FOLLOWUP: Two West Seattle playfield turf projects likely to ‘overlap’

On Monday, we reported that a plan to replace the Delridge Playfield artificial turf has gone out to bid. We also noted that the “rebidding” of Hiawatha Playfield‘s turf replacement appeared to have resulted in a decision. So we followed up on both with Seattle Parks today.

First – they confirm that the “rebidding” for Hiawatha (rendering above, PDF here) resulted in the contract going to the same firm that won the original round, FieldTurf USA. (Online files show the rebidding didn’t result in a major savings – their new winning bid was $1,243,000, compared to the original winning bid of $1,256,000.) Parks spokesperson Karen O’Connor says that Hiawatha field construction is still expected to start in the middle of this month, last about three months, and that “It is likely that Delridge and Hiawatha field closures will overlap for about 6 weeks during the summer construction.” P.S. If you have questions about any of the various Hiawatha projects, you’ll want to be at next Tuesday’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting, 7 pm at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill), when ANA expects to talk with and hear from a Parks deputy superintendent.

5 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Two West Seattle playfield turf projects likely to 'overlap'"

  • Soccer mom May 2, 2023 (6:15 pm)

    They do know that there are soccer camps scheduled at Delridge all summer right?

    • Odd one May 2, 2023 (7:20 pm)

      Left hand hardly ever talks to right hand in government work. Silo thinking. 

    • Mike May 2, 2023 (7:26 pm)

      Hope the camps can source alternate fields near by if they need to.

    • E May 2, 2023 (9:56 pm)

      Not sure which camps you are thinking of but I believe some camps, like the UK International camps will be at Walt Hundley playfield this summer. And the Nike camp is at Georgetown Playfield. 

  • Boinsted May 2, 2023 (7:57 pm)

    A soccer coach here. We are currently playing our youth soccer games at Sealth stadium. It’s a very nice field. 

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