WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE: Young peregrine falcon rescued from low bridge

In the comment section for this morning’s traffic watch, Ellen posted an alert about an “injured peregrine falcon” on the low-bridge path. A short time ago, we received this report and photo, sent by Tracy, explaining how the situation turned out:

(Photo by Sam D.)

This morning at 5:30 am on the Spokane Street Bridge bike path, a small group of morning bike commuters assisted in helping a fledgling peregrine falcon that had flown down from the nesting sites on the higher West Seattle Bridge.
We were able to place the young bird into a box with the help from volunteer Jenn from the Urban Raptor Conservancy. Patti from URC said, “She is now at PAWS to eat quail and grow her wings. We hope to release her to her parents in a few days.”

Thanks to everyone who stopped to help this morning.

Something similar happened in 2020 (see that WSB story for more background on the bridge-nesting falcons). As for what’w happened since then, the URC’s 2022 report tells a mostly sad story.

16 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WILDLIFE: Young peregrine falcon rescued from low bridge"

  • Paul July 6, 2023 (4:01 pm)

    Love these birds!  And the face on that cute little one!  So glad it got the help it needed.

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul July 6, 2023 (4:21 pm)

    It’s is sad that the original pair was lost to bird flu. However, it is very exciting that a new pair took occupancy almost immediately and successfully nested. This juvenile is from that pair. They had two.It’s also great that she isn’t injured 

  • Rick July 6, 2023 (4:36 pm)


  • Rick July 6, 2023 (4:48 pm)


  • Steve July 6, 2023 (5:14 pm)

    Thank you so much to everyone that helped this sweet bird!

  • Beth July 6, 2023 (5:27 pm)

    Really strange because this guy (he’s smaller than the photo makes him appear) was hanging out on our railing for about 10 minutes. Wonder if these babies lost their mama?

    • Kersti Elisabeth Muul July 6, 2023 (6:46 pm)

      That’s a young Cooper’s hawk. Totally different bird 

      • Beth July 6, 2023 (9:12 pm)

        Thank you for the correction!

  • West Seattle Commuter July 6, 2023 (5:38 pm)

    Thank you to the man in the yellow vest/jacket who stopped and tried to get the other cyclists to move over. The injured peregrine was found just after the bridge re-opened to traffic, so there were many people trying to cross at once. I saw the confused looking bird and moved as far to the left as I could. I think a lot of other folks just didn’t realize what was going on. If not for that good samaritan, this poor little creature might have been accidentally run over.

  • bluhorizon July 6, 2023 (7:51 pm)

    Thank you! for paying attention and noticing the bird before something happened to it. As you noted, rescues like this can take a team effort – so cheers to everyone involved. Good citizens all. Thrilled to hear the best possible outcome re this young birds’s precarious predicament.

  • Rian July 7, 2023 (8:42 am)

    Tracy was the man in the yellow jacket, I think. He waited there for over an hour protecting the bird. He’s the true hero. I and another biker stopped around 6:40 to help and direct traffic. Fortunately, Jenn showed up with the right tools and scooped him up. The bird was almost invisible through the sun until you were on him so he was in danger. Thanks to everyone who slowed down while passing us, and to the one who didn’t and swore at us, you know who you are.

  • Puget Ridge resident July 7, 2023 (9:04 am)

    Not the best picture but this post made me realize that I saw one last week in the Chinese Garden at South Seattle College.  Not the best picture, but was totally thinking to myself that it was a weird looking hawk when I saw it.

    Either way, it was pretty cool to see it with it’s catch in it’s claws

    • Anonymous July 7, 2023 (11:10 am)

      Here’s the photo from the Chinese garden.

  • Matthew July 7, 2023 (5:41 pm)

    Tracy is the man, he was directing traffic so the bird wouldn’t get hit 

  • Marianne July 10, 2023 (3:03 pm)

    Curious as to where the nest is believed to be.

  • Tracy July 16, 2023 (1:33 pm)

    I have an  update as of this morning.  Fledgling #2 has spent the last 11 days at PAWS and got stronger although it had a fractured sternum, they think from the first attempt at flight onto the bridge last week.Today, the bird was released back into view of one of the parents at the very spot she was initially rescued.  One of the parents brought food shortly later and left it on a power pole and both  siblings seemed to get some of the kill. When I left the bridge it seemed both siblings were resting together.Hopefully the parents will continue accept and raise the both. Thanks again to everyone who helped and especially the volunteers at Urban Raptor Conservancy and the folks at PAWS .  Tracy

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