WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE: SDOT expects to announce reopening date Thursday

(One of the worker access points on the westbound side)

We’re just back from a visit to the 29-months-closed West Seattle Bridge as repair work gets closer to completion. One headline from our conversations there with reps from SDOT and contractor Kraemer North America: If all goes well, SDOT expects to announce the bridge reopening date this Thursday (August 11th). As bridge project director Heather Marx had reiterated to us just last week – and she repeated it today – they remain on target to reopen “the week of September 12th,” and they had long said they’d provide a specific date with 30 days’ notice. But there’s a lot still to be done, and especially in light of concrete drivers’ recent contract vote, Marx says they will remain nervous until the last concrete pour – and several more remain. We’re working on a full report for tonight with everything we saw and heard on the bridge, but one notable part of the work that was happening today – they’re putting an extra overlay on the “Nucor curve” of the bridge’s westernmost stretch, microsilica – topped by grooving – to try to reduce that stretch’s conducivity to crashes in wet weather. Current work also involves signage – some new ones are already in view, and they’re not exact replicas of the old ones. More later.

45 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE: SDOT expects to announce reopening date Thursday"

  • asdf August 9, 2022 (2:09 pm)

    Pleeeeeeease dear God

  • Lisa August 9, 2022 (2:16 pm)

    Why announce a reopening date when you’re still nervous about whether it will happen or not? Seems like they’re just crossing their fingers and hoping for the best to placate people until… they have to deliver bad news.

  • bill August 9, 2022 (2:17 pm)

     try to reduce that stretch’s conducivity to crashes in wet weather”. Nope, it won’t. Fools will just drive faster and take out more of the sane drivers.

  • Waiting to Exhale August 9, 2022 (2:20 pm)

    Thank you West Seattle Blog. We’re all looking forward to your full report tonight AND to Thursday’s anticipated announcement! 

  • KA August 9, 2022 (2:35 pm)

    Great update, thank you!

  • IheartBPP August 9, 2022 (2:38 pm)

    I am so sick and tired of the, “oh, we’re announcing that we’re going to tell you something that we already know but we wont’t tell you until a random time that we choose to tell you” updates from SDOT.   They already know, just tell us!  One more reason to clean house at the whole agency when this is done.  

    • Lisa August 9, 2022 (3:57 pm)

      @IheartBPP – thank you so much for the laugh. I literally LOL’d.

    • Gregn August 9, 2022 (4:58 pm)

      You haven’t run many construction projects, have you? there can always be curve balls. when youre further out you can absorb those in to your schedule. when youre coming right up to the deadline theres less room to deal with problems that can and will arise. Setting a date of “week of 9/12” and saying they will confirm the specific day once we’re within 30 days of it, and still remaining nervous after that is simply a sign that they understand how construction projects work.  

    • Scott August 10, 2022 (9:21 am)

      And replace them with with whom?   Who is on your short list?

  • Mark P August 9, 2022 (3:28 pm)

    Any word if the bus ramp coming from Avalon onto the eastbound bridge is going to be resurfaced? During wet weather the area gets super flooded due to the poor drainage and poor condition of the concrete panels.

    • JTinWS August 9, 2022 (6:34 pm)

      Not sure if it’s the full stretch but I saw them digging up the concrete at the east end of the surface part of that lane, right before the ramp up to the bridge. Here’s hoping they redo the whole zone! It felt like it took a year off the bus’s life each time it traversed those potholes!

      • Mark P August 10, 2022 (9:32 am)

        Amen. Will be a huge missed opportunity if they don’t do the whole stretch.

    • asdf August 9, 2022 (9:36 pm)

      I’m pretty sure they’ve been doing that this week!

  • WSBiker August 9, 2022 (3:37 pm)

    I’d honestly be willing to wait a few months longer if it meant we could get some bike lanes on it.

    • Lucy August 9, 2022 (5:29 pm)

      LOL no. Use the low bridge.  

      • Lauren August 9, 2022 (9:21 pm)

        🙏🏽 amen. Use the lower bridge. 

      • WSBiker August 10, 2022 (10:04 am)

        Low bridge is deadly.

        • seaspades August 10, 2022 (2:27 pm)

          the high bridge would be deadly for me if I tried to bike it without an e-bike…

    • Anne August 9, 2022 (9:24 pm)


      • WSBiker August 10, 2022 (11:58 am)

        A little thing called climate change.

        • WSBiker August 10, 2022 (12:25 pm)

          Limousine liberals talk a good game, but in the end they are just the same as Republicans.

  • Jay August 9, 2022 (3:48 pm)

    I wonder if they’ll use reflective paint so the lane markings don’t disappear in the rain like they used to.

    • D Martin August 9, 2022 (5:18 pm)

      Or the “cat’s eyes” reflectors and those square or round bumps that some streets have. I was driving in parts of South King County recently, and was amazed on how better their lane markings are. Bothell still has those round bumps used for lane lines too. Bike lanes should atleast have something like that instead of a painted lines that a lot of people can’t see or don’t pay attention too.

  • Beto August 9, 2022 (3:50 pm)

    This being Seattle, I wouldn’t be surprised if the re-opening is delayed. I hope I’m wrong.

  • Azimuth August 9, 2022 (4:05 pm)

    Hopefully they remember to fix that hole in the photo

    • WSB August 9, 2022 (4:23 pm)

      There are many holes – entries, platform attachments – to be filled.

  • Jeepney August 9, 2022 (4:38 pm)

    If the concrete drivers try to hold West Seattle hostage at this critical junction, source the concrete from outside the area.  No time for foolishness and greed.

    • Zach August 9, 2022 (5:41 pm)

      Or the companies can sign a fair contract with the concrete drivers. No time for foolishness and corporate greed. 

    • Lagartija Nick August 9, 2022 (5:45 pm)

      Jeepney, in case you haven’t noticed, the drivers have been WORKING for months now without a contract. The “foolishness and greed” you speak of comes from the concrete companies who won’t offer a fair contract.

      • Jeepney August 10, 2022 (4:37 am)

        Hi Nick,I had noticed them working.  But like Heather Marx, I am nervous that the drivers might attempt an ill advised power play that would eliminate any sympathy the public may have for them.  This project is much bigger than what the drivers are seeking.

  • wetone August 9, 2022 (5:40 pm)

    Don’t worry ALL, because soon as bridge opens SDOT will most likely start working on Spokane st viaduct due to structures poor surface condition. If not it will be a dangerous roadway this winter with all its patch-worked surface fixes……

  • Ken August 9, 2022 (7:54 pm)

    Good Lord. Can the leadership get any worse? 🤔  They should do the news headlines; “There’s a murderer on the loose tonight, where he is currently and what he looks like, after this 10 minute break…”

  • 935 August 9, 2022 (8:21 pm)

    “visit to the 29-months-closed West Seattle Bridge“*

    * 2 YEARS – 5 months – FTFY

    • WSB August 9, 2022 (8:38 pm)

      29 months is accurate. So is the day count we use in the daily traffic watch. Suppose I could also total the hours.

      • asdf August 9, 2022 (9:37 pm)

        Minutes too please?

      • 935 August 10, 2022 (6:17 am)

        OR you could say ‘almost 2 & 1/2 years’

        Any way one verbalizes it – it’s ridiculous.

        • seaspades August 10, 2022 (2:29 pm)

          aka approaching 3 years

  • sw August 9, 2022 (8:57 pm)

    I can’t wait to hear all the complaints after the bridge opens. Geez, people…

    • WSBiker August 10, 2022 (1:33 pm)

      Like the climate arson it will inflict

  • Peter August 9, 2022 (10:24 pm)

    Any word from all the commenters who claimed they had some secret information that it wouldn’t be done until 2023? I’d like to hear their explanation for this. 

    • Jim August 10, 2022 (6:01 am)

      It’s not open yet

      • Peter August 10, 2022 (11:40 am)

        Why did those who claimed to have such information never share it with anyone else?

        • seaspades August 10, 2022 (2:30 pm)

          Why did no one in the Trump Administration step forward until after they wrote their book?  Same thing.

    • Derek August 10, 2022 (2:13 pm)

      LOL let’s see if it opens in 2022 first before casting aspersions. 

  • John Staczek August 10, 2022 (1:29 pm)

    I’ll believe it when I see it.

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