FOLLOWUP: Work begins for donated roof at Westside Neighbors Network Shelter / Veteran Center / American Legion Post 160

(WSB photos)

Work has begun at 3618 SW Alaska – home to West Seattle’s only cold-weather shelter as well as veterans’ organizations – getting a new roof after ~40+ years. As we reported last Friday, this is a gift – with labor, materials, and even the dumpster all donated; Adaptive Roofing is installing the roof in partnership with Malarkey Roofing Products, Stoneway Roofing Supply, Do It Right Roofing, and DTG Recycle.

The work is expected to take just under a week; we’ll check back.

5 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Work begins for donated roof at Westside Neighbors Network Shelter / Veteran Center / American Legion Post 160"

  • Josh June 21, 2023 (3:33 pm)

    Keith tries so hard to make the neighborhood neighborly. It’s great to see the neighborhood taking care of him and his efforts.

  • Mike June 21, 2023 (8:35 pm)

    This is how it’s done.  No politics, no labeling people good or evil, just getting it done.  This is humanity at it’s finest.

  • Luckie June 22, 2023 (4:01 pm)

    Great photos! Go, roofers, go!By the way, Keith has created a GoFundMe for the accompanying non-donation expenses for the new roof work. Read all about it at

  • Chuck Jacobs June 23, 2023 (7:52 am)

    This wing of the Legion hall is historic. It was originally built in 1892 at 2123 47th Ave SW as the Haller school. It was moved around several times until it ended up here. The Legion is doing well to keep it in shape for future generations. 

  • Triangle Resident June 26, 2023 (4:50 pm)

    I’ve been watching these crews work a minimum of 12 hour shifts last week, Saturday and a few on Sunday. What an amazing transformation. There were two roofs, at a minimum present and they removed all of the old decaying plywood. All new plywood installed and the roofing material is beginning to be nailed down.  These people know what they are doing, keep a clean worksite and are appreciative to the people that honk to thank them.  Give them a thank you from our community and get a business card when you do!

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