205 sales are now registered for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2023 on Saturday, May 13th. Whether you’ll be a seller or a shopper that day, you might be interested in what we’re seeing as we review the listings received so far:
-Sales in 20+ neighborhoods (plus areas of West Seattle that don’t have specific neighborhood names)
-Two sites with free pianos
-Two sites promising “good vibes” as well as merchandise
-Two “purges”
-Plant sales
-Glass, metal, framed art
-Indoor and outdoor furniture
-Appliances include a swamp cooler and air conditioner
-Tons of toys and other kid stuff
-Various types of tools
-Many sizes of clothing and shoes
That’s just part of it! Sale descriptions will be included with the (searchable) online and printable map/list versions, both available one week in advance, by Saturday, May 6th, here on WSB and at westseattlegaragesale.com. Sales will be numbered as always so sellers can invite friends, family, and co-workers to “sale #xx.” If you’re thinking of having a sale, you have until Thursday, April 27th, to sign up – here’s where to go when you’re ready. Have your sale description ready, up to 20 words, including anything unusual you’re selling and any hours you plan to be open beyond the basic 9 am-3 pm WSCGSD window – thank you!
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