(Tributes on and beneath sign at Charlestown 7-11, photographed this morning)
On and beneath that sign outside the California/Charlestown 7-11, people continue to pay tribute to Victor Henley, who ran the store until his sudden death last Friday at age 50. A family member posted memorial information today in a comment on our previous report, and we’re spotlighting it here:
Dear friends and family: This Friday, July 30, 2021, at 11:00 am, we will hold an online prayer service for Victor. We hope that you will be able to attend via Zoom.
Following the prayer service, and, precisely at 12:00 noon, the immediate family will hold a special send-off as Victor will be aqua-cremated. Because we wish to share this special experience with you, we ask that wherever you are, to please keep Victor in your prayers precisely at noon, as we all send him off together on his next journey.
Please log on to Zoom between 11:00 am and 11:45 am. Meeting ID is 630 596 5334 Passcode is 073021
Community Celebration: Join us for the celebration of Victor’s life this Saturday, July 31, 2021 from 2 pm – 5 pm outside at our family 7-Eleven in West Seattle on 3801 California Ave SW, Seattle. We’ll share stories, eat good food, and raise our glasses high. We would love to see you there.
Sincerely, Mija, Audrey, Ashley, Alexis, Aliyah, Aubriana, Ava, and Ariyah
Please follow current covid safety protocols, stay aware, and mask when possible.