Comments on: City sweeps Rotary Viewpoint Park, West Seattle Stadium encampments West Seattle news, 24/7 Thu, 16 Jun 2022 02:59:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: WS Res Thu, 16 Jun 2022 02:59:19 +0000 Well as usual, sweeps proved to be totally effective and beneficial to both unhoused people and the community at large (item #2).

By: Compassionate solutions Sun, 12 Jun 2022 19:02:01 +0000 In reply to Lisa.

Appreciate your comments here, Lisa.  Well said.Just want to add, think it’s important to recognize that homelessness, and often drug abuse used for coping, has impacts on these individuals mental health.  It’s understandable for people living outdoors, and all that comes with that, to become mentally unstable.With compassionate solutions, connecting folks with accessible, safe housing and other basic resources, individuals can begin to heal, recover from addictions, and can have mental health improvements.

By: Lisa Sun, 12 Jun 2022 04:37:30 +0000 In reply to WSRes.

To be clear, the residents were  indeed offered shelter, and 3 out of 4 accepted the offer and left the park. However, you are incorrect when you say that the “shelter” includes “supportive services” because it does not. So folks with mental health issues and/or addiction have a high rate of failing in congregate shelters…either they aren’t comfortable there and leave, or their behavior gets them ejected; these folks need  more than a roof and a cot to break the cycle. 

By: SUE L. Sun, 12 Jun 2022 01:05:40 +0000 In reply to OneTimeCharley.


By: Sunuva Sat, 11 Jun 2022 21:52:52 +0000 In reply to Melissa.

Yes, well said. The lower classes in our society are so stressed because there is such an imbalance in this country and in our state tax system. So many problems that ‘we’ claim are too complex to solve because there isn’t enough money, but is that really true?

By: Sunuva Sat, 11 Jun 2022 21:47:11 +0000 In reply to Constance N..

If only this country and particularly our state didn’t have such a regressive tax system, where people who can afford to pay more actually do rather than relying on the middle and lower class to foot the bill. We as a society do need to contribute to help those in need, but the burden certainly should be shifted so that those who can afford to pay more, do.

By: Compassionate solutions Sat, 11 Jun 2022 18:07:08 +0000 In reply to OneTimeCharley.

Having compassion equates to living in ivory towers?  Not the folks repulsed, uncomfortable, and assumptively afraid by seeing other people living in poor conditions?

At some point in recent years past, it’s like the universe got stuck on opposite day, or something.

By: . Sat, 11 Jun 2022 08:32:30 +0000 In reply to Thank you SPD.

How can anyone possibly see another suffering and living in these conditions as selfish? Is not people of better circumstances casting judgement and hate onto those less fortunate reads a bit selfish?

Sure it would be nice to not see certain things in parks or on sidewalks, but we’re talking about people who do not have a home!

Arent there other places to walk, to recreate, to take your dog to do his business? Where else do these people have to go where they will be welcome?

Next Time you feel frustrated by unsightly neighbors camping where youd like to enjoy, maybe try feeling grateful you have a home to return to, and a shower, and a refrigerator with food, and easy access to laundry, and a car to drive wherever…

Be grateful, have a heart, please let these people have a place to be for a bit. 

By: B Fri, 10 Jun 2022 22:13:40 +0000 I took the time a while back to walk through the encampment and see if anyone was around to talk to, and just to see what it felt like being there. My criteria for most of this mess is around accessible and safe use of these public spaces for EVERYONE. But that means if a small group stake their claim and squat there, that’s not okay. This park was visited by and used by lots of people in West Seattle and visited by out of town visitors. When I went to the spot midday, it was just littered with trash, like somebody went nuts and ripped apart a hundred Styrofoam coolers. No visible used needles, but just a mess that nobody gave a sh-t about. I always wondered… there’s a huge green grass space that extends up the hill and is somewhat more hidden from street view. Why didn’t they start camping up there and leave the iconic park centerpiece alone? Because they dont care, or know how to care, about others who share a public space. All the attention is on them. They get to dictate whatever they want to once they form a gang of campers.  I’m not going to address “what else are they going to do?” but I will stick with my issue of public spaces being squatted on by people who have zero ambition to TRY to help themselves. I’m not going to argue mental illness because half of those you think are mentally ill are misdiagnosed (by this public forum) and are just drug addicts who appear to or have brought on mental illness via drug addiction. It’s not worth arguing about their issues because the loop closes with their own choice to refuse the minimal help we have to offer. When did we start debating the quality of service and housing options as if there is some higher standard that they MIGHT say yes to? “What if we gave them all a house?” We’re not negotiating with a group like it’s normal good faith bargaining. We are negotiating with a group that can forever say No, because they can. So clearing these camps from public spaces is just our way of saying No back. I’m okay with that. There is no solution for poverty. It’s inevitable in the American system we all choose. For there to be ultra wealthy, there must be ultra poor. But there are answers to drug addiction and mental illness that causes homelessness. The barriers we created as a compassionate city prevent their implementation. We should be proud of the laws we have passed in the past, but every law preventing treatment should be scrutinized and modernized….every year.

By: AlkiBeach Fri, 10 Jun 2022 21:49:04 +0000 I admit to being part of the problem…I would justify donating to the ‘rent-a-dog’ guy on the corner,  even falling for an ingenious scam downtown (on the sidewalk).  When 20+ years ago a beautiful homeless woman asked me to help her and her partner be able to ‘make love’ and it would only cost me 25 cents!  So, I and many others gathered around the ‘down and out’ couples location  We dug into our pockets and pulled out a quarter to help them out.  She thanked me and others willing to help.  She took our quarters and placed them on the sidewalk in what seemed to be a random location.  As she kept announcing, aloud, to the crowd that was forming around her, her need for others to also give help so she and her partner could ‘make love’.  As others gathered around, the sideshow must have compelled the continual stream of ‘newbies’ to give all the quarters they could… the women would gradually move the quarters to a different position…The buy-in for me was as others would get fed up with her changing the quarters’ position on the sidewalk, she would give them their quarters back…I remember thinking ‘how could this be a scam if she was willing and did give these people back their money.’  …as the quarters changed to minutes and minutes and minutes, the picture became clearer.   She had actually been spelling out the word L-O-V-E…only making it larger and larger as the quarters kept coming in.  That was so funny!!!   It was kind of like going back to school –  ‘Marketing 101’.  With that came my renewed empathy for the homeless population…after all, who was I to judge.Well, gone are the ‘cute’ and intelligent side shows; today’s (scratch that), this generation homeless population is all about stealing, drugs, and their true UNwillingness to “work” their way out of their rabbit holes.  I say that; knowing, that a generation has passed since my empathy for the homeless population had started.  To that end, I’m out!  I don’t want my tax dollars or even one-quarter of my money going to help the homeless population.  This includes building “Starbuck” designer-approved shelters or drug rehab centers.  The lone empathy I have left is for individuals dealing with mental illness.  Other than that, purchase them a one-way ticket to Bellevue, WA.  It’s their turn!!!

By: Bswans Fri, 10 Jun 2022 21:40:40 +0000 As far as I know, the Federal rule is that you need to have a place for them to go, to kick them out.   We can build a city in Iraq in about 2 weeks, let’s put up a city on the docks that aren’t being used on Harbor Island.   Have guy/gal/family places to sleep, laundry, mental health, food, security, job finding assistance, etc.   If someone doesn’t want to leave their tent and go to Harbor Island, eh, that’s their problem – a place was offered, they refused.  Move on….. Hell, back in the day, we would get hassled for putting up a tent off of I-90 heading to the Gorge for a show, never a damn thought about tossing a tent up on 2nd avenue.   Time to put a foot down.  Everyone wants to blame mental health and drugs, but, while true, are we just now finding out about mental health and drugs?  No.  

By: Bdawg Fri, 10 Jun 2022 19:05:50 +0000 In reply to Scubafrog.

And I won’t begrudge you your apparent illiteracy, since the comment clearly acknowledges mental illness and need for help.

By: James Fri, 10 Jun 2022 18:20:54 +0000 In reply to M.

Harrell was on council for over a decade. Come on. 

By: Boinsted Fri, 10 Jun 2022 17:35:26 +0000 In reply to flimflam.

CAMs perception that helping individuals who struggle making major life decisions for themselves is wrong – is the problem It is also unfair to those that truly need the help. These individuals should be given gov’t funded shelter, food, and clothing and shown a path to wellness. Leaving them out on their own is truly cruel. Now, after seeing the services that are available, they still wish to live on their own, we should provide them an environment where they still have nearby support. But doing nothing is not the answer. 

By: WSRes Fri, 10 Jun 2022 17:29:50 +0000 In reply to James.

@James – we don’t spend billions on police, stop spreading misinformation.Also every single one of these people had a place to go. Every single one had a shelter with support services waiting for them. Most of them either decline or they stay for one or two nights before moving back to the streets.I’m curious what your solution would be? They have services and shelter waiting for them but they refuse them. Should we just leave them in parks?
