UPDATE: Tree down on 48th SW

11:02 AM: The photo and report are just in via text:

This massive tree just fell across 48th Ave SW between Beach Dr and and Holly. Totally blocking street. It fell on a car that was driving up 48th but they survived because the top of the tree hit their car. They were lucky to have survived!

To report a road hazard/blockage on weekends/evenings, SDOT’s 24-hour line is 206-386-1218 (or call 911).

12:15 PM: As of 10 minutes ago, when we went by the west end of 48th, the street was still closed and work crews were in view.

4:50 PM: We finally got a chance to go back over to look; the street is open.

12 Replies to "UPDATE: Tree down on 48th SW"

  • Kbota April 16, 2023 (11:57 am)

    I’m glad to hear that no one was hurt. I live nearby and walk there frequently.  Last week a large dead branch fell in front of me and could have seriously hurt me.  I made a mental note not to walk on that side of the street anymore.  This seemed like a perfectly healthy tree.  

  • bolo April 16, 2023 (2:49 pm)

    The tree looked perfectly healthy but the trunk was thickly covered in strangling ivy, which is known to overweight even otherwise healthy trees and cause their early demise.

  • WS Neighbor April 16, 2023 (3:31 pm)

    Who’s responsible for trees like this falling over?  Probably an older tree. ….I’m a neighbor and I doubt that this tree was on anyone’s private property.  That section of 48th Ave SW appears to have no homes in that area.   So, in that case, where there are no homes, is the city responsible or SDOT?   …And, I’m curious if auto insurance covers something like this if your car gets hit with  a falling tree?  

  • alki_2008 April 16, 2023 (9:47 pm)

    Who can we call for a tree that hasn’t yet fallen into the road, but looks like it will if there’s another windy day?  A tree in the parking strip, so not on someone’s personal property.

  • Tracy April 17, 2023 (7:05 am)

    Having been through this, just remember – just because the tree is in a parking strip doesn’t mean it’s the city’s responsibility.  They have an inventory of city planted trees.  If the tree isn’t on the list, the owner of the adjacent property is responsible for upkeep.  We had an 80 foot tulip poplar in the parking strip in front of my house whose roots were lifting the concrete. I innocently called the city looking to let someone know before someone got hurt and I ended up being notified that I’d be fined $1000/day unless I handled it. $2500 tree removal, $900 sidewalk fix later….All of this said, it still needed to be done for safety’s sake but it was a hard hit financially!!

    • Eldorado April 18, 2023 (6:56 am)

      I often get angry when I hear stories like this… reactions from ‘The City’ like this. How ‘bout SDOT fix the bulging sidewalks downtown. Or the drains along the left lane of Eastbound which pool EVERY TIME IT RAINS. But sadly they are right. The trees in the parking strip in front of your house is your responsibility. 

    • Kersti Elisabeth Muul April 18, 2023 (4:01 pm)

      See the link above I posted that shows inventory 

  • Ann April 17, 2023 (8:54 am)

    Hannah Weinberger/Crosscut just published a podcast/story regarding Seattle’s trees and who is responsible for them.  May be of interest to some WSB readers. https://crosscut.com/environment/2023/04/you-might-be-responsible-seattle-street-tree-and-not-know-it

    • Eldorado April 18, 2023 (7:05 am)

      Thanks for sharing this. What a great story!

    • Kersti Elisabeth Muul April 18, 2023 (4:02 pm)

      It’s a great, with lots of good resources, some of them are some of my favorite people…Sandy, Nolan, Jim, Ben and my new friend Barb

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