WEST SEATTLE ART: Here’s what the new South Delridge installations are about

(SDOT photo)

Noticed the new art installations in South Delridge? It’s part of the RapidRide H Line project. It’s been almost four years since the announcement that artists had been chosen – and now the results are in place. From SDOT:

This month, the Office of Arts and Culture and the Wowhaus artist team worked with our crews to install some new public art at the intersections of Delridge Way SW at SW Henderson St and 18th Ave SW.

The artwork titled “Know How” was created by Wowhaus artist team Ene Osteraas-Constable and Scott Constable. The area will be restored with groundcover later this year.

In the development of the artwork, the artist team attended several community meetings, held impromptu focus-group meetings while riding the 120 Metro Bus, hosted a site walkthrough with elementary students from Roxbury Elementary School, and delved deep into the history of the area through resources at the Seattle Public Library and Museum of History and Industry. From this engagement work, the idea for the artwork Know How was developed.

This project is funded through SDOT’s 1% for Art funding.

ADDED: Here’s a city post with more backstory on the new art.

36 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE ART: Here's what the new South Delridge installations are about"

  • BlairJ November 19, 2021 (12:10 pm)

    That artwork is nuts!

  • KC November 19, 2021 (12:27 pm)

    I guess??? I mean at least paint them or something. This looks kind of depressing. Our neighborhood deserves brightness and inspiration instead of a reminder of daily grind. 

    • Stephanie D November 19, 2021 (1:14 pm)

      I agree. Kinda confused by the choice they made with this artwork. Seems random lol

    • Foop November 19, 2021 (3:13 pm)

      Art is subjective.

    • Worst than the Shovel November 19, 2021 (5:49 pm)

      I agree.  I thought the Shovel at Columbia Light Rail Station is bad.  This is worst. 

  • m November 19, 2021 (12:30 pm)

    LOVE this addition to our neighborhood and the thought the artists put into it!

    • lisa November 19, 2021 (1:58 pm)

      Allen Key Wrenches and Bolts?  Ugly. Just one person’s opinion. I agree with KC, depressing, not inspiring. 

      • Correction November 19, 2021 (3:23 pm)

        It’s a box wrench, not an Allen wrench. I think it’s great to have an art installation here, I think the one they chose is thoughtful and laid out in a visually interesting (but not obtrusive) way, and I think the finish is going to look great with the ground cover when it’s done. Spot on perfection!

  • LiouxLioux November 19, 2021 (1:17 pm)

    No local artists available??

  • Another One November 19, 2021 (2:00 pm)

    Love it!

  • But why November 19, 2021 (3:26 pm)

    Really bummed to learn this art funding didn’t go to local artists. 

  • Alki resident November 19, 2021 (3:33 pm)

    It speaks volumes, that this area needs fixing. Spot on

    • Rick November 20, 2021 (7:29 am)

      Well,now ya got some tools.

  • 1000amys November 19, 2021 (3:54 pm)

    Love this, and thank you for the background information!Now can someone explain the more colorful widget machine gear looking things just around the corner on Henderson, as you head to Westwood Village? Are these also art, or do they run some fabulous machine?

  • Bob W. November 19, 2021 (5:01 pm)

    Pre-rusted for your convenience.
    These things cry out for the attention of Subculture Joe.

  • Auntie November 19, 2021 (5:21 pm)

    I’m not impressed. Rusty tools – hmph. Kind of like the Hammering Man’s leftovers.

  • disappointed November 19, 2021 (5:33 pm)

    Yep, sure is disappointing that a local artist wasn’t selected. I think there is plenty of talent here.

  • Just wondering November 19, 2021 (5:46 pm)

    Anyone remember the potato looking stones in the middle of Lake City Way?  

  • Bob W. November 19, 2021 (6:28 pm)

    When I go past there, I get a sense that something quintessential is missing — and has been purposely and wrongly kept from it. It feels unfinished and incomplete. It wants and needs the rest of its proper being. Where are the giant screws!

    • Rick November 20, 2021 (7:33 am)

      In city hall.

    • BlairJ November 20, 2021 (1:11 pm)

      This calls for some guerilla art – maybe a giant bolt down the street?

  • CarDriver November 19, 2021 (6:44 pm)

    For those wanting a local artist. Would that be a guarantee that everyone would love what they did?? 

  • bill November 19, 2021 (9:01 pm)

    Did any local artists submit proposals? Were they any good?

  • El jefe November 19, 2021 (9:32 pm)

    What did this cost tax payers? A bunch of welded sheet metal cost how much? I guess $60k.

  • West November 19, 2021 (9:54 pm)

    If it was done by a local artist it would probably done so it made some sense. The composition and the proportions are just wrong. That is plain fact. This is scrap metal, actually scrap metal from our local steel mill would have be more interesting. 

  • 98126res November 19, 2021 (10:49 pm)


  • Peter November 19, 2021 (10:51 pm)

    Sad to see how many commenters think artists shouldn’t be allowed to sell their art outside of their immediate community, and that a community shouldn’t have access to art from anyone outside of the community. 

  • WSB November 19, 2021 (11:04 pm)

    Did anybody critiquing it now offer input in the planning stage? Lots of opportunities back then. We publicized some of them. Meantime, here’s more explanation:

    • Thank You WSB November 20, 2021 (6:37 am)

      I love WSB’s last comment. Spot on. And thank you for trying to keep us informed and updated about what’s going on in our neighborhood.

    • waikikigirl November 20, 2021 (7:35 am)

      EXACTLY! You had your chance for input but as usual it is much easier to complain about something. I personally like the art, it shows that the people of this neighborhood once were and still are hard working people, whether it was working at Boeing,  Bethlehem Steel (now Nucor), builders of all the old homes and the schools in the area. It takes nuts and bolts to put and keep things together and maybe the artist sees these as what has fallen apart in Seattle and we need these to put Seattle back together!This is how I see the art.

  • 02L November 20, 2021 (1:30 am)

     I appreciate the nod to Delridge’s blue collar history.  Looking forward to seeing it up close.  Seems like it takes time for people in Seattle to warm up to art installments. Remember when Hammer Man was installed?

  • Narcissists November 20, 2021 (4:42 am)

    Consider volunteering your unpaid labor for the next project like this.

  • grltrbl November 20, 2021 (9:45 am)

    I know West Seattle Blog didn’t write the misprint, but the school/students involved were from Roxhill Elementary.

  • BJG November 21, 2021 (11:58 am)

    Thoughtful work. Spend a little time with it. November is bleak and the installation will look different as the seasons change. I like the concept as explained by the artists. It was long it’s development.  Colors? Please, no  spray paint. Let it be art.

  • RubyRed December 9, 2021 (3:58 pm)

    Maybe the city can use these tools to fix the bridge 😵‍💫

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