WHALES: Orcas, humpback in nearby waters

2:21 PM: Two whale reports from Kersti Muul: First, southbound orcas off Bainbridge Island, visible from Alki, within this past hour; second, a humpback whale off Blake Island. Let us know if you see any of the above!

5:15 PM: Update from Kersti – the humpback is in Elliott Bay, headed toward Duwamish Head.

5:33 PM: From there, Kersti says, the humpback is heading toward downtown.

6 Replies to "WHALES: Orcas, humpback in nearby waters"

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul June 13, 2023 (2:33 pm)

    Humpback is now heading. Toward tango buoy 2:33

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul June 13, 2023 (3:09 pm)

    Humpback is just SE of Blakely rock  

  • Wildlife fan June 13, 2023 (7:30 pm)

    Kersti, I appreciate all the great work you do for the wildlife in our area and beyond. I’ve never been able to read one of these posts then make it to the beach before the whales passed by. I still find it encouraging and heartwarming to read about the sightings and hope you will continue this work. :-)

    • KG June 14, 2023 (1:42 am)

      Kersti is a West Seattle treasure. In fact, she is a treasure for Seattle, Washington State, the United States and the whole goddamned world. She is genuinely the only commenter on WSB whose comments I eagerly anticipate reading—apart from WSB’s fact-checking (‘you’re wrong, Stupid!’) posts.

      • Kersti Elisabeth Muul June 15, 2023 (10:06 am)

        Well that made my day 😝 I too am a fan of the fact checking 

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul June 14, 2023 (3:38 am)

    Hi! Never miss a sighting again with my wildlife sightings text alert service . It’s free and in real time.Ethical, vetted sightings https://chat.whatsapp.com/HGBsLuyjQCuIMnlLbm4kiE

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