Seen from north-facing West Seattle, that’s snowy Mt. Baker, photographed by Jim Borrow. Winter is here and your options for the hours ahead include these, starting with solstice events:
SOLSTICE CLEANSE: Organized by CleanupSEA:
Come cleanse your mind and clean the environment on Winter Solstice! Meet at Constellation Park (Beach Drive & 63rd Ave SW) at 12:00 pm noon and we’ll fan out across Alki Point to clean the beach, streets, parks, and drains. Rain or shine. Pickers, gloves, hand rakes & bags provided. Families welcome! Bring a 5-gallon bucket or bag for trash collection if you have one.
Pre-clean warmup meditation at 11:30 am: If you’d like to join a solstice meditation beforehand, gather at Cormorant Cove (just south of Constellation Park at 3701 Beach Dr SW 98116). Weather permitting. Mats provided. Comment in your RSVP if you plan to join.
Can’t make it during this time? Take a moment on Dec 21 to reflect and get outside for a little pick-me-up.
Hope to see you there!
RSVPs requested but not required – go here.
SOLSTICE SUNSET WATCH WITH ALICE: 3:45-4:45 pm at Solstice Park, NASA Solar System Ambassador Alice Enevoldsen hosts her quarterly change-of-seasons sunset watch (regardless of whether the sun’s going to be visible; only heavy rain cancels). From Alice: “Please be vaccinated, masked, and distance from other attendees at this small outdoor public event!” (7400 Fauntleroy Way SW, uphill from the tennis courts)
CANDLELIGHT LABYRINTH WALK & SOLSTICE SINGING: Hosted by the Westside UU Congregation at Myrtle Reservoir Park (35th/Myrtle):
We pause as the path of the sun reverses, seemingly holding its place for a moment of turning. Let us delve into the gifts of darkness at the winter solstice. We follow curiosity and contemplation down into the cold earth, taking a journey to the world below the surface. Here we find acorns, cached by squirrels and chipmunks, perhaps to be food laid in store, or perhaps to become trees in the fullness of time. We find the burrows of hibernating animals, those who sleep and repair. We find seeds, including some that will not sprout unless they first wait through frost and ice. Life finds rest and renewal in the darkness.
Let this be a time of celebration. What joy can be found, let us hold it close, blow on its embers, and share its spark. We do not take for granted having come this far, and we give thanks for our companions on the journey.
Hosted by the Westside UU Congregation, come and move through the candlelight labyrinth, and share in song, word and ritual. This event is open to everyone, an opportunity for the whole community to mark the turning of the wheel, the season’s change. The labyrinth will be open from 5-9 pm and the service will be from 7-8 pm.
SOLSTICE MUSIC: 6 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way), live music with West Seattle’s own John Stephans Band.
Also happening today/tonight:
PRE-HOLIDAY SALE: Today at Wyatt’s Jewelers (Westwood Village; WSB sponsor), 10 percent off men’s jewelry. Open until 6 pm.
SHUG’S MINI POP-UP: Final day for the holiday pop-up with Baked Alaska, ice cream, more. Noon-4 pm at the future “mini” location of Shug’s Soda Fountain. Info here. (California/Charlestown)
EXTRA SHOPPING: Avalon Glassworks (2914 SW Avalon Way) is open noon-4 pm today.
LADY JAYE HOLIDAY BAZAAR: At Lady Jaye (4523 California SW) in The Junction:
We are hosting our 2nd Annual Holiday Meat Market Bazaar 4 pm-8 pm. Featuring Wagyu & Whiskey. We will be bringing in A5 wagyu beef from Japan as well as Full Blood Wagyu from Bothell WA. Super local! We will also have over 100 mini airplane bottles of some of our top whiskeys so people can try really cool whiskeys or use them as great stocking stuffers. We will be bringing back our wagyu smoked old fashioned cocktails to go too! The bar will be open, featuring cocktails by our very own Sara Rosales and we will be serving Smoked Wagyu Cheeseburgers off the smoker on the patio. A DJ Called Moon (Derek Moon) will be spinning on the back patio and you will also be able to grab specialty desserts by Sweet Nothings and More and specialty curated stocking stuffers from Keonii of Fleurt Boutique.
SANTA AT WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY (California/Fauntleroy; WSB sponsor) – 5:30-8:30 pm today, see Santa at the supermarket!
HOLIDAY MUSIC AT WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY (California/Fauntleroy; WSB sponsor) Also this week, live holiday music at the store, with Gary Benson 2:30-4:30 pm today and Alex Baird 5:30-8:30 pm.