FOLLOWUP: Alki collision victim improves; city not yet committing to more safety measures

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The 24-year-old woman rescued from her submerged car after a speeding driver hit her on Alki Avenue on Sunday is improving.

Harborview Medical Center tells WSB that Madison Kelly is now in serious condition, an upgrade from critical, which is how she was assessed after bystanders pulled her from the water and performed CPR even before SPD and SFD arrived at the scene. Crowdfunding continues to help her and her family with expenses.

We don’t know the status of the 23-year-old man reported to be driving at high speed before hitting her car so hard it was pushed over an embankment and into Puget Sound; police say they placed him under arrest at the crash scene but did not book him into jail as he was also taken to Harborview, with non-life-threatening injuries.

Nearby residents have long lobbied the city for more action against racing and other street disorder on Alki and Harbor Avenues. SDOT installed some speed humps/cushions and raised dividers last fall, but a long stretch of Alki Avenue – including the 1300 block, where the collision happened – remains without them. After Sunday’s crash, resident Steve Pumphrey, a leader of the neighborhood group that’s been pushing for changes, emailed city leaders a letter reading in part:

… The accident that may yet result in a fatality was reported as caused by high speed (a witness reports in excess of 90 mph) and reckless driving by the person behind the steering wheel of a so-called “racer.” It sadly becomes the capstone in an argument we have been making for years to have the city install speed humps along Harbor Avenue where they do not exist, along Alki Avenue to the beach business district, and around SW 63rd to Beach Drive. This stretch from the West Seattle Bridge to the beach and beyond is, and has been for years, a popular raceway known throughout the county, and if nothing is done, more incidents like (Sunday’s), and worse, will continue to occur. I should add that the problem becomes even worse during the dark hours.

The situation along Harbor and Alki Avenues has not improved except for a small part of the stretch where speed humps were installed earlier this year from the water taxi dock to Anchor Park. This is an urgent need, and something must be done before more innocent people — residents and visitors alike — are injured or worse yet killed!

Pumphrey also urged City Councilmembers to approve the speed-camera proposal currently before them.

We sent inquiries to both SDOT and Councilmember Lisa Herbold‘s office on Monday morning to ask about the status of more traffic calming in the area. Councilmember Herbold and her office told us today that they contacted SDOT in both May and June to advocate for the neighbors, and shared a previous email chain with SDOT’s Bill LaBorde in which he told them last month in part:

… Regarding the traffic safety requests, we’ve been prioritizing all traffic safety requests against serious and fatal crash data overlaid with a racial and social equity screen and, by these criteria, the Harbor-Alki corridor doesn’t rank as high as requests we receive from other parts of the city with more urgent needs safety needs, more so given the speed humps and other traffic calming we’ve already added to the corridor over the last several months (the corridor ranks in the lowest 20th percentile of arterials in the attached 2022 High Injury Network map, which was compiled before the new speed humps were added). …

That’s from LaBorde’s email response dated June 9th. SDOT’s response to us, via spokesperson Mariam Ali, arrived less than an hour ago:

We are aware of the reckless and illegal driving occurring in these areas and are looking into identifying safety improvements to help address residents’ concerns. We continue to monitor the traffic data in the area as one of the steps to help us determine if any additional short or long-term safety improvements can be made.

As you know, we built safety improvements in this area to address community concerns to the reckless and illegal driving incidents. This includes:

-Building safety enhancements along Harbor Ave SW and Alki Ave SW between the West Seattle Water Taxi and Luna Park.
-Installing about a half dozen sets of speed humps, as well as a raised center divider to prevent people from illegally driving in the wrong direction to pass other cars.
-Working with Seattle Parks Department to consider whether to put speed humps within the Don Armeni Boat Ramp parking lot.
-Building speed humps and crossing improvements further west on Alki Ave SW between 63rd Ave SW and 57th Ave SW.

In addition, we’ve collected feedback on the early designs for the Alki Point Healthy Street project and working on a proposed design concept. We plan to share this proposed design concept with the community soon.

We also asked SDOT about the current price tag for a speed hump/cushion; roughly $10,000, Ali said.

We will continue to follow up on multiple facets of this, from the safety concerns to the people involved in this specific collision.

140 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Alki collision victim improves; city not yet committing to more safety measures"

  • J July 18, 2023 (6:05 pm)

    This city is fantastically expert at dithering.

    • Elfhaime July 18, 2023 (10:09 pm)

      The so-called speed humps on Alki don’t do anything to deter speeding, nor did the signs they installed at crosswalk get drivers to slow down or stop for pedestrians. The humps are so low and flat they are a joke and some of the signs has been destroyed for over a month and not repaired. Every weekend there is a couple of motorcycles doing stunts(wheelies and donuts) in intersections between 57th Ave SW and 63rd Ave SW. It is only a matter of time until someone else is injured or killed.

      • Michael July 19, 2023 (3:01 pm)

        Ok folks it’s not just kids just saw 2 cars on Fauntleroy coming from Alaska sw going toward Vashon ferry one in a Honda suv and another in a Tesla both excessive speed upward of 50 Tesla actually didn’t see after Edmonds so he was probably doing 60 or 70 so just keep judging other when it’s really everyone driving reckless!!!!!both of them middle aged so if your reading this u r not gonna survive an impact in those cars !!!

      • Jay July 20, 2023 (3:24 pm)

        Yeah, the speed humps at Alki are kind of useless. I live on 18th where the speed humps have steeper sides and you can’t drive a sedan over them more than 25mph. The Alki speed humps need to be both taller and steeper, so that the square edge actually activates the car’s suspension.

    • Bill July 18, 2023 (10:32 pm)

      A perfectly accurate assessment!

  • Jort July 18, 2023 (6:19 pm)

    The reason the city won’t do anything on this road is because it would take bravery and courage to overcome the existential, frothing-mouth rage expressed by drivers over mundane street reconfigurations meant to protect human lives. And, mostly, nothing will change because most drivers in Seattle really enjoy breaking traffic laws, do so regularly and flagrantly, and don’t want in any way to be held accountable for it. How many more 23-year-olds must be sacrificed? Knowing America, it’s likely to be thousands and thousands more lives lost. So long as politicians who govern by comments sections are setting public policy, this will continue. It is a shame. 

    • Westyone July 18, 2023 (10:11 pm)

      Absurd….irrational…. rage on your part ….hello … seriously ? 

      • anonyme July 19, 2023 (5:55 am)

        Jort is absolutely correct.  Any attempt to correct vehicular crime is met with outrage by entitled drivers.  Cars are treated like sacred objects in this society.  Their usage is equated with freedom of religion, unanswerable to mortal law.  It has been many years since I’ve seen a speed trap anywhere in Seattle; I can’t even remember the last time I saw someone pulled over.  Seattleites (and Americans in general) need a rude awakening in regard to this lethal behavior.

        • Slow Down July 19, 2023 (10:23 am)

          I agree.  If you drive the speed limit on California you will have people on your bumper looking to pass you in the turn lane. These (usually) aren’t 20 somethings, these are 40+ year old moms & dads.  But God forgive if you speed past their house! 

          I don’t care what road you’re on, if you’re driving 10+mph over the speed limit then YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!!

          Entitlement, some people just don’t feel the rules apply to them … but it DOES apply to you!  Lack of accountability & lack of severe deterrence.

          Give more traffic tickets, impound cars, put people in jail if they’re racing or doing donuts.  There has to be a price to pay, otherwise it will only get worse.

          • J July 19, 2023 (1:51 pm)

            @slowdown I couldn’t agree more! My favorite is the parents racing to drop/pick up their kids at school. I’ve  witnessed parents  speeding through stop signs, circumventing traffic circles and generally driving like entitled morons all with their children observing their parents driving so that they too can be entitled law breakers who disregard others on the road when they are licensed drivers! 

          • heartless July 19, 2023 (3:24 pm)

            Jort is correct.

            And to echo a point made by Slow Down–there were commenters in another thread complaining about speeders while simultaneously saying they didn’t care about people “only” going 10 or 20 over the speed limit.  This disease that people have, this selfishness, or ignorance, or whatever it is, where they simply don’t care that they are routinely putting people in danger.  Sigh.

        • miws July 19, 2023 (4:22 pm)

          Any attempt to correct vehicular crime is met with outrage by entitled drivers.

          “WAR ON CARS!!!”

    • Michael July 19, 2023 (3:18 pm)

      They actually don’t do anything anywhere ever ! I never ever have seen a vehicle pulled over in west Seattle EVER so , this should say everything you need to hear!!

  • SlowtheFdown July 18, 2023 (6:45 pm)

    There’s been a lot of speculation that the driver who caused the crash was racing. However, out of the 300 comments on the other thread, there wasn’t a single mention of another car.@WSB Any insight on this? Maybe possible video before or after the crash video that was on the news that shows a third party being involved? 

    • Rhonda July 18, 2023 (8:26 pm)

      One can be charged with illegal street racing even if they aren’t racing another vehicle. Reckless speeding (20+ mph over the limit) to show off for passengers and/or spectators qualifies as racing in many jurisdictions.

      • SlowtheFdown July 18, 2023 (9:01 pm)

        I didn’t ask if the driver was charged with street racing, I asked if there was any word of another car. People said he was racing. Racing is racing and I’m wondering if he was really racing or just being reckless. And, by the way, you’re wrong about how racing is defined. This is Washington State. The state the incident occurred as well as where the car was registered. “No person or persons may race any motor vehicle or motor vehicles upon any public highway of this state. Any person or persons who wilfully compare or contest relative speeds by operation of one or more motor vehicles shall be guilty of racing, which shall constitute reckless driving under RCW  46.61.500, whether or not such speed is in excess of the maximum speed prescribed by law: PROVIDED HOWEVER, That any comparison or contest of the accuracy with which motor vehicles may be operated in terms of relative speeds not in excess of the posted maximum speed does not constitute racing.”

        • Rhonda July 19, 2023 (1:44 pm)

          It doesn’t matter if there was another car or not. The reckless driver was going a speed that would’ve been insanely-high even on a deserted 5-lane freeway at 2am. I’m sure his critically-injured victim doesn’t care if there was another car or not, either.

      • Georgio July 18, 2023 (9:41 pm)

        No racing is racing. Dont try and change the definition because you want control over a situation. The driver will face consequences. No need to get tyrannical over 1 situation.

    • lol what July 20, 2023 (9:36 pm)

      Solo racing is still racing. Have you never tried to beat a personal record while running or something similar? That is racing too. 

    • G Nicholson July 28, 2023 (6:58 pm)

      The silver car passed my building in the 2100 block of Alki going very fast in the left, oncoming car lane. We were on the deck reading. It looked like the driver was trying to pass about three cars. Several minutes later we heard the sirens and saw police, fire truck and ambulance head toward the 1300 block. Big mistake trying to pass cars on Alki on a sunny day on a weekend late in the afternoon. Not just a mistake… a stupid miscalculation. Was the driver even thinking? 

  • Don July 18, 2023 (6:47 pm)

    Any new saftey measures would be good, but just stick a few motorcycle cops with radar guns cruising Alki and stop this idiot driving right now. But I know the city has changed it’s priority and funding away from patrols on roadways. So the answer in 2023 is to trash the streets with even more speed bumps and dividers and cameras etc. Traffic cops are actually a good thing. And in the end, they might even be cheaper.  

    • J July 20, 2023 (6:37 pm)

      Saw 4 motorcycle cops the other day ——oh wait, it was 10 in the morning, when there are rarely any issues. Hope they enjoyed their lovely ride to get coffee and donuts. 

  • bill July 18, 2023 (7:08 pm)

    Translating SDOT’s response: “The Alki area is too wealthy and not enough innocent people have died yet to warrant further traffic calming.” Which is not to say other roads like Rainier and MLK need serious rebuilding. But for crying out loud, a car was knocked into the water SDOT!

    • AlkiResident July 19, 2023 (9:57 am)

      Bill nailed it. Our city council and many of its residents view Alki as the residence of the wealthy.  I suspect we are expected to hire our own police force. I dont want Alki to be a private enclave, as has been suggested.  I pay outrageous taxes to live on Alki in a condo (more than I paid for my house in WS), so I expect my taxes to go to addressing the problems we experience. Lisa Herbold has been totally absent and non-responsive, and truthfully ignorant to the problem.  We have laws that have been in effect for more than a decade, and the need to be enforced. Are there any attorneys out there that think we would have a case of suing the city to enforce its laws and protect the citizens?

      • Slow Down July 19, 2023 (10:39 am)

        By making the public admission, “We are aware of the reckless and illegal driving occurring in these areas and are looking into identifying safety improvements to help address residents’ concerns.”  SDOT spokesperson, Mariam Ali puts the city in a precarious legal position. 

        They know there’s a problem, they’ve known of the problem for years … plus many people have voiced their concerns via emails, etc., yet they have not solved the problem.  THAT opens the door for negligence & financial liability against the city. 

        Claiming a “lack of resources” is not a good defense in the event that someone is killed. 

        • West Seattle Environmentalist July 19, 2023 (7:10 pm)

          Perfect!  This is the statement that needed to be made.  SDOT’s admission to negligence is the open door to legal action.  Who among us is an attorney willing to file a class action lawsuit for neglicence and reckless endangerment of our community?  Is this a WA AG issue?  I’ll contact Bob Fergusson’s office.

    • AJP July 20, 2023 (2:22 pm)

      Yeah I noticed that too. Of course, if you’re looking at resident demographics, Alki is mostly wealthy and white. But if you look at public usage, who goes to the beach, it’s very mixed. I would hope they would take that into account too. It’s not just residents who are hurt, but people enjoying the beach. 

    • Jay July 20, 2023 (3:27 pm)

      The bad locations mentioned actually need serious work and multimillion dollar redesigns, Alki only needs a handful of speed humps that can be installed in a relatively short time and only cost a couple grand each.

  • Michelle July 18, 2023 (7:13 pm)

    Racial. So because we dont have enough people of color here, we dont get speed humps?

  • Action for Alki July 18, 2023 (7:22 pm)

    Surprised  by the city and lack of action?  Not me.   The city does not respect its citizens and their desire to maintain a city that is clean and safe for all.  They throw their hands in the air and proclaim, “there’s nothing we can do!”   Or, “we need more time studying the situation.”  A hugely expensive, bureaucratic nightmare.  Hey city leaders, time to get more done with less .  YOU are the leaders!  If you really wanted to save that next girls life, you would have more speed control measures on Alki tomorrow.  Yes, tomorrow.  Trust me, it can be done.  Pick up the phone and call the transportation division.  I know you can do it.

  • Jay July 18, 2023 (7:30 pm)

    The costs incurred by the loser racing his car could have paid for many speed humps. I’m guessing half a million at a bare minimum in public costs like police and fire along with medical bills. That’s fifty speed humps.

  • Dave Newman July 18, 2023 (7:39 pm)

    People from all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds use alki for walking, biking and other wholesome recreation. Most don’t actually live here. Alki is a place citizens come from all over king county. 

  • Mr Henry July 18, 2023 (7:42 pm)

    I have one question for our city representatives.How many deaths have to occur before the city takes the appropriate measures to stop this maddens?

  • Mike July 18, 2023 (7:42 pm)

    “overlaid with a racial and social equity screen”Admitting they’re racist in decisions for who lives and who dies.  WOW!

    • Nora July 18, 2023 (8:16 pm)

      How I read that quote “Oh, rich white folks dying in traffic accidents here? Good riddance!”

    • K. Davis July 18, 2023 (8:21 pm)

      They’re saying “we only have so much money for this stuff and we now (finally) are considering the fact that poor/minority neighborhoods were underserved historically and so we’re spending money today accounting for that historical disparity.”  Please tell me which poor neighborhood you’d like to stiff for money in the name of your moronic “racist” comment.  

      • Gatewood88 July 18, 2023 (9:30 pm)

        Just because the homeowners aren’t diverse doesn’t mean that those that utilize alki aren’t. On a sunny day it’s one of the more racially diverse places in all of seattle. Those of us that don’t live on alki but utilize it don’t have a say ? We all deserve to have a safe place to recreate. That’s literally what government is here for. Public safety. Roads maintenance. Etc.the city claims “racial equity lense” to cover up for their incompetence . Period. They aren’t doing much of anything positive for racial equity- it’s just a convenient excuse .

        • alki_2008 July 18, 2023 (11:49 pm)

          The number of crashes on Alki is “low” when compared to other parts of the city. As awful as this particular accident was, such accidents do not happen along Alki at nearly the rates that it happens in other parts of the city. One side of the street is water. In parts of the city where there are homes on both sides of the street, then the collateral damage can be worse as cars go careening into people’s bedrooms and/or living rooms. That’s just the facts. Some relatively inexpensive speed humps would be a good first measure, then see how that works out for a season and get more aggressive if it doesn’t calm things down a bit.

          • Alkie_Walker July 19, 2023 (9:34 am)

            I understand the point you’re trying to get at with properties only being on one side of the road with water on the other side. However, the water side frequently has far more pedestrians and cyclists than many other roads in the city, especially during the summer months. From watching the video of the crash, it is actually shocking and SO lucky that the car that was speeding didn’t hit any pedestrians/cyclists , nor did the victim’s car when it flew across the walking path and bike lane into the water. 

        • True North July 19, 2023 (10:08 am)

          The population of the residents on Alki is diverse. I live here. My building has 15 residents. The 15 are predominantly people of color. Ages range from teenage to folks in their 80s. Some are retired, some work from home, 2 are educators, And by todays standards, not one qualifies as being “rich”.

    • Purple Pilot July 18, 2023 (8:40 pm)

      When you prioritize a group or individual based on race, you are discriminating against another group or individual based on race.  Sad that this has become an acceptable part of public policy.

      • DemandCurve July 18, 2023 (11:04 pm)

        It’s terrible, Alki residents that own million dollar plus houses should suck it up since these houses were handed out via white privilege back in the day.  Racial justice demands they suffer random shootings, car crashes and robberies.  Thanks internet! I’m now morally superior to you Alki scum who have to actually live with this.

        • Brian July 20, 2023 (9:10 am)

          While I appreciate how many levels of irony you’re operating on, I guarantee a bunch of people read your comment and took it at face value with zero sarcasm. 

  • Frank July 18, 2023 (7:52 pm)

    If I’m at work and my boss tells me that my performance needs to improve, in no way can I say “I’ve been monitoring my performance and at this time can’t commit to any improvements at this time. As you know, I recently made it to work early last Monday and Tuesday and that would suffice as my commitment to improvement”We need to hold officials accountable.

    • AJP July 20, 2023 (2:25 pm)

      No, but you might say “look I only have these many hours in a week and have to prioritize where I improve first.” You can’t do all your improvements all at once. 

  • Admyrl Byrd July 18, 2023 (7:56 pm)

    @WSB – any chance you have a copy and can publish that corridor ranking that shows this in the bottom 20%?  I like to think I know most parts of the city and it’s hard to believe that there are that many others that rank higher – with the exception of WMW which probably exceeded it as well at the time.

    • k July 19, 2023 (9:22 am)

      Spend some time in Rainier Beach.  There are some REALLY bad roads there with constant crashes and issues, in part because it’s in a neighborhood that was historically ignored by the city.  The fact that Alki even HAS a neighborhood group that exists just to petition the city for safety improvements is an example of the disparities that exist between neighborhoods and how the city has historically prioritized improvements in a way that favored some racial and socioeconomic categories over others.  People who had the means to be squeaky wheels got the improvements they asked for (and yes, historically they were white and homeowners) while those without were ignored.

      • Brian July 20, 2023 (9:14 am)

        Neighborhood Groups are typically organized by the residents. It’s not like the city gives Alki money to maintain a NG. 

  • JKB July 18, 2023 (7:59 pm)

    The USDOT estimates $2k for a speed hump. SDOT’s own site says $5k. Where does Ali get $10k?!?  Passing the buck (both figuratively and literally).

    • AdmylByrd July 18, 2023 (9:17 pm)

      Apparently they’ve outsourced procurement to the Pentagon

    • Zipda July 18, 2023 (9:55 pm)

      I’ll contribute a few speed bumps.

  • Rhonda July 18, 2023 (7:59 pm)

    It’s maddening to see the city allocating SPD resources so poorly. Since this vehicular assault, there have been a few SPD motorcycle units and cruisers in the Alki area during the peaceful late-morning, mid-day hours and a couple of hours past noon. Virtually none of the illegal and dangerous behaviors happen during these hours. After sunset, through midnight, and into the wee hours is when the criminals run amok there, yet SPD units can’t be found. The miscreants do donuts in the middle of the street just missing parked cars by inches, rip smoking-tire burnouts, blast VERY loud music, smash 40-ounce bottles, drive in the bike/pedestrian path, etc, etc. Not even one SPD unit came by while I witnessed all of the above on an 11pm 4-mile walk a few nights ago. If the scofflaws see even one or two SPD units at 1am they’d at LEAST tone it down. But as it stands, it’s a free-for-all.

    • Bill July 18, 2023 (9:10 pm)

      I think to better understand the dynamics, read up on the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild and police unions in general on a site that is not Fox News (where the current Seattle head spends an awful lot of time on camera). One could argue many are not invested in actual public safety – but the pay and ability to shield yourself from any consequence is particularly appealing.I’m all for the speedbumps.

    • alki_2008 July 18, 2023 (11:55 pm)

      Don’t you think that other crimes also happen during those wee hours?  It sounds like you think SPD officers are just sitting around doing nothing if they’re not out at Alki.  You could check out what they’re up to by going to the Twitter feed that’s noted in the “Crime Watch” section of WSB. For example, they responded to 5 different incidents in West Seattle in the 10 o’clock hour, none of which were in the Alki area.

  • Bill Not the Science Guy July 18, 2023 (8:18 pm)

    As a point of reference to the “excess of 90 mph” – The 0 to 100 time for a Ferrari is 4.2 seconds (supercar representation), Dodge Challenger (muscle car representation ) is 7 seconds while a Tesla M3 (electric representation)  is 8.2 seconds while it will take 19 seconds for a Camry (sedan) to achieve the same. The car that crashed was more like a Camry than a Dodge or Tesla.  Just curious – start counting off the seconds and you realize how long that time is – and the stretch of road isn’t certainly long enough to obtain that speed. Something seems amiss with the witness ‘reporting’ … but physics? Overhyped.

    • Guy Olson July 18, 2023 (8:57 pm)

      The area where the collision occurred is a good distance from Alki Beach proper. Why are you questioning the witnesses? Maybe you should do some physical research and visit the distance from the beach area to where the collision occurred? I know that would require some effort on your part though.

    • Rhonda July 18, 2023 (9:34 pm)

      From all accounts it was an Infinity luxury sedan with a 3.5-liter V6…..probably at least 300 horsepower. That’s enough to propel an mid-size sedan to 90 in a short distance. The security camera footage of the collision shows the speeding car hitting faster than the speed of the camera frames can pick it up. 

      • WSB July 18, 2023 (10:30 pm)

        Can’t speak to the engine but it was an Infiniti per the clearest ground photo I have. Putting that pic into Google reverse search brings back Infiniti G37 for most results.

    • Slow Down July 18, 2023 (9:47 pm)

      I’m not an Infiniti expert, but their sedans are much more in the “muscle car” range you defined. Stock. And this car was very likely modified. If you’re going to defend the people maiming innocent bystanders, at least bring facts.

      • alki_2008 July 18, 2023 (11:58 pm)

        Somebody pointing out that the speed estimate of 90 mph is likely high doesn’t mean they are defending the speeding driver. No need to be so hyperbolic. More likely the guy was going 60-70mph, which is still way too fast.

      • Admyrl Byrd July 19, 2023 (7:22 pm)

        G37’s are much like my old VW scirocco – very high power to weight ratio and the acceleration can be breathtaking.  

    • sage July 18, 2023 (9:48 pm)

      My challenger does 0-60 in 3.8 seconds :)

    • bill July 18, 2023 (10:06 pm)

      It would take in the ballpark of a quarter mile for a Camry to reach 100 mph. That’s a crude guess since I don’t know the acceleration profile of a Camry. But even if it took half a mile there is plenty of straight road there to reach that speed.

      • Rhonda July 18, 2023 (11:21 pm)

        Reaching 90 in an Infinity sedan that’s already going 25 or 30 mph doesn’t require much pavement, especially with a sociopath behind the wheel.

    • helpermonkey July 19, 2023 (8:41 am)

      This particular car was heavily modified. I have seen him driving erratically and LOUDLY with his modified exhaust all over the Morgan Junction. Enough so that I commented to my partner how obnoxious he was. It was no surprise to see it was the same guy. 

      • 1994 July 19, 2023 (11:05 pm)

        On the one hand sounds like we should be happy his heavily modified car is smashed & he got caught! On the other hand he severely injured another human and he should be held accountable for this.

    • Joah July 19, 2023 (1:05 pm)

      The vehicle in question can get up to those speeds in about a quarter mile. The eyewitnesses could be mistaken about the speed, but I don’t think you are going to be able prove that with geometry in this case.

      • Allison July 20, 2023 (12:02 pm)

        I sadly know this guy, and he actually said he was going roughly 100. Also, there is a way using math to actually figure out how fast the car was going at the time of the accident.

    • Some guy July 19, 2023 (5:26 pm)

      what does acceleration have to do with top speed? why does it matter precisely how fast they were going? why be so pedantic. Fact is this stretch seems plauged by kids driving well above the speed limit dangerously, stunting on motorcycles, doing donuts, ‘takeover’ behavior. Are you here to defend it?

    • TB July 19, 2023 (8:49 pm)

      I was one such witness, and yes it was 90.   At least 90.  The straight stretch from the 2300 block to the 1340 block, where the crash occurred on Alki Ave, is 3/4 mile, no speed bumps.   Could probably get to 90 in a 1970 VW with that much distance.

      • William July 20, 2023 (5:25 am)

        Judging from the front end damage the collision wasn’t anywhere near 90mph. Also even 50-60mph in a residential zone will look astronomically fast when traveling by a pedestrian on the side of the road. 

        • TB July 20, 2023 (10:00 pm)

          I stand by my comments:  90 mph at least.   I’ll testify to it in court if called.  If you’ve ever pulled off to the side of a freeway just a few feet from cars whizzing by at 60mph, yes it’s intimidating, and I’m used to this; most of us have experienced this before.   But the driver who slammed into Madison’s car last Sunday was moving much, much faster.

          • CAM July 21, 2023 (1:48 am)

            Nobody would let you testify to that in court because there is no evidentiary basis to your claim. You have no training nor scientific resources/tools to base such a statement on. Unless you were standing out there with a properly calibrated speed gun (because even the police have to provide evidence based on science and facts) you cannot claim to know what speed the person was going other than “fast” or “faster than.”

          • TB July 21, 2023 (12:16 pm)

            I’ll answer any question asked and give my reasoning.   

    • Allison July 20, 2023 (12:08 pm)

      I sadly know the person and the speed is actually correct. In fact, it’s actually lower than what the guy said. he said he was going roughly 100. And just so you know everyone who knows him is glad that he is in jail. And everyone is praying for Madison.

  • Common sense July 18, 2023 (8:31 pm)

    Hopefully your votes reflect the change commenters are asking for.  Shame on us voting in the same city/county council members year after year…..

  • N Admiral July 18, 2023 (8:39 pm)

    How does the racial and social equity screen work? Alki attracts a diverse population who would benefit from speed bumps. How many more casualties do we need to meet the threshold?

    • AdmyrlByrd July 18, 2023 (9:19 pm)

      I’m sure it’s wealth and race of residents.  There’s no way to measure anything else.  Average property values probably also factors in.  It’s very legitemate to ask our D1 candidates whether they will make this process transparent and understand whether it unfairly penalizes WS (which – more than likely – it does).  And what are they going to do about it?

  • Bradley July 18, 2023 (8:40 pm)

    I actually might vote for the first District 1 candidate who puts together a press conference on Alki demanding action.   Because Lisa won’t. 

    • sw July 18, 2023 (8:54 pm)

      Bradley – you just may be onto something.  I for one am ready for some real representation. 

    • alki_2008 July 18, 2023 (11:59 pm)

      Herbold isn’t even running in the next election, so you definitely won’t get her again.

  • Jim P. July 18, 2023 (8:49 pm)

    ” we’ve been prioritizing all traffic safety requests against serious and
    fatal crash data overlaid with a racial and social equity screen”

    Can someone explain that minus bureaucratic speak so I don’t say something stupid unintentionally from misunderstanding what the plain words seem to mean?

    • K July 19, 2023 (2:01 pm)

      Some neighborhoods didn’t get safety improvements for a long time because of reasons that usually boil down to race, redlining, etc.  The city wants to make sure the investments they are making in safety are shared in such a way that we’re not just starting to improve safety in these neighborhoods, giving them the same resources as other neighborhoods, but helping them catch up to the level of investment other neighborhoods have seen.  The city does this by allocating additional resources to the communities that were historically excluded from the public process.

    • Canton July 19, 2023 (2:18 pm)

      City boilerplate they try to fit into every statement.

  • Josh July 18, 2023 (8:49 pm)

    The cities response mentions racism and economic equity as a reason that this area is low on their list of priorities. An honest question I have is does the account for the fact that while the people living in the area and advocating for safety improvements are overwhelmingly white and wealthy most of the people who use the space during the summer months are racially, culturally, economically, and every other -ally as diverse as any group of people in the country. One of my favorite things about the year we rented on Alki while we sorted out our house purchase was how it was kind of like a working man’s vacation spot. So many different languages and cultures represented. And as such so many people just trying to enjoy a little sun and sand after a hard day of labor at risk from a handful of antisocial scofflaws. 

  • Saul July 18, 2023 (8:56 pm)

    It was an accident waiting to happen and as always it take a person being injured for anyone to pay attention. The same thing with traffic on Beach Dr, drivers are really aggressive and speed at least 10mph over limit at some stretches. Beach Dr is used a lot for biking, running and walking and it is just matter of time a cyclist gets injured or worst, killed. 

  • onion July 18, 2023 (9:16 pm)

    Tragically for Madison, her family, friends,  and community, I humbly suggest that her experience should  skew the data toward a strong and aggressive solution to racing on Alki. One victim such as this young woman is too many.

  • Gatewood88 July 18, 2023 (9:21 pm)

    Wow.. $10,000 for speed bumps is a really low cost to help deter reckless driving in this area known across the city for reckless driving, racing, cruising, etc.  combined with high pedestrian traffic ,. . Highly likely that the addition of speed bumps would also deter other illegal and/or disruptive behavior that continues to be a problem on alki. Frustrating when local government uses terms like “racial equity lense” to justify inaction and incompetence. It’s also a good way to get citizens to shut up- because how dare we demand more from our government officials if doing so leads to in their words“racial inequity” . It’s time to vote out officials who hide behind or allow their city employees to hide behind terms like “racial equity lense” to obfuscate their inaction/incompetence. Also, even if the residents of a neighborhood such as alki are not particularly racially diverse- those that frequent the area are diverse.If anyone working for SDOT bothered to visit alki on a sunny day – they would see lots of diversity- alki is a destination for visitors from all over seattle and puget sound . And residents and visitors deserve to be safe during their visit to this beautiful beach/neighborhood..

    • MB July 18, 2023 (9:54 pm)

      Put my name on a brick and I’ll kick in a grand for a speed bump. If the city is saying that money is the issue, then I’m sure we’ll find it in this community to raise the funds.It’d be a fun exercise to see if the city would turn down money to be spent on something that just makes sense. The whole of the county enjoys this beach, the residents deserve some level of respect

  • flimflam July 18, 2023 (9:41 pm)

    Wow. So the annual mess on the road at Alki can’t be addressed because racism and equity? Wow.

    • DemandCurve July 18, 2023 (11:28 pm)

      this is an astute summary of  the situation in just a handful of words

    • O. 77ao July 19, 2023 (1:26 pm)

      Misguided to say the least. Remember what the city council thought would help reduce violence against people of color? Moving parking enforcement from SPD to SDOT. That so called “defund the police” effort led to parking enforcement writing 200,000 worthless parking tickets and costing us 10 million. That amount of money could have built a lot of speed bumps in Rainier Beach and Alki. 

  • 38thAve July 18, 2023 (9:52 pm)

    I cannot believe the city is pushing back on speed bumps. It’s only $10k. That’s a rounding error in the city budget. Why not let us, the citizens, just hire a contractor to do this now? As someone above mentioned, this single accident likely cost multiples of this cost.

  • Jen July 18, 2023 (10:26 pm)

    If the city won’t prioritize it, I bet if someone posted a go fund me, residents of WS would do it ourselves. Not that we should have to, but we likely would! I mean $10K each? We could fix the problem for the cost of one Tesla.

    • Jort July 18, 2023 (11:18 pm)

      It’s not that city can’t afford this — the money is available and there’s plenty of it — it’s that the city does not want to do this, because it would inconvenience car drivers. Essentially, the city is more than willing to tolerate this kind of dangerous driving because the alternative — a few cheap traffic calming measures — would engender a profound reaction from car drivers who will screech at full, shrill nuclear-bomb-level loudness about the “war on cars” for years on end in comment sections. This city talks a big game about “racial and social equity” but nearly every single city decision must be done in such a way as to do as little inconvenience to cars as possible. “Racial and social equity” is virtue-signaling happy-talk meant to obscure the city’s true intention: to never, ever force car drivers to endure a single inconvenience to their unquestionable status at the top of the city’s priority list. We continue to build a city meant to serve the needs of giant, expensive, deadly machines, and not for the people — the actual human beings — who live here. There will be more crashes, and maybe in 50 years the “racial and social equity” study will finally come out. That’ll do the trick.  Great job, Seattle. If it were homeless people killing random citizens on the street at the same rate as car drivers kill pedestrians and cyclists, there would be federal troops on every street corner.

    • Gatewood Neighbor July 19, 2023 (6:29 am)

      I’ll bet if you Alki residents install speed bumps on their own, the city will prioritize removing them. 

    • WS Native July 19, 2023 (2:49 pm)

      Jen, I totally agree, but I’m sure the city won’t allow that either.  Rules, regulations, bureaucratic red tape, yada yada yada.  

  • close July 18, 2023 (11:29 pm)

    we still have rest of july, august and sept ,Summer is still early worst comes to worst, close the damn Alki Ave from Thurs to Sunday- bike walk or take the shuttle.

    • Alki resident July 20, 2023 (1:54 pm)

      No thanks, we pay for that beach and will get there by car to enjoy it. 

  • Alki Resident 100 July 19, 2023 (1:18 am)

    Is anyone starting a petition for speed bumps or traffic cameras? If you go door to door, most will sign. Can double up with a RPZ petition.

    • ALKId July 19, 2023 (7:31 am)

      Alki Community Council meeting this Thursday at 7pm.   UCC church. 

  • anonyme July 19, 2023 (5:46 am)

    As usual, SDOT and SPD ignore the obvious, which is that speed bumps, multi-colored paint, signs, and flags do little to correct speeding and other dangerous behaviors.  As it stands, the consequences are few to none.  We need enforcement, period.

    • Lee July 19, 2023 (9:37 am)

      Speed humps actually do slow drivers down and create permanent, low cost,  physical impediments to street racing.More police officers is iffy: inconsistent, impermanent, and expensive.

      • some guy July 19, 2023 (5:33 pm)

        … and lazy.

    • Jay July 20, 2023 (3:32 pm)

      It’s a 3/4 mile straight two lane road next to the beach, absolutely ideal for a drag racing strip. Speed bumps would make it non-viable for this purpose. The driver who caused this crash would have destroyed his car on a speed bump long before hitting 90mph.

  • CAM July 19, 2023 (7:08 am)

    The moment anyone says equity all the anti social justice warriors pop up. It’s like a siren signal. A. If anyone had taken 2 seconds to Google any of the terms they claimed not to understand instead of making up definitions they would have found detailed explanations from SDOT or the city for what they mean. B. The High Injury Network map is easily available from a Google search. It’s like the 3rd result on the page. C. The remark about equity was not even in response to this event and was from last month. D. The quote about speed hump cost was inclusive to include speed tables which is potentially what would have to be used on Alki/Harbor because it is an arterial and needs to be accessed by SPD and SFD. Please stop trying to make yourself the victims in this event. 

    Information on High Injury Network map:

    Information on city’s speed hump program:

    • AJP July 20, 2023 (2:30 pm)

      Thank you Cam. I’m disappointed once again how many of our neighbors don’t understand history and make snap judgements. 

  • CAM July 19, 2023 (7:19 am)

    That first link wouldn’t work properly. Try this instead.

    • PDiddy July 19, 2023 (12:04 pm)

      Any idea why D2 fatalities is nearly as high as all the others combined? I was surprised to see that.

      • WSB July 19, 2023 (12:25 pm)

        If you sat next to a scanner all day, you would note the incredible frequency of calls on Rainier Avenue. Also, light rail at-grade crossings.

    • Pete July 19, 2023 (3:10 pm)

      Thanks Cam.It would be great if people took a second to read the info you provided and educate themselves.

  • Actually Mike July 19, 2023 (8:34 am)

    Enough already with the Dawdling, Excuses and Incompetence from downtown. Glad my ballot is still here so I have a chance to look at the Council candidates very carefully before casting my vote.

  • Actually Mike July 19, 2023 (8:55 am)

    The Seattle Times recently polled readers asking them to name the city’s best beaches. Alki ranked #1 by a wide margin. Not to endorse that as a scientific poll, but it certainly appears that folks from all over come here to walk, take the water, etc.–so public safety along Alki / Harbor Ave is obviously something that everybody should care about.

    • Marcus July 19, 2023 (11:16 am)

      Oh yeah,  Alki attracts from all over the region.  I do not mind that, in fact enjoy the vibe.  Alki is a great place.  Everyone just wants that small percentage of people who destroy that good vibe to stay away.  I think we need more police patrols day and night.  Stings to capture the racers and either issue fines and if not paid impound the autos.  Push back.  Really do not like traffic bumps the entire stretch of Alki.  Push back and get these guys.  Let it be known that Alki is not the venue for this.  

  • NAMEtheheros July 19, 2023 (10:34 am)

    Does anyone know who saved this woman’s life?  Can we get the name(s) and celebrate them in this community via a public acknowledgment and award?  Does anyone know who jumped in the water and saved her….. who did the CPR….. I really believe she would be dead if it needed to wait for experts to arrive……in this era of making a video and observing and DOING nothing to help….someone took immediate courageous action that saved her life, and they need to be acknowledged publicly.  Anyone know who ? Or if you are the person(s) who helped her will you please contact Tracy at the West Seattle blog and let us acknowledge you as a community.  TRUE HERO(S) !  It has restored my faith about what people are made of.  So beyond saving her life, you showed us that not everyone stands around and does nothing.    Thank you.!  Meanwhile, I hope everyone will go to GO FUND ME and contribute to the staggering medical bills that this stupid idiot caused!   She is fighting for her life. …..Tracy, can you list the site on go fund me specifically again?

    • WSB July 19, 2023 (11:45 am)

      It’s in the story above, near the top.

    • waikikigirl July 19, 2023 (5:01 pm)

      @nametheheros—-This post is on the ND website and it has 2 names listed of people who helped save “Madison”The response from this community, Maddie’s Kent Ridge alumni, and anyone who ever met her has been incredible with over $20,000 raised on gofundme. Thank you all, especially the bystanders who saved her life (Gillian Ehrlich, Jerry Robbins and others), and Tracy at West Seattle Blog for their outstanding reporting and adding the gofundme link within 7 minutes of my wife sending it at 10pm on a monday).

      • Pdavis July 19, 2023 (10:02 pm)

        I’m not sure what the ND website is.   Could you elaborate or send a link?Meanwhile, I don’t know why the general public here in West Seattle has not jumped on the bandwagon to put some sort of acknowledgment together for the people that saved her life. You guys talk about speed bumps ?  Does it even matter to you the courage and responsiveness that strangers gave her and saved her life ?Am I the only person that feels these  HEROS  should be publicly acknowledged/rewarded ?hello?

  • WestSeattleBadTakes July 19, 2023 (12:32 pm)

    Meanwhile, your average car commercial.

    • momosmom July 19, 2023 (4:42 pm)

      And look its a Prius!!! LOL!

  • Alki Jack July 19, 2023 (12:58 pm)

    SPD does not need to have a constant presence catching speeders, reckless drivers and others on Alki  Avenue. They actually need to be there randomly. That way these dangerous law breaking drivers will never know when they might be there. Plus they only need to be in one location for a couple of hours tops. These people all have cell phones and communicate with each other and word will get out. Make it so they never know when they might be pulled over. Any day and any time of day they could be there. Loud exhaust, burning rubber, motorcycles doing wheelies, all will soon come to a stop. ALSO WE NEED MORE SPEED BUMPS!!

  • WSRob July 19, 2023 (2:10 pm)

    Something like this for the warmer months? scratch a lot itches from evening racing to morning commute hassle.  Yeah, a pain to put out/take up every day, but, could be at least a test case?Also, didn’t they use to make Alki ave one way on certain summer days?  Detour over Admiral and down to 64th or so (the corner Cactus is on), then back to WSBridge?Glad the other driver is doing better.

    • Some guy July 19, 2023 (5:41 pm) .. cheaper, harder to install, but also harder to remove. Get a bolt gun and some community funding and just keep putting them back up when the city comes and rips them out. Make a huge stink every time they do. They will whine and cry about how they can get around to installing ‘official ones’ in some unspecified future. Put the girl who went into the water in front of the cameras and have her call out the mayor. Get the captain of your precinct in front of a camera and ask him why the ‘brave men and women’ of the spd do nothing to solve the problem. As a community, document spd patrols in the area, show how sparse or ineffective they are.You don’t win by grousing in the comments section.

      • Pdavis July 19, 2023 (10:04 pm)

        Please do not insult the Seattle police department for what happens with speed bumps. Talk to the city Council.!  

        • Some guy July 20, 2023 (2:46 pm)

          I’m not, they are to be called to the carpet to explain why they don’t have patrols stopping these speeding cars. Cameras probably won’t fix it as many of these cars are potentially stolen. Joy riding stolen cars on i5 and other places at high rates of speed is a whole ass youtube community.

  • Alki resident 2 July 19, 2023 (4:53 pm)

    If Alki were Kirkland, speeding, racing, reckless driving would be shut down immediately. They even have a lighted sign warning loud mufflers are illegal. Here on Alki, God forbid if you have a fire in a pit after 9:30 but race all you want. Priorities. I don’t get it. 

    • Ron John July 19, 2023 (7:58 pm)

      Fireworks are illegal too but no ones gonna do anything about it. they have no way of counting the decibels so if they ticket you its very easy to fight.

  • Admiral-2009 July 19, 2023 (6:00 pm)

    Make an example of the idiot driver by making him pay dearly for his poor decision, via exacting him to pay all hospital costs of the victim and spend a long time behind bars!  

  • wetone July 19, 2023 (6:08 pm)

    As a person that has lived in the Alki Beach community for well over 50yrs,  all I have to say is speed bumps will do little to stop speeding, reckless driving and many other issues that are happening today in this area and many others. But it will impact the 99.9% of drivers obeying the laws. So tired of hearing we don’t have enough cops, fact is until the city starts placing 2-3 cops at beach and ticketing ALL the trouble makers and holding them accountable nothing will change and that is fact. City has no problem coming up with extra police for big events and tourism, so I say bs that they can’t get 2-3 cops in undercover cars and or motorcycles and start writing tickets. This has always worked in the past. The city would move the undercover cops to the troubled areas and it was amazing how quick things changed. A huge problem today is city doesn’t want to deal with the other issues involved with the groups involved……..SO JUST SPEED BUMP and CAMERA the city…………. that will cure all ;) 

  • Scubafrog July 19, 2023 (6:54 pm)

    I think it’s great that money’s going to parts of Seattle that need it more.  Equity’s paramount.  I’m also glad the victim’s condition’s upgraded, and that she continues getting better.

  • Alki Jack July 19, 2023 (10:38 pm)

    WOW, did you see on the local news tonight, the huge amount of police officers the city has assigned to the Taylor Swift Concert….Yet they don’t have the man power to patrol and stop the dangerous, reckless driving going on every day and til late at night on Alki Ave & Harbor Ave. Maybe if we could get Taylor Swift to buy a condo on Alki, SPD would stop the reckless driving instantly.

    • Byron James July 20, 2023 (8:00 am)

      The police that are working at non-city sponsored events, such as the Taylor Swift concert, are paid for by the concert promoters and are police that would otherwise be off duty. 

  • alki Resident July 20, 2023 (8:39 am)

    1500 block last night – saw one car speeding about 60mph driving in the middle of the road. Another car tried to speed to pass them and nearly hit an oncoming car going the speed limit.

  • Allison July 20, 2023 (11:53 am)

    My friend sadly knows the 23 year olds father And has been getting updates from him. The man has had a criminal record and Had no Driver’s license Nor was that even his car that he was driving. He suffered very minimal injuries which include a broken leg and a concussion. His family, including the people that know him, are all hoping that he stays in jail And we are all praying for Madison. That she makes a full recovery and that she is able to live a good life despite this idiot’s actions.

    • Ly July 20, 2023 (11:09 pm)

      The victim is a friend of friend of mine. I hope this jerk never gets to drive a car again and stays in jail for many years. 

  • Alki Jack July 20, 2023 (1:07 pm)

    I have read the West Seattle Blog, daily for as many years as it’s been around. I have never seen a reaction like this horrible accident has received. The Original article came out 7/16 and has received 305 comments. The follow up was reposted on 7/18. It has received 118 responses so far. That’s 423 responses and climbing. Do you think people in West Seattle are Mad as Hell about the loud, dangerous street driving that is out of control on Alki and Harbor Avenues!. The city needs to fix this and NOW is the time. Do what ever it takes, this is unacceptable. Start with a lot more speed bumps past Anchor Park, extend them to 57th SW where they start again.

  • William Clements July 20, 2023 (1:46 pm)

    Deciding some speed bumps on Harbor (which was not the main problem area) somehow affect the racing on Alki is to defy common sense and logic. Especially disappointing in lieu of the facts about speeding and the number of pedestrians on Alki at risk every day. 

  • Alki Jack July 20, 2023 (4:12 pm)

    MB stated “Put my name on a brick and I’ll kick in a grand for a speed bump”. Well MB, put my name on a brick and I’ll kick in a grand also. Now just thought you should know,  at a  $1,000 donation for a brick going for more speed bumps, I could sell a brick an hour with ease. People deserve the right to feel safe walking and driving on Alki. This isn’t the Alki of old. There are not a bunch old beach cottages anymore. Expensive condo’s with big time property taxes. Lots of retired people. So there ya go, free speed bumps City Council and Mayor Harrell. No cost to the city. Let us know where to send the cash.

  • cheffy30 July 22, 2023 (5:19 pm)

    I always drive slow af on alki to help the situation. … why not enjoy the view… 

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