DEVELOPMENT: 12-townhouse project for South Delridge

South Delridge continues to be West Seattle’s redevelopment hotspot. The newest project of note is a 12-townhouse plan for the 9400 block of 18th SW. Technically it’s listed as two projects – 9440 18th SW and 9444 18th SW [map] – but they’re next to each other, and the same project team is involved. 9440 18th SW is proposed with seven townhouses in one structure; 9444 18th SW is proposed with five townhouses in two structures. They’ll replace this century-old house:

(King County Assessor’s Office photo)

The architect for the townhouses is Scale Design NW. The project is in the Early Outreach for Design Review phase, so look for community comment opportunities to come.

18 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: 12-townhouse project for South Delridge"

  • StopCuttingDownTrees December 13, 2021 (5:37 pm)

    I feel sorry for the homeowners adjacent to this project who will soon have 3-story behemoths looming over their domiciles.

    • WSB December 14, 2021 (1:09 am)

      That’s lower than what they may have to the east eventually – that’s all commercial property zoned for 55′ to 65′.

    • Nick December 14, 2021 (1:50 pm)

      As a neighbor of a bunch of new, tall townhomes…you don’t need to feel bad for folks like me. I have a bunch of great new neighbors and my home equity has quadrupled.

  • Sam December 13, 2021 (6:42 pm)

    I can’t wait for anti-gentrification activists to gentrify the neighborhood!

    • Dani December 13, 2021 (9:14 pm)

      You are correct Sam, we will have high density, unaffordable homes that are ugly architectural 

  • Apotheosis December 13, 2021 (7:17 pm)

    Whats the status of the row house project at Orchard and Delridge?

    • Sam December 13, 2021 (9:45 pm)

      I too would like to know the status of both the 39 houses on Orchard proper but also the big project that was supposed to be just north of the gas station on delridge?

      • WSB December 14, 2021 (1:01 am)

        Hard to tell from the docs in the file. No new activity in 4+ months shown for 2051 Orchard. 2000-2050 Orchard sstil have to go back to Design Review; a draft packet was uploaded in May but another meeting hasn’t ensued. As for the site north of the gas station, without cross-referencing the address, I just recall one that’s long dead…

        • Apotheosis December 14, 2021 (1:28 pm)

          Thanks! I think the 2050 SW Orchard rowhouse project has been under design review since 2018 – wild!

  • HS December 13, 2021 (9:51 pm)

    Scale Design NW has some nice work. Thank you for providing the link to their site.

  • Toruń Dumic December 14, 2021 (9:51 am)

    Let’s hope the designers are using neutral colors that reflect the landscape.  

  • helpermonkey December 14, 2021 (10:30 am)

    Get rid of one house most buyers probably can’t afford, replace it with 12 houses most buyers definitely can’t afford. This density isn’t about affordability, don’t fool yourselves. This is greed, pure and simple. 

    • BDawg December 14, 2021 (11:50 am)

      Well said and absolutely correct. More people need to understand this “green washing” tactic! 

    • Whiner December 14, 2021 (12:36 pm)

      When did efficiently housing people become “greed, pure and simple?”  And who are the greedy ones?  –  The homeowner who sold for a huge profit, the developer who is risking all for a small return, the happy homebuyers who expect their nest-egg investment to continue its skyrocketing value, the nimby neighbors who expect everyone and everything to remain the same, good or bad?

      • helpermonkey December 14, 2021 (4:33 pm)

        when they cloak it under “affordable housing” as the reason for cramming too many homes onto a single lot, but then none of the houses even remotely fall into the definition of “affordable” that is the very definition of greed. They’re using the buzzwords, but that’s about it. Like Bdawg said – “greenwashing”. 

        • Whine December 15, 2021 (5:10 am)

          I might stand to be corrected, but this project is not under the cloak of affordable housing, a Seattle oxymoron.  No housing currently being built in Seattle is affordable unless the government steps in too make it so.Maybe helpermonkey can define what they consider affordable housing in Seattle?

    • Peter December 14, 2021 (4:29 pm)

      Where did you get the information that this project is designated as affordable housing? Did the apply for city funding or tax credits?

  • SpencerGT December 15, 2021 (1:08 am)

    That old house looks cool. Too bad it has to be demolished.

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