Today’s the day city employees had to either be vaccinated or be exempt. Advance concern focused on the police and fire departments, which already had staffing struggles. Here are the newest numbers released by Mayor Jenny Durkan‘s office:
99% of our 11,000 employees have complied
94% vaccinated
5% exemptions
1% not submitted – approximately 150 individualsSeattle Fire
93% vaccinated
6% exemptions
1% not submitted
Only 16 individuals have not submittedSeattle PD
91% vaccinated
7% exemptions
2% not submitted
Only 24 individuals have not submitted
Both SPD and SFD had contingency plans if needed; City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, who chairs the Public Safety Committee, explained them at the council’s briefing meeting this morning – watch starting at 41:15:
In short, SPD, if necessary, would move to “Stage 3 operations,” in which all sworn personnel would be ready to staff precincts if needed; SFD’s contingency plan also would include moving personnel from desk to operations jobs, along with steps such as reducing the number of units initially dispatched to certain types of calls.