West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
A grass-roots West Seattle holiday event was a winning activity again this year both for the winning teams and for the businesses and redidences that volunteered to be part of it. “Winter Wander” scavenger-hunt creator Alice Kuder organized it for a second year and calls it a “huge success.” She sent a wrapup report:
Last year, 12 teams played and sent in 198 selfies. This year, 24 teams took part and sent in 460 selfies and 6 social-media posts. 7 of the 24 teams solved all 25 clues.
The team of Rick & Morty (aka Steve and Charlie Bierman, above) won the $100 Grand Prize Gift Card, good at local businesses. I fully intend to make Winter Wander an annual event, and hopefully a West Seattle holiday tradition. Next year it will take place from December 2-11.
The 15 participating businesses were (in alphabetical order):
Ampersand Cafe on Alki
The Bridge
C & P Coffee
Cactus Alki Beach
Daystar Retirement Village
Fire Station #32
Fresh Flours Bakery
HeartBeet Organic Superfoods Cafe
(Small family, team Frosty Jingle Head)
Husky Deli
Mountain to Sound Outfitters
(Lars Gesing and Katelyn Moga Gesing, team ‘Go Gesings’)
Pegasus Book Exchange
Row House
Salvadorean Bakery and Restaurant
Sea Pines Physical Therapy
Seattle Auto LicensingThere were also 5 private homeowners who agreed to let us feature their holiday yard decorations as solutions to clues. (Much harder to find than businesses.)
Two more West Seattle displays to see …
That’s from a texter who says. “Magical ‘tunnel’ of Xmas lights to walk through at Hanford & Belvidere SW! What a way to lift one’s spirits!” (Here’s a map.)
And from Nicole in the 9200 block of 30th SW:
Nicole says her block has “lots of lights” this year, and sent the pics. (Here’s a map.)
We welcome tips without pics too – email westseattleblog@gmail.com – and to see what we’ve already spotlighted, see the list in our West Seattle Holiday Guide and/or our archive – thanks to everyone who’s contributed!
The city has announced the holiday plans for its vaccine clinics and testing sites in West Seattle (and elsewhere). The city-run West Seattle vaccine clinic at Neighborhood House High Point is closed until January 7th, according to today’s announcement, But the testing site at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex will stay open regular hours except for Christmas Day; the city says the Curative testing kiosks will stay open too – the online schedule for the one at Don Armeni Boat Ramp is open through Thursday this week, Monday-Thursday next week. Appointments are now recommended for all locations.
P.S. The website for independent West Seattle-based health-care service Pliable shows appointments open for West Seattle vaccine clinics on Sunday, December 26th, and Sunday, January 9th, both at Neighborhood House HP (6400 Sylvan Way SW).
(Sunday night’s sunset, photographed from Fauntleroy by Monty Hernandez)
Tomorrow at 7:59 am, winter arrives, and the sun starts its climb in the sky anew. This year, from morning to night, you have multiple ways to celebrate the winter solstice in West Seattle, including:
SOLSTICE SUNSET WATCH: 3:45-4:45 pm at Solstice Park (7400 Fauntleroy Way SW), Alice Enevoldsen‘s change-of-seasons sunset watch.
SOLSTICE CLEANSE: Join CleanupSEA for 11:30 am optional meditation at Cormorant Cove Park (3701 Beach Drive SW) followed by an Alki Point cleanup at noon, from Constellation Park (63rd/Beach Drive).
LANDLELIGHT LABYRINTH WALK & SOLSTICE SINGING: Hosted by the Westside UU Congregation at Myrtle Reservoir Park (35th/Myrtle), 5-9 pm labyrinth walking, with 7-8 pm service.
Full details on all of the above are atop the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide.
The information is from police reports we requested today, both from armed robberies on Saturday:
WESTWOOD VILLAGE ROBBERY: Police were called to the center at 11:22 am Saturday after people called 911 about one man pointing a gun at another. The victim told officers he went there for a transaction he had arranged via OfferUp, to sell “a pair of Jordan 1 low-top tennis shoes, size 10.5, for $300,” according to the police report. Two people showed up and looked at the shoes, still in the victim’s car, which the report notes also held “a pair of Jordan 1 high-top sneakers which (the victim) was not selling but valued at approximately $1,500.” The report continues, “The subjects displayed a roll of US dollar bills with a $100 displayed on the outside.” The victim said the money looked fake. Then one person shoved and hit him; the victim fought back, and a bystander jumped in to help. But while they were subduing that person, the other one “collected the pair of high-top sneakers and one of the low-top shoes and ran out of sight” – returning with a “black semi-automatic handgun with an extended magazine visible,” telling the victim he’d kill him if he didn’t let go of the other person. So he did, and that person “fled to the front passenger seat of a waiting 2006-2012 light blue Nissan Altima.” One person got some photos of the armed robber and the vehicle; those have been provided to police.
GAS-STATION ROBBERY: This holdup happened at 9:45 pm Saturday night at the gas station at 5445 Delridge Way SW. Police were told a man came into the store, walked to the counter, pointed “a black .45 handgun” at the clerk, and said, “Give me the money.” The clerk complied and was told to drop to the ground behind the counter; the robber then fled on foot, southbound on Delridge.
11:02 AM: Thanks to Tom for the photo. He and others have tipped us that a submarine is currently stopped off Manchester, across the water from West Seattle. So far there’s speculation thst it’s the damaged USS Connecticut, which was seen at Indian Island yesterday, after leaving San Diego on Wednesday. After colliding with an undersea mountain in October, the Connecticut underwent preliminary repairs in Guam. We’re checking with the Navy to see if they’ll confirm this is the submarine off Manchester.
12:25 PM: We haven’t heard back from the Navy but the report on The War Zone, linked above, was updated a short time ago with a Navy statement saying the Connecticut is still at Indian Island, so this may be another submarine (commenter Ethan suggests the USS Ohio) instead. Here’s another photo – this one’s from Carrie:
2:57 PM: Just heard from Lt. Cmdr. Ben Anderson, who confirms that the submarine seen off Manchester is indeed USS Ohio, not USS Connecticut: “Ohio-class guided missile submarine USS Ohio (SSGN 726) returned to its homeport of Naval Base Kitsap-Bremerton today, following a scheduled patrol in the Indo-Pacific.”
(Bonaparte’s Gull, photographed at Don Armeni Boat Ramp by Vincent Marx)
Now that the surprise snow seems to have moved on, time to look at the rest of the day:
DONATION DRIVE FOR CAMP SECOND CHANCE, LAST DAY: Canna West Seattle (5440 California SW; WSB sponsor) is collecting items including Christmas decorations for West Seattle’s only tiny-house encampment.
SANTA AT WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY (California/Fauntleroy; WSB sponsor) – 10 am-1 pm today, see Santa at the supermarket!
HOLIDAY MUSIC AT WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY (California/Fauntleroy; WSB sponsor) Also this week, live holiday music at the store, starting with Alex Baird, 10 am-1 pm today.
BONUS SHOPPING DAY: Thunder Road Guitars (6400 California SW; WSB sponsor) is usually closed Mondays but is open today for holiday shoppers, 10 am-6 pm.
PRE-HOLIDAY SALE: Today at Wyatt’s Jewelers (Westwood Village; WSB sponsor), 10 percent off fashion bracelets. Open 10 am-6 pm.
SHUG’S MINI POP-UP: Third of four days for the holiday pop-up with Baked Alaska, ice cream, more. Noon-4 pm at the future “mini” location of Shug’s Soda Fountain. Info here. (California/Charlestown)
TRIVIA X 3: Here are tonight’s three options – 7 pm at Best of Hands (35th/Webster), 7 pm at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7:30 pm at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW)
Something for our calendar/Holiday Guide? westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
8:29 AM: Thanks for all the tips. Yes, it’s snowing, just about everywhere! So far, forecasters say it’s not expected to stick. But as @WestSeaWx notes – and as we mentioned in today’s traffic/weather watch – we’re likely to see more later this week. For today, however, this was NOT in the forecast.
8:50 AM: Just in case you’re missing it, some tweeted video:
Snow in Gatewood at 200'! @NWSSeattle @westseattleblog @WestSeaWx pic.twitter.com/df5PQgwFIR
— Michelle Arnson (@MEGArnson) December 20, 2021
We’re around 300′ and still seeing snow mixed with the rain. Sea level may not be seeing it at all, though – we have at least one “snowless” report, from Alki.
9:15 AM: Just rain now.
9:36 AM: For the record – and remember that this is likely to change – here’s what the National Weather Service is forecasting for the next appearance(s) of snow:
THURSDAY NIGHT…Rain likely in the evening, then rain and snow after midnight. Lows in the mid to upper 30s.
FRIDAY…Rain and snow in the morning, then rain at times in the afternoon. Snow level near 500 feet. Highs in the lower 40s.
FRIDAY NIGHT…Rain at times in the evening, then rain and snow after midnight. Snow level near 500 feet. Lows in the lower to mid 30s.
CHRISTMAS DAY…Rain and snow. Snow level near sea level. Highs in the upper 30s.
SATURDAY NIGHT…Snow. Lows in the mid to upper 20s.
SUNDAY…Snow in the morning, then snow likely in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 30s.
11:50 AM: As commenters note – and as we’ve seen here too – the flurries have returned, off and on
6:03 AM Good morning!
Winter officially arrives Tuesday morning. Today’s forecast: Rain at times; high near 40. (Snow possible next weekend!)
-School’s out for winter break.
Metro is on its regular weekday schedule. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of trip cancellations. (Holiday plans: This Friday, Metro will be on a Sunday schedule; Christmas Day will be a regular Saturday schedule.)
Ferries and Water Taxi: WSF continues a two-boat schedule on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run. Check here for alerts/updates. The Water Taxi is on its regular schedule. (Holiday plans: No Water Taxi service Friday or Saturday.)
637th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are views of other bridges and routes:
Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)
The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):
South Park Bridge:
West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:
Highland Park Way/Holden:
The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):
Are movable bridges opening for vessels? The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed can tell you; 1st Ave. S. Bridge openings are also tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.
See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page.
Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.
Here’s our weekly update on local pandemic numbers and notes:
KING COUNTY CUMULATIVE NUMBERS (through Friday, since they’re not updated on weekends):
*179,394 cases – 2,946 more than one week ago (6,370 total in West Seattle, up 120)
*8,937 hospitalizations – 54 more than one week ago (262 total from West Seattle, up 3)
*2,136 people have died – 11 more than one week ago (76 total in West Seattle, unchanged)
80.9% of King County residents 5+ have completed their vaccine series – up 1% from one week ago
By West Seattle zip code – note that these numbers are still NOT available as 5+, so they reflect percentage of 12+ population:
98106 – 87.7% completed series, 33.2% had a booster dose too
98116 – 90.7% completed series, 43.2% had a booster dose too
98126 – 82.8% completed series, 37% had a booster dose too
98136 – 92.4% completed series, 47.5% had a booster dose too
98146 – 83% completed series, 30.1% had a booster dose too
(Find more COVID-related King County stats here.)
Omicron – Health authorities warned this week that case numbers are likely to rise rapidly as this new variant spreads. Public Health-Seattle King County also notes:
The severity of Omicron cases is still not clear. Most vaccinated people should be protected from severe infection, but we expect to see many more serious cases in unvaccinated people, as well as many milder breakthrough infections among the vaccinated.
Public Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin led a briefing on Friday – here’s the video, which starts with a briefing by researcher Dr. Trevor Bedford:
The PHSKC news release includes advice on staying safe.
J&J vaccine no longer recommended – If you are just now getting vaccinated, state and federal health officials are now recommending the two-dose Pfizer and Moderna vaccines over the one-dose J&J vaccine, although the latter will remain available. The concern about the J&J vaccine involves a side effect, which health officials nonetheless stress remains rare – 54 cases nationwide out of 14 million people who received that vaccine.
Lots of stats – For everyone interested in all the details, the state Health Department released these reports this week – cases among children/youth (here); cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by vaccination status (here); morbidity and mortality by race, ethnicity and spoken language (here); sequencing and variants in Washington State (here); Vaccine Breakthrough Surveillance and Case Information Resource (here).
The UW Medicine testing service in the Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex parking lot (2801 SW Thistle) continues to operate; you can make an appointment here. Meantime, the Curative testing kiosk at Don Armeni Boat Ramp (1222 Harbor SW) is also still operating, as is a Curative location at Summit Atlas (35th/Roxbury). In addition, both West Seattle Walgreens stores are offering drive-up testing (35th/Morgan and 16th/Roxbury) – more info here. (We’ll be checking this. week on holiday hours at the main test sites.)
Lots of questions this weekend about who’s open for Christmas Eve/Day dining. As we’ve replied, we used to make that list early, and then found out on the holiday that establishments had changed their plans since we checked. So we’re working on the list now. If you run a restaurant or coffee shop, please take a moment and let us know your plans – westseattleblog@gmail.com. What we have so far is in the CHRISTMAS EVE/DAY section of our West Seattle Holiday Guide. Also, we’re featuring last-minute shopping hours for local businesses in the SHOPPING SPOTLIGHTS section – thanks to those who’ve already sent their info – we’ll add whoever else we hear from, same email address! Christmas Eve hours in particular, but we’ll also note special days/times in the next four days, too.
Doubling up again tonight in case you’re going out to look at lights on this non-rainy night:
Lots of brightly lit apartment/condo balconies in West Seattle, particularly along Alki and Harbor Avenues. Josh sent photos/video of this one: “Awesome!! On Alki Ave & 56th.” [map] Note the video in the display:
In Gatewood, Yma‘s photo comes with a story:
Santa rides again! My favorite blow-up, Santa riding a polar bear, went kaput at the end of last December. I thought he was a goner – but family urged me to try & fix him. I ordered a new motor/blower, carefully did a replacement & voila! Come see him & his buddy Mariachi Santa at 4116 SW Portland [map].
Thanks again to everyone who’s contributed locations/photos (westseattleblog@gmail.com) – still time to get more in, as we hope to keep it going through New Year’s Eve – every place we’ve shown is archived here and listed in our Holiday Guide.
Thanks to Noelle for the tip! Seven months have passed since we first reported that an Xfinity (Comcast) store was planned for the heart of Westwood Village, and the company has finally put “coming soon” signage in the windows. After we noticed the early permit filings in May, a company spokesperson confirmed this would be one of their “standard retail stores.” We’ll be checking again on a projected opening date. Meantime, as we also reported in May, that section of WWV is still planned for a Pet Supplies Plus store – permits continue proceeding through the system.
Also at WWV, something new-but-not-entirely-new has resurfaced – America’s Best Contacts and Eyeglasses, which we noted was pursuing a space in that central building 2 1/2 years ago, now has permit filings for the “E” building to the west – in the space currently occupied by Chico’s, according to the site-plan document (we’ll be checking with that company tomorrow – that space hadn’t even been publicly listed for lease).
We’ve received multiple reports about this, and more are likely to see it since today’s sunshine is likely to bring out more beach walkers: A dead white-tailed deer is on the beach at Constellation Park, and it’s been reported to authorities. Deer sightings, dead or alive, are not common around here. Last deer report we had was in 2019, on Pigeon Point; in 2016, we chronicled weeks of sightings of a deer that WSB readers dubbed “Westley.”
11:06 AM: SFD is in the 8300 block of California SW for “a rope rescue response for a man on scaffolding about 20′ from the ground with minor injuries.”
11:17 AM: This is at a house that’s been undergoing remodeling for months. The rescued person will be taken to the hospital. California is full of emergency vehicles just north of Thistle; they should clear within 45 minutes, we’re told.
11:52 AM: All clear.
Thanks to Nicole for the tip and photo! Less than a week after we reported the Westwood Village post office’s drive-up/ride-up mailbox was damaged and out of commission, it’s been replaced. The new one arrived sometime since Friday, which is when we last checked to see if the old one had been removed yet. That’s a new record for replacement – earlier this year the outage lasted about three weeks; in 2015 and 2017-18, replacing the mailbox took about four months.
As noted on Saturday, the Holy Rosary School tree lot at 42nd/Dakota is now closed for the season. This morning, an update: “Free trees and garland behind Holy Rosary School, while supplies last.”
(Great Blue Heron photographed in the Junction area by Barbara Greenlee)
From our West Seattle Holiday Guide and year-round Event Calendar:
LOW-BRIDGE REMINDER: At approximately 9 am, 1 pm, and 5 pm, the West Seattle low bridge will close to surface traffic for up to half an hour while testing is done for upcoming repairs/rehabilitation. Metro plans to divert buses to the 1st Avenue S Bridge during the first two.
VACCINATIONS: 8:30 am-4:30 pm clinic at Neighborhood House High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW), hosted by Pliable. Update from our original story on this – everyone is welcome to walk-up, both adults and kids.
CHURCHES: Most are both streaming and holding in-person services. We’ve compiled this week’s links for 20+ West Seattle churches’ services. (P.S. We’re listing Christmas services in our Holiday Guide – send us the info if yours isn’t already there! – westseattleblog@gmail.com)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Along with food – holiday greenery! Shop 10 am-2 pm on California between Oregon and Alaska. Scroll down the page at this link to find the vendor list and map for this week. (The market is a WSB sponsor.)
SANTA AT THE MARKET: While you’re there today, get your DIY photo with Santa – presented by West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays!
SALE AT WYATT’S JEWELERS: The “6 Days of Giving” start today at Wyatt’s Jewelers (Westwood Village; WSB sponsor) – today, in store only, 10 percent off silver jewelry. Open 10 am-6 pm.
KINDIE WEST CONCERT SERIES: Eli Rosenblatt, 10:30 am, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW), kid music! Tickets/info here.
BONUS HOLIDAY SHOPPING @ THUNDER ROAD GUITARS: Extra shopping time at Thunder Road Guitars (6400 California SW; WSB sponsor) – they’re usually closed Sunday but today will be open 11 am to 4 pm.
FOOD & CLOTHING DRIVE: Alki UCC is accepting donations 11 am-3 pm. (6115 SW Hinds)
SHUG’S MINI POP-UP: Holiday pop-up with Baked Alaska, ice cream, more. Noon-4 pm, also pre-orderable. Info here. (California/Charlestown)
CLASSIC NOVELS & MOVIES CLUB DISCUSSES CHRISTMAS STORIES: 3 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor). Our calendar listing explains what the club’s discussing today.
‘WE’VE BATTLED MONSTERS BEFORE’: Fourth weekend concludes for the ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) musical, matinee at 3 pm. Tickets are available online. (4711 California SW)
‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE’ RADIO PLAY: Twelfth Night Productions‘ holiday show at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW) concludes its run with a 3 pm performance today. Our calendar listing has more info, including ticketing.
Got something for our Holiday Guide and/or year-round Event Calendar? westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
(Photo from HPIC town-hall presentation, building’s south side along SW Holden)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
How much? How soon? How big?
The answers to those questions will help shape the rebuilding plan for fire-damaged Highland Park Improvement Club, as discussed at HPIC’s second post-fire “town hall” online this past Wednesday.
They’re all intertwined – the size of the rebuilding project will determine how much it’ll cost and how soon the building – closed half a year already – will be able to reopen.
Award-winning Wittman Estes – led by a Highland Park couple – is on board as the architecture firm that will design the remodeled/repaired HPIC, both the building and grounds. Their presentation started Wednesday night’s discussion, with more than 30 people in attendance. (You can watch a recording of the meeting here.)
Continuing our double features – we have two TV-inspired displays tonight:
In Admiral, Don Rice is again presenting West Seattle’s own “Charlie Brown Christmas.” He sent the photo and message: “Charlie Brown and the gang are happy to be back for the 46th year at this location: 2128 47th SW.” (Here’s a map.) P.S. If you’re a fan of the annual special, tomorrow night’s the only time this season that it’s on over-the-air TV – 7:30 pm Sunday, PBS channel 9.
Also in North Admiral, a display for “Doctor Who“ fans:
The photos are from Alex – “Tardis and Daleks for Christmas. SW College St & 41st.” (Here’s a map.)
We’ll keep showcasing lights through New Year’s Eve – let us know what you have or what you see, location (with or without photo) – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you! Past spotlights are archived here and listed in our West Seattle Holiday Guide.
(SDOT camera image, 4:26 pm today)
Reminder, while we’re talking traffic – tomorrow (Sunday, December 19th) is the first of five Sundays that SDOT plans to close the low bridge to surface traffic for testing that’s required to get ready for next year’s repair/reinforcement work. The closures, lasting up to half an hour each, are scheduled at around 9 am, 1 pm, and 5 pm. Metro plans to reroute buses during the first two – here’s its advisory:
On Sunday, December 19, from 8:45 AM until 9:30 AM, and again from 12:45 PM until 1:30 PM, Metro routes 21, 50, 120, and the RapidRide C Line will be rerouted in both directions due to scheduled closures of the lower West Seattle Bridge in association with Seattle Department of Transportation’s Spokane St Swing Bridge Projects.
During these times, routes 21, 50, 120 and the RapidRide C Line will travel instead via the 1st Avenue South Bridge and may experience delays in transit service. While on this revised routing, routes 21, 50, and 120 will not serve the stops on SW Spokane St at SW Manning St, however the RapidRide C Line will not miss any of its regular stops.
Riders should also be prepared for brief travel delays around 5:00 PM during another bridge closure while SDOT crews take measurements.
The other four Sundays with testing closures are scheduled next month – January 9, 16, 23, and 30.
2:26 PM: A Seattle Fire “rescue extrication” response is headed to West Marginal/Andover [map] for what’s reported as a three-vehicle crash, “one overturned,” blocking the road both ways. Updates to come.
2:30 PM: The photo is from Bill Schrier, who says those are bystanders working to free the person(s) in the car even before emergency personnel arrived. Here’s a wider view he also sent:
2:35 PM: Firefighters just told dispatch the person has been extricated. (added) Bill reports one lane is open each way past the scene.
2:55 PM: The person will be taken to Harborview by private ambulance, which indicates their injuries are not life-threatened. Meantime, southbound WMW is blocked. Police are reported to be diverting that traffic to the low bridge.
3:28 PM: Officers have just told dispatch they’re opening the southbound lanes.
5:46 PM: Added a view of the scene from the other direction, sent by Eric Makus. Only additional information we have is from SFD, which says the person pulled from the car is male and was in stable condition when transported.
Earlier this week, on a rainy afternoon much like today’s, dozens of volunteers spent hours planting in the Seola Pond wetland [map], working with Arbor Heights resident Scott Dolfay, who’s been leading restoration efforts there for years.
This week, the volunteers included dozens of students and staff from Explorer West Middle School and The Bridge School (both WSB sponsors). Dolfay explains, “The planting was the culmination of previous work this year, beginning with site prep by Dirt Corps, funded by the King County Noxious Weed Control Program. When the restoration effort was started in 2017, 2 grants were received; one from The Washington Native Plant Society, the other from the King County Unincorporated Community Service Area Program. After a one-year hiatus, beginning in 2019, the KC Noxious Weed Control Program began to fund both site prep and native plant purchase. Additionally, volunteers have stepped up along with some local businesses.”
Dolfay is seeking another King County grant to keep the project going, adding that the community help has been invaluable: “As always, volunteers can stretch the budget. People have provided native plants from their yards, too.” As noted in our 2017 report, the site – along the Seattle/unincorporated King County line – is used as neighborhood open space, in addition to its official function as stormwater storage. It hosts wildlife, too – including the ducks we saw during the restoration work party: