Thanks to Ingrid for noticing that SDOT‘s Highland Park Way/Holden traffic camera has been showing a very non-West Seattle scene for at least a few days. We’ve had the camera image in our traffic-cam lists for months, and hadn’t changed the link; investigating further, we found the SDOT Travelers’ Map has also changed the view for that location:
So we checked with SDOT. Spokesperson Ethan Bergerson responded:
The portable camera was moved last week to NE 45th St and Roosevelt Ave NE in the U District to monitor detour traffic during the WSDOT Montlake Bridge closure. We plan to move it back to West Seattle when that construction project is completed in a few weeks. We had actually purchased a new portable traffic camera so that we could monitor conditions in both locations, but unfortunately the parts did not all arrive on time due to supply chain issues. So there’s some possibility we may be able to re-install a camera Highland Park Way SW & SW Holden St sooner depending on when the new camera components arrives.
The camera’s description as “portable” refers to its technically temporary status – it was placed at the intersection after the temporary signal was rush-installed the week after the West Seattle Bridge closure almost a year and a half ago. A permanent camera with upgraded technology is expected to be part of the permanent signal, now on hold until after the bridge reopens next year.