9:15 PM THURSDAY: A suspect is in custody in the Roxy’s Casino shootings. That’s according to King County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Glen Brannon, White Center’s new “storefront deputy,” who just announced today’s arrest during the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting we were covering for partner site White Center Now. We’re attempting to get more details from KCSO. The deputy described the shootings as not random, and said they involved a “beef” between two people, the suspect and one of the three victims. Two other people – both casino employees – were not intended targets. (A crowdfunding page is set up for one of them, identified publicly as CJ.) The casino and adjacent Roxbury Lanes, meantime, reopened today; they had been closed since the shootings just before 11 pm Saturday.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON: KCSO’s media-relations office has confirmed the arrest but offered no details – aside from confirming that one victim has died.