Four days until the return of the West Seattle 4th of July Kids’ Parade, which starts at 10 am Monday, from 44th/Sunset in North Admiral – just show up and you’re in, all human-powered except Seattle Fire Engine 29 and the famous “neighborhood blue truck” leading off the parade. The parade winds along a few neighborhood blocks, then crosses California SW to Hamilton Viewpoint Park, where kids’ activities, sack races, and treats await. We asked parade co-organizer Nicole Lutomski for updates on the plan:
*National Anthem will be sung by Sloane Pothier from the West Seattle School of Rock
*Kids activities will be hosted at Hamilton Viewpoint by neighborhood businesses and parade sponsors
*Sack races will be held in these groups:
-3 & Under
-4-5 year olds
-6-7 year olds
-8 & Up
-“Last call” race, kids of all ages
Also at Hamilton Viewpoint, until noon, the All City Ice Cream Truck, All City Hot Dog Truck, and Home Bites will be there. Again, this all starts when the parade gets rolling at 44th and Sunset at 10 am Monday. (If you’re new and wonder what it’s like, we record video every year – here’s the 2019 parade – lots of bicycles, strollers, wagons …) Spectators along the route are welcome, too.