ELECTION 2023: Jean Iannelli Craciun ‘soft-launches’ Seattle City Council District 1 campaign

By this time next month, we’ll know who’s formally filed for the August primary – including the Seattle City Council District 1 seat, which Lisa Herbold is relinquishing after two terms. We’ve already introduced you to five people who have announced early-stage campaigns. Now, a sixth – Jean Iannelli Craciun. She now has a campaign website as part of her “soft-launch.” Craciun is founder of the Diversity Center of Seattle, which she moved to West Seattle two years ago. On her website, she says, “The complex issues we face today in West Seattle have left many of us feeling frustrated and even hopeless. Solutions have eluded our best-intentioned leaders for too long. It’s clear we need a different approach – and I’m here to shake things up! I’m running for Seattle City Council because I care deeply about West Seattle and bring a unique perspective as a researcher, mother, small business owner and diversity proponent, with a lifelong commitment to community engagement. I’m all about getting people excited enough – and feeling safe enough – to get involved, share ideas, listen to different perspectives, and act.” Craciun’s campaign announcement follows those of Stephen Brown, Preston Anderson, Maren Costa, Rob Saka, and Phil Tavel; as we’ve done with all the announced candidates, we hope to bring you a sit-down video interview with Craciun shortly. So far, though the recent remapping process expanded D-1 outside West Seattle/South Park, everyone running lives in WS. As noted above, the field will be final after Filing Week, May 15-19.

16 Replies to "ELECTION 2023: Jean Iannelli Craciun 'soft-launches' Seattle City Council District 1 campaign"

  • Anne April 21, 2023 (6:59 am)

    I checked out her website-like every other candidate so far its missing the “how” . Lots she wants to accomplish- but no mention of how-other than the recurring phrase “authentic community engagement” 

  • Mark Schletty April 21, 2023 (8:22 am)

    Yikes. Herbold  II.  

    • Jean Iannelli Craciun April 21, 2023 (10:54 am)

      Hi Mark, good to meet you here. It would be my great pleasure to meet you in person and talk about the differences I know about myself when compared to Councilmember Lisa Herbold. All best, Jean  206-708-4500

  • anonyme April 21, 2023 (10:25 am)

    Yet another activist.  Nope.

    • Carl April 22, 2023 (3:50 am)


  • Question Authority April 21, 2023 (10:46 am)

    Maybe she should focus her campaign on more immediate concerns such as why the business core has been forced to hire private security.  You know, the important stuff like public safety for both businesses and residents alike.  Enough of the activism and virtue signaling as those have got the City nowhere but a hole to dig itself out of.

  • Won't Get Fooled Again April 21, 2023 (1:21 pm)

    Just more of the same ol’ same ol’.  If you like what’s currently happening to Seattle, this candidate will surely double down on it.  Vote wisely people.

  • snowskier April 21, 2023 (2:09 pm)

    Looks like her go-to MO is to gather, discuss, study and talk things out and build consensus when faced with an issue.  Maybe that works well when building the culture of a small organization, her focus as a consultancy, but it’s not the way to run a city of 700,000+ people.  I’m looking for someone with a goal of ‘A little less conversation and a little more action please’.  For a future leader, I want someone who knows they’ll make decisions that will tick some people off and are comfortable with making a decision, taking action and moving forward, not just talking ad nauseum to try and make everyone comfortable.

    • bill April 21, 2023 (9:28 pm)

      You are confusing the council with the mayor. Council members have to be able to discuss, negotiate, and bargain with other members to advance their priorities. The last thing we need is to send a West Seattle version of Sawant to the council.

    • Jean Iannelli Craciun April 23, 2023 (6:57 am)

      I think you missed my ACTION ISSUES section of the website. I have no problem making big decisions but yes I am pragmatic always looking for the facts first then action.All best, Jean PS I am trusting we can engage more folks in the dialogue here not just the unhappy residence. We have a lot of privilege and joy around us. 

  • Beatrice April 21, 2023 (4:26 pm)

    I’m still awaiting a candidate vowing to enforce laws and impose established punishments . . . as a start.  Law and order law and order law and order.

    • Carl April 22, 2023 (4:00 am)

      I’m voting for Beatrice for City Council!

    • Mr J April 22, 2023 (9:29 am)

      Plenty of that going around here. But feel free to relocate to a red State that claims that. Just don’t go looking at their crime stats. 

  • AMD April 22, 2023 (1:43 pm)

    I just want to acknowledge how much it takes to actually launch and run a campaign.  It’s easy to have opinions on an internet message board.  It’s hard to advocate for change in a meaningful way.  It’s REALLY hard to step up and run for a position governing a city as large and multi-faceted as Seattle, especially when the constituency is historically as whiny and impossible to please as Seattleites are.  I’d imagine a campaign launch with specifics on policy plans for a variety of topics would be INCREDIBLY long and tedious, so thank you for just giving us the general overview to start.  Glad to see more detail on the website, and look forward to hearing more in future interviews and events.  I am willing to give any candidate a chance who acknowledges the whole of District 1 and doesn’t ignore everyone outside of the Junction.

    • Jean Iannelli Craciun April 23, 2023 (7:03 am)

      Thank you for your thorough and thoughtful response. So much truth in it. All best, Jean

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