CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Here’s what police say led them to suspect in Leticia Martinez-Cosman’s disappearance

The 46-year-old man arrested in connection with the disappearance of Leticia Martinez-Cosman remains in jail today, and probable-cause documents in his case reveal what led police to him, and what they have found out so far. The man is not yet charged so we are not publishing his name; we’re publishing the probable-cause narrative from today’s documents without any names except those of law-enforcement officers. Though the jail docket shows that the suspect was initially booked for investigation of homicide among other possible crimes, a judge has not found probable cause for that, but did find probable cause to continue holding him for investigation of kidnapping, assault, theft, attempted murder, and unlawful firearm possession. The suspect did not appear in court today and bail has not yet been set, according to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Here is the narrative, a type of document generally initially written by police – note that it describes an assault and injuries in places:

Leticia “Leti” Martinez-Cosman was last seen 03/31/2023, heading to the Mariners game in Seattle. The Photo (previously distributed by police) was taken by Leticia at that game, which began at around 1900 hours. The photo was texted to her (friend #1) and it was later provided to the police. Leticia had invited the male pictured with her below, to join her at the game.

Leticia met the male … at a Costco in Seattle on 03/19/2023.

Leticia was with her friend … at Costco when she met (the suspect) in the food court area. (Her friend) remembered that (he) had a phone number with a 509 area code, which she recognized as being from eastern Washington. (He) is estimated to be in his mid to late 40’s, and he stated he had attended West Seattle High School.

Leticia has three vehicles registered to her in DOL. Given that two have been accounted of at her residence, it is believed that Leticia drove her Honda CR-V to the game. As described below, Leticia has not been seen by family and friends since the picture was taken at the game.

There were text messages from Leticia’s cell phone to her (friend #2) the next morning, 04/01/2023. (Friend #2) subsequently provided those to investigators. One message from Leticia’s phone to (friend #2) said that as she was leaving the game the night before, Leticia ran into an old boyfriend, and ended up hanging out with him all night. The same friend later texted Leticia, asking what her/Leticia’s plans were that evening. A text response from Leticia’s cell was that she was going to go see her “friend again” that night. Leticia was scheduled to babysit at about 1830 hours, but also sent a text message canceling that around the same time that she texted (friend #2) saying that she was ok and was babysitting. While these messages came from Leticia’s phone, the author of the messages cannot be verified.

Multiple attempts to call Leticia’s phone went unanswered and eventually the phone appeared to be turned off, because all calls were directly routed to voicemail.

Leticia’s brother … reported Leticia as a missing person with the King County Sheriff’s Office on 04/02/2023 at about 1300 hours. When asked about the messages that Leticia’s phone had sent on 04/01/2023, (her brother) indicated that these texts were odd and uncharacteristic of Leticia.

Leticia lives with her adult son (who) has been diagnosed with Autism, Aspergers, and OCD. (He) lives at home but due to his conditions he rarely leaves their home and has very limited contact with others. Though Leticia is his mother and caregiver, he has limited contact with her on a day-to-day basis. (Her son) told detectives that he had not seen his mother since Friday, March 31st during the daytime. (He) stated that around 2:00 am, on 4/02/2023, he was awoken to the sound of an unknown adult male knocking on his bedroom door (inside the home) waking him up. (He) stated he did not know the man but believed him to be a neighbor based upon what he said. (He) was unable to provide a detailed description of the man or the vehicle, due to his disability, but indicated that he was a white male, 30’s-40’s, average build and height, had facial hair and wore glasses. (He) stated that the male wore a hooded sweatshirt and a covid style facemask.

The unknown male told him that his mother had been in accident and that he was going to take (him) to see her at the hospital. (Her son) said that they got into a vehicle and later described it as an SUV. (Her son) said they drove around for what seemed like hours and stopped when the unknown male said he had to get some water and got out of the vehicle. (Her son) said that the unknown male got into the vehicle behind him (as he sat in the front passenger’s seat) and tried to cover (her son’s) face and neck with an unknown type of material. He stated he thought that the male was trying to kill him by smothering or strangling him with the material. (Her son) is over 6’ tall, over 200 lbs, and in good physical shape, so he was able to get free and a fight ensued inside the passenger area of the vehicle. The unknown male attempted to strangle (Leticia’s son) with his forearm on his neck and at some point, (he) was able to bite the unknown male on the hand, which caused the male bleed all over (her son’s) face. During the struggle in the vehicle, the horn was pressed several times by (her son’s) head.

At some point in the struggle, the unknown male realized he was unable to overpower (Leticia’s son) and now injured and bleeding he told (him) that he has a gun, although (he) never saw one. The male then began telling (him) that he was doing this for his mother and that this was to spare him from being committed to institution because of his conditions. The fight turned into more of an argument and dialogue between the two inside the vehicle. (Her son) still had access to his phone, so he tried to call his mother, but the call went directly to voicemail. When that didn’t work, he called his father … who lives in Texas.

Because of the stress of the moment and his conditions, (he) was not able to articulate exactly what was happening, but his father heard someone in the background talking to (his son) and he told (his son) to hang up and call 911.
(He) was able to get just outside of the vehicle and called 911. (He) was connected to a call taker for the Renton Police Department and in the 911 recordings, a male voice can be heard in the background with (him). As (he) is on the phone with 911, the unknown male got into the vehicle and drove off.

(Leticia’s son) walked into an adjacent residential yard and hid in the bushes. (He) had a difficult time articulating the circumstances and his unknown location with the 911 call taker. As this was happening, other calls to the Renton Police Department were made to report a vehicle honking its horn at nearly 4:00 am and then a suspicious male hiding from vehicles in the bushes. Renton Police Officers responded and contacted (Leticia’s son), who was visibly upset and covered in blood. Due to the stress of the moment and his conditions, (he) had a difficult time trying to explain what happened to the officers. (He) was transported to the nearby Valley Medical Center but was subsequently not admitted to the hospital. Renton Police Officers made contact with (his father), who told him about the calls from the vehicle, but in the end no actions were taken to locate the suspect vehicle. (Leticia’s son) was driven home by an Uber, and upon arriving home called a friend to take him to his uncle’s home … As (he) told (his uncle) about the incident, in connection with the lack of communication with Leticia, (his uncle) contacted the King County Sheriff’s Office to report the incident and Leticia as a missing person.

On 04/02/2023, at 0649 hours, a little over 2 hours after (the) incident in Renton, personnel from the Seattle Fire Department responded to 904 Golf Dr S, in Seattle, for a vehicle fire. The vehicle, subsequently identified as Leticia’s 2016 Honda CRV … was fully engulfed in flames as it was parked on the side of the road. Once the fire was extinguished, the vehicle sat on the road until it was impounded by the Seattle Police Department on 04/04/2023 at about 0400 hours. During an initial examination by ATF Certified Fire Investigators, the fire appears to have been intentionally started in the passenger’s compartment of the vehicle with the use of an unknown accelerant and was not the result of an engine fire.

When investigators with the King County Sheriff’s Office learned that Leticia’s vehicle had been recovered burned in the City of Seattle, and since her last known location was also in the City of Seattle, the investigation was turned over to the Seattle Police Department (SPD) on 4/04/2023 at about 1100 hours. SPD Detective Conine was assigned as the primary investigator.

Based upon the totality of the circumstances of Leticia being an at-risk missing person, Detective Conine obtained exigent call detail records (CDR’s) for Leticia’s phone … from her mobile carrier T-Mobile. Leticia’s CDR’s indicated that both before the Mariners’ game, on 3/31/2023 around 1704 hours, and the next day, on 4/01/2023 at about 0616 hours, Leticia’s phone connected to the number of 509-xxx-xxxx. Records checks identified this number
as being associated with (the suspect). This phone number had been provided by (him) and listed in recent regional police reports. The WA DOL photo of (the suspect) was obtained, and the male depicted with Leticia at the Mariners’ game is consistent with the male depicted in (the suspect’s) DOL (and other social media) photos. (The suspect) is the registered owner of a tan 1999 Audi A6 …

Law enforcement records checks identified that on 4/04/2023, Costco reported a theft of 10k worth of jewelry from the location at 4401 4th Av S, Seattle. This is the same Costco that Leticia met (the suspect) at on 03-19-2023. The jewelry suspect was captured on security footage, and the suspect’s vehicle license was recorded. The suspect vehicle was identified as (his) 1999 Audi A6 … and the suspect depicted in the theft is consistent with (him), including wearing similar clothing as depicted in Leticia’s Mariners’ selfie.

On 4/05/2023 at 1557 hours, King County Superior Court Judge Aimee Sutton authorized an Order for Location Information, a Search Warrant for Records and a Non-Disclosure for Verizon Wireless for (the suspect’s) cellphone … On 4/05/2023 at 1831 hours, Verizon began providing location information for (his) phone, which identified him moving through the north end of Seattle. At about 1908 hours, (he) was contacted after entering the Costco at 1175 N 205th St, Shoreline, WA 98133. As SPD personnel was descending upon that location, based upon the information provided by Verizon, Captain Todd Miller of the King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) was inside the Costco working in uniform in an off-duty security capacity. Costco personnel, aware of the jewelry theft on 4/04/2023, recognized (the suspect) (who was wearing the same clothing from the theft incident) from images provided by the Seattle Costco. Captain Miller contacted (the suspect) inside the Costco and asked him to come to an office, which (he) agreed to do. SPD and other KCSO personnel contacted Captain Miller and (the suspect) was taken into custody by SPD officers. (He) was advised of his Miranda rights at the scene and initially told officers that he did not have a cellphone or vehicle with him at Costco. (He) was transported to SPD Headquarters, where he was placed in an interview room and readvised of his Miranda rights.

SPD officers located (his) tan 1999 Audi A6 … parked in the Costco parking lot. (He) had been in possession of the keys to his vehicle at the time of arrest and using those keys, and under the exigency of trying to locate Leticia, the closed trunk of (the suspect’s) vehicle was checked, but she was not located in the vehicle. (His) cellphone was observed in the vehicle, and in an effort to preserve the evidence on the phone, the cellphone was recovered from the vehicle as evidence. Verizon provided subsequent location data of the cellphone of 509-xxxxxxx that was consistent with the phone being recovered from (his) vehicle and being transported by the Seattle Police Department for evidence processing.

While at headquarters, (he) was interviewed by detectives. (He) stated that he had lived in Ellensburg for many years but had recently been staying with friends in Seattle. (He) confirmed that his cellphone number was 509-xxxxxxx, but (he) again denied that he had a vehicle or cellphone with him at Costco.

When asked about his activities and whereabouts during the last week, (he) stated he had gone to Ellensburg on Sunday the 2nd, but had otherwise been in the Seattle area. (He) was asked about attending any events or concerts in the last week and he stated he had not. (He) was wearing a Seattle Mariners wristband at the time of his arrest, but took the wristband off and hid it in his pocket before the interview. (He) was specifically asked multiple times if he had attended any Seattle Mariners games this year and he stated he had not. When asked about the wristband that he had been wearing, (he) stated that this had been given to him by his friend … (He) was then shown a photograph of Leticia and asked if he knew her. (He) initially stated that he had not seen her before, but then stated that he had seen her at Costco. (He) started to say her name and got out “Marti” before stopping and stated that he did not know her. When asked about the Costco meeting, he stated that someone had approached him and introduced themselves to him, but was not sure if it was her. (He) stated she kind of looks familiar but also looks

(He) was then shown the above depicted photograph of him and Leticia at the game. At this point (he) changed his story and admitted that he had been at the Mariners game this year, that he had been there with Leticia and that the wristband was given to him upon entering the Diamond Club at the game. When asked about information on Laticia, (he) stated that he doesn’t know where she is at and that she ran into some guy at the end of the game and left with her.

(he) then stated that the only thing that he remembers is that he wanted an attorney. At this point the direct interview … was stopped.

At the time of his contact, (he) was wearing a Seattle Mariners hat, black glasses, a Seattle Kraken sweatshirt, a light blue shirt, gray sweatpants, and multicolored athletic shoes. (he) had numerous visible injuries on his body, including many cuts and scrapes on his hands, including some (right thumb, right middle finger, left middle finger) that were covered by band-aids. (he) had cuts and scrapes on his face, arms and body and had bruises on his torso and arms. The marks on his body, including the cuts, scrapes and bruises, were in a healing state and appeared to be several days old, with the cuts and scrapes beginning to scab over. Initial photographs were taken by detectives of the injures as (his) clothing was recovered for evidence. While packaging (his) clothing as evidence, detectives observed apparent blood on the inside of (his) right shoe.

Next steps in the case would be a bail hearing and, if prosecutors make that decision, to file charges. Meantime, the victim’s whereabouts remain unknown, and police are still interested in tips – 206-233-5000. As has been discussed by commenters, many here remember Ms. Martinez-Cosman from her years of running the Cafe Rozella coffee shop in South Delridge.

54 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Here's what police say led them to suspect in Leticia Martinez-Cosman's disappearance"

  • onion April 7, 2023 (6:09 pm)

    Chilling. I’m grateful the son survived, although the terror and lasting trauma of his encounter with this man is unimaginable. If found guilty this man should never walk free again.

  • P April 7, 2023 (6:22 pm)

    Wow. This was a lot. I pray she is found safe. ❤️

  • Marc m April 7, 2023 (6:38 pm)


  • Mel April 7, 2023 (6:45 pm)

    Wow. This is all so sad and just mind boggling. Sounds like something straight off of dateline. 

  • LAdmiral April 7, 2023 (7:39 pm)

    Wow. I really hope that this family gets some resolution and that justice is served. WSB- anything on the possibility that this guy is also the recent prowler on our area?

  • Kate dlG April 7, 2023 (7:53 pm)

    I spent many many hours at Rozella in the early 2000s. She and her cafe were a bright light to WC back then, so positive and so embracing of everyone! Praying for her and her son. 

  • HS April 7, 2023 (7:53 pm)

    Are there any search efforts being mobilized? Public vigils? There’s an odd quietness. 

    • HS April 7, 2023 (9:46 pm)

      Weird that two different people can use the same handle on WSB.

  • WSeattleResident April 7, 2023 (7:57 pm)

    Has anyone been able to confirm or deny if the house he was prowling on 3/28 was the house of this missing person and potential homicide victim? If not, I would be very concerned with that fact he tried to gain entry into this home and what his intentions were if he was successful in gaining entry… just to steal from occupants? rob them? And/or murder the occupants of this home? Hope SPD is using this video as evidence to build their case against him whether it’s directly related to this missing person incident or not, it’s the same outfit as he was wearing at the game with her and shows a pattern of suspicious illegal behavior (attempted burglary which is a felony). Great work keeping us updated WSB and hope full justice is brought against those involved in this missing persons case, including those who were in the 2nd getaway vehicle after he had kidnapped her son. Stay safe, stay vigilant and look out for eachother out there and if you can it’s well worth investing in a one or more exterior home surveillance cameras, some very quality ones go for only $30 and only regular an outdoor outlet and wifi connection to use. Well worth the investment even if it’s not just a doorbell cam. 

    • WSB April 7, 2023 (10:08 pm)

      The person who sent that prowling report did not wish their name to be published but to my knowledge is no relation to the people in this case. That said, there is no reference in any of this to where Ms. Martinez-Cosman lives, so I don’t know if there’s any geographic proximity.

    • CAM April 7, 2023 (10:52 pm)

      I’m not sure what other people you’re referencing that could have been involved or that the narrative suggests were involved WSeattleResident. The party driving away after the son escaped during the phone call with 911 was the perpetrator. The same car was used to drive away as was used to bring the defendant to that location. There was no get away car. 

      • ACG April 8, 2023 (10:25 am)

        There was a WS resident that reported theft of items from their property a few days before Mariners game where the victim went missing.  They posted a photo of the burglar from their security camera. The photo of the gentlemen in the theft incident looks pretty identical to the gentleman in the Mariners selfie with the victim. If you scroll through the earlier WSB postings this week tracking the event, you’ll see links in the comments to the photos. 

        • WSB April 8, 2023 (11:27 am)

          For those wondering, there is absolutely no mention of this in the documentation for yesterday’s court appearance of the suspect in this case. Doesn’t mean it’s not on police’s radar but just to note, for those wondering. Regarding any other West Seattle links, the suspect who is in jail is described on the police report as having a “last known address” in Federal Way; the report/probable-cause document does not mention a residence address for the victim and her son. I mention this only because those who have zeroed in on the resemblance might wonder why this guy would turn up in a random Genesee Hill yard. If charges are filed next week, those documents may have additional details, although this one was pretty comprehensive for the early stage of the case – often these documents have fairly sparse narratives – TR

    • Nebulae April 8, 2023 (8:15 am)

      A person who worked with Gitchel recently confirmed that it was definitely him in the video, with zero doubt. The “waddle walk” is unmistakable, apparently. 

  • HS April 7, 2023 (8:03 pm)

    Reading this made me sick but I’m so grateful he was arrested.

  • Willow April 7, 2023 (8:03 pm)

    Thank you for providing this information, WSB. Leticia is a friend, and this is heartbreaking. 

  • Laura April 7, 2023 (8:10 pm)

    😱 OMG this is horrible!!! I so hope they are able to find her and, in the meantime, that her son is able to find some comfort in his family. Good juju headed to her and her family. 🤞🏻✨✨✨WSB – Would you be willing to add a warning about the content at the start? Thanks for considering it! 

    • WSB April 7, 2023 (9:26 pm)

      I already have one right before the narrative.

      • Laura April 7, 2023 (10:08 pm)

        Ah! I totally missed it! Thanks! 

  • Scubafrog April 7, 2023 (8:14 pm)

    What a nightmare.   My heart goes out to the Martinez-Cosman family, I hope for the best. 

  • KT April 7, 2023 (8:19 pm)

    Praying for her and her loved ones.  She is a kind person.

  • Lee April 7, 2023 (8:35 pm)

    Why is everything about this case so weird.  Doesn’t anyone else find it odd that there is not a whole lot of info on the search efforts?

    • CAM April 7, 2023 (10:49 pm)

      No. It is not at all uncommon for police to withhold information during an investigation to preserve that information for use in identifying a potential perpetrator after they are arrested. Releasing all known information to the media/public would remove the ability to determine if a person knows more about the alleged crime than a person who wasn’t involved. 

    • Mel April 8, 2023 (12:46 pm)

      The police have a lot more info than they’re telling the public. That allows them to try to solve the case without compromising any leads, evidence etc. 

  • Imcoveredinbees April 7, 2023 (9:07 pm)

    I saw elsewhere that they pinged his car going into a mountainous region in King County. 😭 my heart is broken for Leticia’s family and especially her son. I pray that he gets the help he needs to survive this trauma and receive care for ASD, etc. 

    • Vi April 7, 2023 (11:53 pm)

      if he went to Ellensburg like he claimed he would have passed through the cascades/snoqualmie pass. 

  • Lee April 7, 2023 (9:27 pm)

    Documents from the arrested suspect’s open unlawful detainer case out of Kittitas County Superior Court shed some light on what appear to be changes in his mental status over the last at least a year. He seems to either have started doing drugs at some point last year, or possibly had a psychotic break.

  • Insertname April 7, 2023 (9:36 pm)

    The transcript has a lot of darkness in it. This guy sounds like really bad news. Thanks for the update. A sad story. 

  • chica April 7, 2023 (10:09 pm)

    Sounds like suspect was busy with a lot of activities this last week.  Hard telling what he was up to prior to this last week.  Glad he’s caught. Hope he gets what he deserves.  

  • MCM April 7, 2023 (10:29 pm)

    Thank you for the update WSB! We have been thinking about her and now her son too. The whole story is super creepy. Good job to the police for finding and apprehending the assailant and putting a stop to his violent rampage. 

  • george April 7, 2023 (10:46 pm)

    Sad and hard to read. I too knew Leticia from the coffee shop days and on instagram. She was always so warm and fun. I worked on a project with her with the chamber. A big community supporter of White Center. I always felt like she had a lot on her plate but you’d not know it because she was always willing to help. I am hoping for peace for her family. Trying to hold hope.

    • MARK L UFKES April 10, 2023 (11:59 am)

      Thank you George for commenting.  I spent many hours at her lovely coffee shop over the years (Cafe Rozella) , and talked with her many, many times.  And her boy too. I am so sad that this has happened to anyone, but especially to her and her son.  There are some seriously sick individuals out among us.  Mark Ufkes 

  • Annie April 7, 2023 (10:57 pm)

    Sounds like the police are doing a great job. My heart breaks for the son, hoping there’s a chance his mom will be found alive. It’s really weird that the guy would go after the son. And, how does any criminal not know how cell phones can be tracked? It doesn’t seem like a planned situation with all of the evidence. 

    • Frog April 8, 2023 (11:48 am)

      We are occasionally reminded in blog comments that “police don’t prevent crime,” but cases like this make you wonder — if local politicians, and prosecutors, and police took property crime more seriously, maybe they wouldn’t need to solve a murder.  The perp in this case was not at all careful or brilliant, but he was definitely skilled and experienced, and it was evident to anyone who cared to look.  His criminal career flourished under the sense of impunity created by politicians and prosecutors, and progressive mythology about who criminals are.  We are meant to believe they are victims of capitalism trying to feed their children, but many if not most are sociopaths whose lives are marked in general by disregard for the rights of others.   Today it’s burglary and retail theft; tomorrow it’s theft and murder.  Disrupting the former could prevent the latter.

      • CAM April 8, 2023 (12:54 pm)

        No. All of that is completely inaccurate and inconsistent with all data available from any source. 

        • Hmmm April 10, 2023 (12:45 am)

          All data available from any source? Wow! That’s sounds totally convincing! With all possible sources, I would think you could provide even one, or at least a coherent specific disagreement.

          • CAM April 10, 2023 (10:32 pm)

            You want me to provide a reference to support my statement about Frog’s assertion which is entirely fictional, make believe, and lacking in evidence? Sure. I recommend any book on crime statistics. 

  • WSide April 8, 2023 (7:41 am)

    I don’t know if it’s appropriate to add, but I feel it’s necessary. When I read about her car being set on fire it seemed almost identical to the unsolved murder of Diana Davis in July of 2020. Ms Davis’s cell phone was last pinged around Lumen field on July 27th 2020 I believe. Her car was found on fire in Tacoma and 9 days later her body was found near Snoqualmie Pass. There were no leads, she was believed to have been going on a date ( to a baseball game?). The police had stated they found partial male dna on her remains. Both Ms. Martinez and Ms. Davis are women of color and both in their 50’s. Mr Gitchel’s phone was pinged somewhere in a mountainous region on April 2nd 2023, which is when he said he went to Ellensburg. Could Ms. Martinez be found around Snoqualmie Pass as well ?  This is truly horrifying and my thoughts are with the family.

    • JAB April 8, 2023 (11:22 am)

      Not only appropriate to add but possibly crucial. Some details are different, but if a link is made it may resolve Diana’s case as well. Something about this evil guy going to ‘mercy kill’ her son makes me think he knew her and him previously….and her text about an old boyfriend validates that. It wasn’t an initial meeting at Costco for them I dont think. Still horrendous and undeserved for the victim and her son.

      • HH April 8, 2023 (4:20 pm)

        It wasn’t her that sent the text about meeting up with an old boyfriend. The suspect sent the text using her phone to throw off the scent. A friend was with her at Costco when she met the suspect. I read elsewhere that they met when he didn’t have enough money to buy a hotdog. Not sure if she intervened. D that is how they met, but a friend witnessed the meeting.

    • emily April 8, 2023 (8:12 pm)

      I hadn’t heard of Diana Davis’ case prior to this comment– one article I read said they found partial DNA from a male among her remains. Hopefully they can test it against this horrible man.

  • Scarlett April 8, 2023 (10:09 am)

    One look at the ballpark photo is enough to set off the alarm bells.  The incongruity between his goofy smile and the squinting to conceal motives would be characteristic of a psychopath;  in contrast, her eyes are wide open and trusting.  From what it appears, this is a psychopath in the Ted Bundy or Gary Ridgway tradition.  This is as disturbing and depraved as it gets.   

  • Meech April 8, 2023 (10:18 am)

    My first thoughts were Diana Davis. I hope they look into this. 

  • Peach April 8, 2023 (10:40 am)

    Wondering if there could be any connection to the case of Diana Davis in 2020. She was found deceased after her car was set on fire in Tacoma. Age 50.  Still unsolved.

  • Peach April 8, 2023 (10:55 am)

    Wanted to add this article about Diana Davis case – published last year –  they discuss the possibility that Diana had met someone on a dating app.  Note the location of where her phone last pinged:  ““We found, through investigation, that her cell phone was last in Seattle, just outside Lumen Field, Mariner stadium, on July 27 at about 7:46 p.m.,” Nasworthy said. “And that’s the last known contact anybody had with her.””  The detective interviewed in that article says that Davis was known to be using dating apps to meet met.  Here is the article quoted:

  • miws April 8, 2023 (11:27 am)

    I would guess and hope that the Diana Davis case and its similarities to Leticia’s disappearance would be on the SPD Detectives’ radar, but, has anyone who’s mentioned it here called SPD in regards to that? 206-233-5000.  —Mike

  • KD April 8, 2023 (1:59 pm)

    I can’t get out of my head how many times I’ve seen that same guy image if not on WSB, then on Nextdoor multiple times in the past 2-3 years on people’s cams going through their yards trying their doors. Same face, same glasses, same height, etc. as the image posted this week in the West Seattle backyard that everyone is posting his same matching image as the day he was next to Leticia at the ballpark. I think he’s been very active in West Seattle for quite awhile. I think one occurrence involved him brandishing a gun? Does WSB know where in West Seattle he lives? What neighborhood? He’s got quite a record, and hope this is the end of him in society. True blessings of peace for all her family and friends. 

    • WSB April 8, 2023 (5:58 pm)

      Arrest reports have a box for “last known address” of the arrested person. His is in Federal Way.

      • HS April 8, 2023 (6:08 pm)

        He has an active eviction lawsuit against him in Ellensburg from January. I’m assuming that brought him back over this way . He’s not stable by any means. 

    • Nebulae April 9, 2023 (8:33 am)

      One of the charges the prosecutor mentioned yesterday was about having an unlicensed or unregistered firearm iirc. 

  • Elton April 8, 2023 (2:40 pm)

    Definitely a tragic story to read through. I struggle to understand people who can do terrible things like this – perhaps the suspect is a sociopath? My heart goes out to the victim’s family.

  • Just a thought April 8, 2023 (6:59 pm)

    WSB could there be a separate page on the Blog created to save and index photos from crime reports? I’ve read quite a few comments of people thinking that they recognize a prowler or a burglar from a previous crime report on the blog. If there was a photo file it would be easy to scroll through to review the older photos. Thank you for the great job you’re doing for West Seattle.

    • WSB April 8, 2023 (11:09 pm)

      Hi, you can scroll through all crime reports via the archive category:
      We tried also manually linking crime stories to the Crime Watch page (which has the SPD Tweets by Beat for West Seattle). Just couldn’t keep up. But the “crime” archive is what you’re looking for. Also accessible by clicking the “crime” link right under any crime story’s headline.

  • Erica April 10, 2023 (10:10 am)

    Leticia is such a kind and nonjudgmental person. I imagine she would buy someone a hotdog who didn’t have enough money. It is horrifying to think her kind nature may have caused her to cross paths with this POS. I am hoping to God she is found safe. Please God. 😢

Sorry, comment time is over.