FERRY ALERT: Two-boat service restored to Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route

August 20, 2023 12:35 pm
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12:35 PM: The Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry route has been down to one boat so far today due to what WSF describes as “a shortage of crew,” and Washington State Ferries has no ETA for the return of a second boat. If you’re going, note that they’re following the #1 boat schedule (linked in the ferry-alert roundup), and use Vessel Watch to check the boat’s location while you wait.

2:30 PM: WSF says it’s back to two boats. However, the South Vashon (Tahlequah-Point Defiance) run will go out of service starting late this afternoon, so that’s likely to put extra pressure on this route

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