(Photo by Rosalie Miller – underside of Fauntleroy Park leaf with map fungus; click here to see topside)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, here’s what’s ahead for the rest of today/tonight:
BLACK HISTORY MONTH PRESENTATION: 1 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon), Carol-Ann Sharp Thornton tells her story as “A Child of Color Reflecting on West Seattle History.” Our calendar listing explains how to RSVP.
WEST SEATTLE UKULELE PLAYERS: All levels welcome, weekly 1 pm gathering. Email westseattleukuleleplayers@gmail.com to see where you’ll find them playing today.
THURSDAY FOOD-TRUCK POP-UP: 4-8 pm at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW), the Zaytoona Mediterranean-food truck will be visiting.
HIGHLAND PARK RUN CLUB: Also at HP Corner Store, meet up at 6:30 pm Thursdays for a ~3-mile run.
MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE @ PATHFINDER K-8: Prospective middle-school families are invited to visit Pathfinder K-8 at 5:45 pm today. (1901 SW Genesee)
SW PRECINCT CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Hear from and talk with police, plus special guest Tom Van Bronkhorst from the city Unified Care Team to talk about the 1st Avenue South encampment, 7 pm at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster), in-person or online (see our calendar listing for video/phone attendance info).
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: 7 pm in-person at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds) and online (info here), with guests invited from SPD and Parks.
‘AN ENDLESS SHIFT’: The one-woman play at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) is in its its final week, 7:30 pm. Get your ticket(s) here.
If you have something to add to our calendar, please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!