PROPERTY TAX: King County Assessor says this year’s bills are ready

If you own a house and/or other property in King County, you can now see your property-tax bill for this year. The King County Assessor is sending out 2023 bills starting today, but you don’t have to wait for yours to arrive in the mail – you can look it up right now online via If you pay your tax bundled with your mortgage, you won’t get a paper statement, but you can still see the new amount online. The assessor’s website also enables you to see how the tax you pay is split between various agencies – though the bill comes from King County, the money goes to a variety of entities. A few other notes from the announcement:

Because of the way the calendar falls this year, property taxpayers will have an extra day to pay the first half of their property taxes. The statutory due date for the first half falls on a Sunday in 2023, so payments will not be due until Monday, May 1. Payments are accepted online, by mail, and by drop box. Visit for details on payment options. Customer service representatives are also available to assist Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact King County Treasury Operations at 206-263-2890 or email

Information on tax exemption and deferral programs for seniors, people with disabilities, or other qualifying conditions can be obtained from the King County Assessor’s Office at, by emailing, or calling 206-296-3920.

SIDE NOTE: The Legislature has been looking at expanding tax relief, and Assessor John Wilson has been advocating for it. Both proposals are still in committee.

28 Replies to "PROPERTY TAX: King County Assessor says this year's bills are ready"

  • Graciano February 14, 2023 (2:24 pm)

    Sticker shock, Sure glad the voters keep saying YES on these ballots. Affordable housing, like the seniors say, taxed out of my house. :(

  • WSCurmudgeon February 14, 2023 (2:41 pm)

    I can’t wait; sock it to me! 🤦‍♂️

  • Ex-Westwood Resident February 14, 2023 (2:55 pm)

    My property taxes have increased $900.00 since 2020.

     And I have not seen ANY improvement in the services that my taxes pay for. In fact, the performance of what the majority of the taxes go toward, have seen a markedly decline!!!

    • Roms February 14, 2023 (8:15 pm)

      The performance of the tax assessor has not decreased! They’re doing a great job. That’s at least one thing you’re taxes are well used for…

  • HS February 14, 2023 (3:03 pm)

    I freaked out reading comments so checked mine. My home received an annual increase of $133.05 despite home value increasing significantly. Much less than some rent increases I’ve heard friends share. To add perspective, a friend received an $800/month rent increase this year on a townhouse their family has been renting for 4 years. Their previous rent was $400 under market rental comparables (as it’s part of my work, I checked). It doesn’t make property taxes any easier to swallow though, especially when still paying mortgages.

  • KWest Seattle February 14, 2023 (3:47 pm)

    I have such an issue with the property tax situation. It is absolute usury. My issue is philosophical, but also very financially real. I may or may not agree with all the bonds passed by voters, but could pay them if they were based on a reasonable valuation.  I bought a home years ago at a price I could (barely) afford. Now the county is making me pay taxes on a value I could never afford. 

    • wscommuter February 14, 2023 (5:26 pm)

      I understand not enjoying taxes going up.  But our houses are all going up in value.  When we sell, we reap that profit.  I don’t understand the complaining about increases in tax while we own our ever-increasingly valuable homes.  Just the cost of doing business in a society where we need to pitch in for the common good.   But god forbid  were we to amend the state constitution and allow for an income tax … I’m just guessing here, but I suspect many of the critics posting here about property taxes would howl at that idea.   

      • Canton February 15, 2023 (8:18 am)

        Is your home paid off? If not, it’s just a residable credit card…

  • waikikigirl February 14, 2023 (4:10 pm)

    Just looked…UGH…ours increased $1023.00 from last years, WOW really! 

  • Scarlett February 14, 2023 (4:45 pm)

    Cry me a river. Property tax increases are a pittance compared to the appreciation homeowners have enjoyed over the years.   Renters simply suck up the rent increases with no commensurate equity.   Homeowners can write off property taxes, mortgage interest and capital improvements to the house, and generally walk away without paying a dime in capital gains if they decide to sell.   Seriously, how much more do you entitled homeowners think you deserve?    

    • Auntie February 14, 2023 (9:27 pm)

      As a retiree, I cannot write off any of the things you mention as I only qualify for the standard deduction – itemizing would cost me money in the long run. And as for the increased value of my home, the only way for me to take advantage of that would be to sell it. I have lived in Seattle my entire life and don’t want to “move somewhere else” as someone suggested. I just want to be able to afford to continue to live in the home that I worked hard for. My social security increase doesn’t come close to covering the increase in my property taxes this year, let alone increases in costs of groceries and other everyday necessities. So, call me entitled, but I feel like after 50 years of hard work, I’m entitled to live here and be able to afford to feed myself and pay my bills.

    • CNC February 14, 2023 (10:06 pm)

      Sure, homeowners wish they can write off the entire amount of property tax and general sales tax for deduction in Sch. A, before the last federal tax reform but we are limited to SALT deduction Limit to $10,000 until 2025 and no Personal Exemptions either.  Thanks for your careless comment.

      • Scarlett February 15, 2023 (8:29 am)

        Eliminating the personal exemption is only worth $4K and the 10K state/local taxes deduction cap is still very generous.  Give me a break. 

    • CarDriver February 15, 2023 (6:14 am)

      Scarlett. EVERYONE that owns a home is  “rich and entitled”?  That comment speaks volumes about YOUR entitlement. Please tell us where you live.

    • CNC February 15, 2023 (10:40 am)

      Scarlett, my guess is that you are very bitter toward home owners in King County either because you are still renting or you’ve had an unfortunate financial situation where your real property was foreclosed by bank.  If that is the case, I understand.  Also, you must be a single person w/o any dependent taking Standard Deduction instead of Itemized on your tax return.

  • Josh February 14, 2023 (5:57 pm)

    Sounds like a lot of the people in here would prefer we have a state income tax, especially the retired people. Here’s an idea if you are on a fixed retirement income and can not afford to live in a place where you never had to pay income tax. Sell your house and move somewhere that does not rely on property and sales tax to provide government services. 

    • John February 14, 2023 (9:29 pm)

      I have moved. And I just shake my head thinking about all of the excessive taxes paid in Seattle and King County. I sure don’t miss light rail taxes either.But all of these commentators supporting a state income tax thinking any of the other taxes would be reduced as a result are just dreaming.

      • Jort February 15, 2023 (11:16 am)

        Do you mind letting us know where you moved to, so that we can go to that city’s comment sections and complain about where you live?

        • John February 15, 2023 (10:12 pm)

          Sorry Jort, it’s too far for you to reach on your bicycle.We drive cars, and pay tiny fees for our tab renewals.

    • Canton February 15, 2023 (8:21 am)

      So you are all for gentrification?…

  • TJ February 14, 2023 (6:44 pm)

    You know this city has gotten to a strange place when homeowners are referred to “entiltled” to some people. Look up the tax revenue Seattle has brought in. Over 30% more in 2022 than 6 years ago. Spending is not sustainable, income tax or not. What renters should have a issue with is the lack of condos being built. It seems that the vast majority of all these boxes that have been built are apartments. You know, where someone else is reaping the benefit of people paying rent. The lack of common sense around here is appalling when people want so much new housing in a already built up city not caring it is all going in someone elses pockets in rent 

    • Reed February 16, 2023 (4:28 am)

      What are they doing in Scottsdale? Sounds like housing availability/affordability is a crisis there. All the first responders (fire fighters and police) that you conservatives drool over and”back” can’t afford to live there, and it’s having real impacts on the city. “At some point, when services decline and taxes must go up to pay for higher salaries, Scottsdale will have to re-examine our housing priorities. Fixing the problem is a matter of political will.” – Scottsdale Councilmember Tammy Caputi. Sounds like you left Seattle for the conservative utopia of Arizona only to see the same problems.

  • sna February 14, 2023 (8:26 pm)

    Up 10% over last year.

    • Del February 14, 2023 (11:03 pm)


  • Joe Z February 14, 2023 (8:54 pm)

    Wow, a $850 decrease. What a deal! 

  • CNC February 14, 2023 (9:37 pm)

    My property tax increase by $4,200 from last year!  Yikes!

  • Mel February 15, 2023 (7:35 am)

    Totally agree with the poster who said they could barely get into the house when they did. We bought our house in 2013 and it was a real stretch and sacrifice then. There is no way we could afford to buy here today. And we are not planning on moving and enjoying the money made off the sale of our house. We will likely be here through retirement 20+ years from now. What are we getting for these increased taxes? I’m unimpressed with the schools (where most of the money seems to be going), getting less police services etc. 

    • Roms February 15, 2023 (2:19 pm)

      You’re getting a well performing tax assessor office.

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