC. Regarding our fire, the insurance investigator as well as SFD were not able to determine if the fire was intentionally started. All that they could confirm was that it was started in the alcove in the back of the building on the alley side. 

      • WSB August 25, 2023 (4:57 pm)

        I apologize, that was in reference to an unrelated fire yesterday. Deleting.

  • Merna August 25, 2023 (3:54 pm)

    I can’t wait until this beautiful community center is back on its feet! Thank you Rhonda!

  • KayK August 25, 2023 (4:51 pm)

    KD if you are referring to the fire that damaged the old building-no there was no determination of cause. It likely started in the stairwell off the alley and spread in to the hall from there. 

    • KD August 25, 2023 (9:12 pm)

      .. unfortunately that seems like probable arson (Ugh) but I thought that both SFD and/or the insurance company would’ve had to answer to a cause by now. 

Sorry, comment time is over.