Comments on: FOLLOWUP: Delridge sexual-assault suspect charged in two attacks, described as escaped felon West Seattle news, 24/7 Sat, 27 Aug 2022 21:50:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: anonyme Sat, 27 Aug 2022 21:50:23 +0000 In reply to WSCurmudgeon.

Your comments are the typical minimizing type of rhetoric usually heard from sex offenders themselves, but all too often from their enablers.  And your definition of many of the responses as “highly emotional” is a common sexist dog whistle used to deny, diminish, or stereotype female responses.  It is reasonable to assume based on your characterizations that you have never been raped; if you had, you might be aware that hypervigilance is just one of the lifelong symptoms suffered by victims of rape, and this is not only useful but essential to the understanding and resolution you reference.  I cannot understand why you would believe that denial is a useful tool in addressing this all-too-common crime; there is no “conclusion”.  Nor can I find a comment where anyone claimed that the lives of the victims were “irredeemable”; they may have justifiably claimed ‘irreparable’ damage and you’ve just confused your words.  On the other hand, ‘irredeemable’ might reasonably describe the individuals who commit these crimes, and decades of studies do support that conclusion.

By: Words matter Sat, 27 Aug 2022 20:12:00 +0000 There are so many crimes against women, sexual and otherwise, that aren’t ever reported and justice never served. It would probably be disturbing to know how many out of every 5 women experience sexual (or other) abuse, rape, abduction, or narrowly escapes one of these situations. Some women may experience all of these mistreatments within their life. As we feel for and help these victims, may we keep in mind the larger collection of victims out there, who are also wounded, and needing care. And thank you to all men who are respectful, caring, and protecting of women in our communities.

By: CAM Fri, 26 Aug 2022 22:43:55 +0000 In reply to WSCurmudgeon.

Wholeheartedly agree. 

By: CAM Fri, 26 Aug 2022 22:42:29 +0000 In reply to Eric1.

Eric1- The misogyny inherent in your response and the utter lack of awareness of how you are actually harming women and girls with your need to soothe your male ego is disgusting. I don’t need a daughter to be aware of the problems you create with your statements. And I don’t need a daughter to know the damage created by all forms of violence, including sexual aggression in all forms. Women need respect not a return to the days of being kept like property to be defended when male egos are injured. 

By: Mila Fri, 26 Aug 2022 20:29:53 +0000 In reply to Melissa.

Why did they keep him at a halfway house. Does the judge get in trouble for this.

By: Jethro Marx Fri, 26 Aug 2022 20:04:24 +0000 In reply to Eric1.

Your bluster and chest-pounding about how much you love violence as long as it’s, you know, the right kind is not making you sound brave. Or, really, like a very good Dad.  Daughters need to be loved; none of them need the threats of violence or tired jokes about shotguns and boyfriends. We don’t allow the meting out of cruel and unusual punishment for quite good reasons.  You start out beating up rapists and pretty soon you have mass graves and paranoia.  But now we’re talking about dictators again, what?

By: WestSeattleBadTakes Fri, 26 Aug 2022 17:15:00 +0000 In reply to anonyme.

“You people” referring to the people with moronic takes.

”You wonder why we have these problems” because people with moronic takes, stemming from their inability to properly diagnose societal problems and discuss solutions, are actively working against our ability to resolve these societal problems. How you might ask? By suggesting anyone showing an ounce of nuance is a rape apologist or sexist.

I am sure you will cling to your statements without any self-reflection. If you are actually serious about rooting this out from our society though, maybe you’ll reconsider.

I’d laugh if the stakes weren’t so serious.

By: Audifans Fri, 26 Aug 2022 15:57:31 +0000 Excellent police work and citizen help. Police can’t stop a felon from raping at gun point (nor can anyone) but they can track them down. This is what the police are for, to go after these creeps.

By: anonyme Fri, 26 Aug 2022 13:12:26 +0000 In reply to WestSeattleBadTakes.

“You people.”  “And you wonder why we have these problems.”  The first comment is dismissively sexist, and the second is a rape apology.  Either it’s your commentary that’s lazy – or you fit into both categories.

By: Roger Simpson Fri, 26 Aug 2022 06:53:35 +0000 Youth was transferred to the group home in Ephrata because Naselle Youth Camp was closing down Sept 1 2022. Probably had no business being in such a minimal supervised facility. Being a counselor within this system you have no idea the criminal history of these kids before WA Courts assign them any lengthy many slaps on the wrist and alternative sentencing but they remain in the communities committing crimes and altering the lives of innocent people. yes there was a riot this past weekend at Echo Glen children center in Snoqualmie WA where law enforcement was called in to handle given the brevity of the situation.

By: Eric1 Fri, 26 Aug 2022 02:30:29 +0000 In reply to CAM.

LOL CAM. Vladimir only uses underhanded methods to pick on people, like this guy.  I am just saying he should get his due face to face with one of the dads when he is unable to defend himself (I don’t think Vlad is a face to face kind of guy).  If you are wondering why people don’t want him released, you don’t have a daughter do you? 

By: WSCurmudgeon Fri, 26 Aug 2022 00:33:57 +0000 It is always best to read the WSB’s coverage of a story and not engage in speculation, rumor and innuendo. 

The highly emotional responses to crime stories are understandable, and not useful to understanding and resolving the situation. 

In responses to this article, it seems especially important not to suggest that the lives of the two young victims are irredeemably damaged. 

This conclusion is obviously unknowable now.   It is possibly detrimental to the victims or their families and friends who may read the article.

By: CAM Fri, 26 Aug 2022 00:27:58 +0000 In reply to Eric1.

Eric1- Sounds like you would be a big proponent of Vladimir Putin’s government and it’s tactics. What would your objection be to the state releasing him? 

By: Odd son Thu, 25 Aug 2022 23:48:54 +0000 We need more serious sentences for juveniles and adults or there will be no end to these crimes.

By: Eric1 Thu, 25 Aug 2022 23:30:17 +0000 In reply to wscommuter.

15-20 years seems awfully short considering that the Washington criminal’s justice system would give Vladimir Putin time off for good behavior. A 30 year old sex offender can still re-offend.  Might I suggest that 60 minutes in a windowless, soundproof room with the father of the 16YO is more appropriate. Hand and ankle cuffs for perp and a dull butter knife for the dad. That should fix any worries about the perp re-offending. A firearm to hold him at gun point during the process for a more realistic experience would be optional.  
