Four reader reports about thefts:
STOLEN PICKUP: That’s Joanne‘s white 1999 Chevy Silverado pickup with white rack over the bed, “stolen between 5:07 pm January 31 and 7:00 am February 1 from in front of our house near Madison Middle School. WA plate C01899A. Let us know if you see it, please.” And call 911. (UPDATE: Found.)
STOLEN BICYCLE: The photo and report are from Jeffrey:
Between Saturday night and 10 am 1/29/22 Sunday my Gary Fischer “Marin” mountain bike was stolen from my back yard, then walked out thru my neighbor’s yard. It was a well-used, XL frame, and would be hard to ride for anyone less than 6′ tall. It is orange, with stickers on it, and a custom seat.
STOLEN CATALYTIC CONVERTER: Brittany reports, “On Friday at the old Roxhill elementary school building across from the 76 and the Safeway on Roxbury, my catalytic converter was stolen from my Kia Soul, right in the parking lot at my school I work at.”
STOLEN CLOTHING: Drew reports that a box of “inventory from my new business venture” was stolen in a car break-in outside his home in Gatewood last Friday – a box unintentionally left in the car. In the box, about $2,500 worth of apparel, which he describes as “beach volleyball clothing (that) we just recently started selling online, so no one in the Seattle area has the clothing except for me (yet!). … Every piece of clothing has a “V” (for Voller) logo … The V logo on the clothing is in gold.” You can see here what the clothing looks like – the stolen items were shorts and T-shirts.