West Seattle 5K, softball showdown, kittens & puppies, more for your Sunday

May 21, 2023 6:25 am
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(Saturday sunrise, photographed by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)

We start with the event that will bring more than 1,000 participants – plus spectators, organizers, and volunteers – to Alki this morning:

WEST SEATTLE 5K RETURNS: The run/walk presented by and for the West Seattle High School PTSA is back for the first time since 2019, and organizers say more than 1,000 people have signed up to run/walk the waterfront route. They’ll head from 61st/Alki to Luna/Anchor Park and back, so Alki/Harbor Avenues will be closed starting around 8 am.

Last-minute registration and packet pickup starts at 8:30 am; pre-race warmups at 9:15 am; then the WS5K starts at 9:30 am. The streets reopen when the course clears, which should be by 11 am.

Another big benefit event today:

BATTLE FOR WEST SEATTLE: The first-ever softball showdown between the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce and West Seattle Junction Association is a fundraiser for the West Seattle and White Center food banks. You can cheer for local businesses’ latest act of community giving by going to Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd, White Center) at noon. See the rosters here; ticket info’s here.

Other things to know:

MYERS WAY CLOSURE: SDOT expects to keep Myers between Olson and 2nd closed all day as the continuation of repaving work that started Saturday.

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm; the market offers spring produce as well as flowers, cheese, fish, meat, baked goods, condiments, fresh-cooked food, beverages (from kombucha to beer/wine), nuts, plant starts, more. Here’s today’s vendor list. (California SW between Oregon and Alaska)

SOUL SPA: Inner Alchemy is hosting Soul Spas on Sundays at Jet City Labs (4547 California SW) during Farmers’ Market hours, 10 am-2 pm: “a fun community experience of meeting our talented local healers, makers, and artists right alongside the Farmers’ Market. Mini-sessions, shopping, connecting, and Timmy cooking brunch!”

DONATION DRIVE: Men’s work clothing is a priority for today’s 11 am-3 pm donation drive at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds):

Most of the men we assist are in day labor through the Millionair Club, Casa Latina, Labor Ready, or pickup jobs. Help us help them support their families through your donations of clean, wearable, and seasonally appropriate work clothing: pants, hoodies, T-shirts, socks, boots, shorts, tanks, as well as new underwear, belts, hats, all kinds of shoes (except dress shoes!).

Donations of food, clothing and outdoor gear are distributed through the Westside Interfaith Network Saturday lunch, hosted in White Center.

LOW-LOW TIDE: Good enough for beachwalking again today, -2.4 feet at 12:40 pm.

MUSIC AT THE COFFEEHOUSE: Roo Forrest and Friends perform at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), 3 pm.

WEST SEATTLE CLASSIC NOVELS (AND MOVIES) BOOK CLUB: 3 pm monthly gathering at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor) – see our calendar listing for this month’s topic.

PUPPIES VS. KITTENS: All-ages event at Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW) with adoptable fuzzballs and local rescuers as part of the beer garden’s slate of events during Seattle Beer Week.

THEATER: Matinee for “Zach” by Christian St. Croix, directed by Sara Porkalob, at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), 3 pm. Tickets here.

END THE WEEKEND PEACEFULLY: Inner Alchemy offers Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Breath Work, and Gong Bath from 7-8:30 pm at Move2Center (3618 SW Alaska). RSVP/fee info is in our calendar listing.

SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.

Have an event – one-time or recurring – to add to our calendar? Please email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

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