DEVELOPMENT: Work under way at 3405 Harbor Avenue SW apartment-project site

The development site at Harbor/Avalon is being cleared, as work begins for the six-story, 114-unit building that’s been in the works for three years.

(Rendering by Atelier Drome Architecture)

This project now goes by the address 3405 Harbor Avenue SW (previously 3417) and is being developed by Housing Diversity Corporation with West Seattle-headquartered STS Construction (WSB sponsor) and Atelier Drome Architecture. HDC announced today that it’s closed a $25.7 million loan to finance the 3405 Harbor project, which is described as “91 attainably priced market-rate units as well as 23 rent-restricted units through Seattleā€™s Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) Program.” HDC, STS, and Atelier Drome are collaborating on a half-dozen other West Seattle projects, as noted on the HDC website, all projects we’ve been covering – 214 apartments at 1704 SW Roxbury, 96 apartments at 4448 California SW, 76 apartments at 9201 Delridge Way SW, 48 apartments at 6007 California SW. 39 townhouses at 2501 SW Orchard, and 24 apartments at 9038 21st SW.

Back to 3405 Harbor – documents in city files indicate the construction should last just over a year and a half, and that the Mandatory Housing Affordability fee paid for this project was just under a million dollars.

5 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: Work under way at 3405 Harbor Avenue SW apartment-project site"

  • CarDriver March 1, 2022 (4:46 pm)

    How much off-street parking? At commute times is there space left on busses by the time they get to Avalon & Spokane?

    • Reality March 1, 2022 (8:29 pm)

      Simple solution CarDriver.Add more bus capacity if needed.   Busses are far more efficient than cars.  There is plenty of unused capacity on Harbor Avenue towards Saltys.  Never a problem for even  multi car enthusiasts.  Street parking is still free, car ownership on the decline, why saddle future generations with Global destruction?  Put the onus on the people causing the problem, monetize all street parking.  If you want to own a car, don’t make everyone else pay your parking. 

      • John March 1, 2022 (9:51 pm)

        Buses are great if you work downtown.

        Less cars means less revenue for the RTA from license tab renewals.

  • CarDriver March 2, 2022 (11:18 am)

    Reality.  Actually i agree. Car drivers should pay their way. Don’t you agree that bus/light rail riders should also pay their way? Seems disingenuous to have mass transit tax cars to pay their way when they want fewer of them. Where then would they get their revenue.

  • Wseattleite March 2, 2022 (2:10 pm)

    Odd this vitriol against fully electric vehicles.

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