Tomorrow (Wednesday, February 9th) at 9:30 am, the City Council’s Economic Development, Technology, and City Light Committee, chaired by new Councilmember Sara Nelson, will devote its meeting to a roundtable of business owners and neighborhood leaders. The topic: Public-safety concerns and recommendations. Announced participants (as shown on the agenda) include two with businesses in West Seattle – Kamala Saxton of Marination and Dan Austin of Peel & Press – but the committee invites comment from others too. From the announcement circulated by business groups including the West Seattle Junction Association:
Councilmember Nelson has requested that business owners across the City take part in the public comment process to share their experiences as well. This is important as it has been far too long since a Councilmember has specifically asked to hear from businesses.
Provide public comment at the Wednesday, February 9th Meeting at 9:30 AM
Registration opens two hours prior to the meeting at 7:30 AM. Plan to go to the council website exactly two hours before the meeting to register online.
Send an Email:
Take a moment now and send an email to City Council and the Mayor.
Whether you are a business owner, property owner or an employee, it is more important than ever to share an experience you’ve had that articulates the need for an increased emphasis and new strategies to keep our city safe.
Contact your Councilmembers by emailing
Contact Mayor Bruce Harrell by emailing
Other members of the committee holding tomorrow’s roundtable include West Seattle/South Park Councilmember Lisa Herbold. Like all council meetings, this one will be streamed live via Seattle Channel, and available for viewing later.