STONE COTTAGE MOVE: Still happening tonight, but without public events

(WSB photo)

2:22 PM: We’ve just learned from members of Save The Stone Cottage that there’s been a change in plan for tonight’s move. It’s still happening – but minus the hoopla: No ceremonial events, no mini-parade, just the move. What happened is that the moving firm, Nickel Bros, had a positive COVID test – and even though the person who tested positive is NOT on the crew that will be handling tonight’s move, “out of an abundance of caution,” Save The Stone Cottage’s Jeff McCord explains, they decided to cancel the public-spectacle part of the plan. The winning bidders in their auction for ceremonial roles in the event, for example, will get refunds. More details to come.

3:06 PM: The full update we’ve since received from Save The Stone Cottage explains, “Nickel Bros contacted the Save the Stone Cottage committee on Monday evening as soon as its COVID case emerged and possible contact exposures within the Nickel Bros crew had been discovered. The company administered rapid tests to its entire crew early this morning. Two Nickel Bros crew members tested positive for COVID and are quarantining.” One more note: “Those interested in seeing the move take place can still do so, but the Save the Stone Cottage committee recommends that they stay inside vehicles and distanced from the moving staff.”

4 Replies to "STONE COTTAGE MOVE: Still happening tonight, but without public events"

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy August 17, 2021 (3:45 pm)

    Wonder if they were vaccinated. (and which one) #2xTeamModerna

  • Kalo August 17, 2021 (3:56 pm)

    Breaks my heart! The folks on the Save the Stone Cottage have worked so hard at putting together what appeared to be a really well coordinated program. They deserve a big round of applause for all they’ve done AND for making this hard decision to shut down the festivities/procession. My hat’s off to you all, and Thank You!

  • kelly August 17, 2021 (4:54 pm)

    Do you know if it’s still moving at midnight, or did they shuffle the schedule w/ no speeches? 

    • WSB August 17, 2021 (4:57 pm)

      Time frame is the same. They can’t hit the road before midnight, per permit.

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