SATURDAY MORNING: Last night we published Amy‘s report about someone stealing her car from outside an Alki business. Hours later, this happened:
Last night, I reported that my Audi A7 was stolen near Alki around 5-6 pm. It contained my registration with my address. At 4:30 am today, a white SUV (don’t know what kind this is yet) pulled up directly in front of my house, idling as this guy looked around my house. He then attempted to get in the front. No luck.
He went to the back door, threw a rock through a window, and entered the house.
He grabbed my purse with wallet from the kitchen, and then went into my teenage daughter’s bedroom. (Thankfully she was sleeping upstairs with me.)
He stole her computer and phone. He then left out the front door. I discovered this when I got up at 6 am. He is using my credit cards.
He has very distinctive tattoos on his face and neck. Thin, 5’10 to 6’ 1. He wore a Patriot jersey with 12 on the front, necklace, long offwhite coat, light pants.
It’s all on my nest cams. If you know who this is, please let me and/or the police know.
We’ll add the report number when available.
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: An update from Amy:
Update: 11/7: The police received an anonymous tip from the community and located him this am. Thank you whoever you are! They found a credit card tying him to the home invasion among other things in his GMC vehicle. They now know his identity. They impounded it.
Your continued help is vital to ensure this does not happen to other families.
If you see him, please let the Southwest Precinct police know ASAP or respond to the editor to pass along messages.
The case # to reference is 21-294795.