This is perfect weather for hiking – and with the help of a West Seattle author’s newly revised book, you can not only enjoy trails’ beauty, but also explore their history. Writer/historian Judy Bentley‘s “Hiking Washington’s History” is now out in a second edition. She tells WSB:
The second edition of Hiking Washington’s History, with co-author and prolific guide book writer Craig Romano, has been published this month by the University of Washington Press, which also published the first edition in 2010.
The second edition includes 12 new historic hikes, including a trail in the West Duwamish Greenbelt. The second edition has many photographs and maps, a timeline of trails, sidebars, and detailed hike narratives. I will be giving a talk with the Southwest Seattle Historical Society in September.
Bentley is a longtime West Seattle resident, South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) instructor, and past president of SWSHS. She says you can get her book at Paper Boat Booksellers in Morgan Junction (6040 California SW).