Every holiday season, The Christmas People do their best to help people in need have a happy holiday – with your help. So far we’ve heard from them about two requests this season – first, for drivers:
The Christmas People need volunteer drivers to deliver meals to homeless shelters from Wed.,Dec.22 thru Sunday, Dec. 26 – 10:30 am, 3 pm, 4:30 pm, and 8:30 pm. Areas include West Seattle, Downtown Seattle, 116th Bellevue and CCS Kent. Must have dependable enclosed vehicle to hold insulated bags and/or food transfer boxes. Clean driving record, insurance and proof of vaccination. Need warm-hearted people able to bring joy and hope to marginalized and underserved populations. Contact Fred Hutchinson, 206-719-4979 or pialley@jps.net for time slot.
They also need thousands of homemade cookies again this year – just make plans to drop yours off 9 am-3 pm December 22-24 at West Seattle Coworking (6040 California SW). They’ll be going to area shelters along with 2,300 holiday meals. The Christmas People also need cookie sorters and receivers – same contact info as volunteer drivers, if you can help with that.