VETERANS DAY: Pack 282 assists with West Seattle Junction flags

The Stars and Stripes again graced The Junction today for Veterans Day. Thanks to Margaret for the photos – she reports:

Cub Scout Pack 282 set up the flags in honor of Veterans Day at the Alaska Junction with the American Legion.

Above, Josie, proud Army granddaughter, unfurls a Flag to honor her grandparents.

Volunteers removed the flags before nightfall.

2 Replies to "VETERANS DAY: Pack 282 assists with West Seattle Junction flags"

  • Gatewood November 11, 2022 (7:07 pm)

    I drove through the Junction today.  So nice to see the flags to honor our veteran’s.

  • StupidInSeattle November 11, 2022 (8:55 pm)

    I saw the kids out this morning putting up the flags.  So grateful to see these children taught to value the Veterans of our Military and to honor the country they served to protect.

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