Two pandemic notes this afternoon:
(Updated sign at SW Thistle entrance to vaccination-hub lot)
WEST SEATTLE VACCINATION HUB: As first reported here last week (thanks to reader tips), you no longer need an appointment to get vaccinated at the city-run West Seattle hub in the Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex parking lot (2801 SW Thistle). The city made an official announcement today about that status for the WS, Rainier Beach, and Lumen Field sites, including additional detail about what you can get there and when:
Today and tomorrow, Rainier Beach is offering the Pfizer vaccine, and West Seattle is offering the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Beginning Wednesday, May 5, the following vaccines will be available each day of operation going forward:
Lumen Field Event Center: Pfizer
Rainier Beach Vaccination Hub: Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer
West Seattle Vaccination Hub: Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and PfizerThe address and hours of operation at these three City vaccination sites are as follows:
Lumen Field Event Center: 330 S Royal Brougham Way; Thursday and Saturday, 11:15 a.m. – 5:45 p.m.
Rainier Beach Vaccination Hub: 8702 Seward Park Ave S; Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. On Tuesday, May 4, this hub will be open until 7:30 p.m.
West Seattle Vaccination Hub: 2801 SW Thistle St.; Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. On Wednesday, May 5, this hub will be open until 7:30 p.m.
You can still make an appointment if you would prefer to; start here.
ANOTHER SCHOOL CASE: Thanks for the tips. West Seattle High School has notified its Cohort B families that “a person in (the) group” has COVID-19. The email from principal Brian Vance says in part:
Following the guidance of Public Health — Seattle & King County the person with COVID-19 will not be able to return to class until after their contagious period has passed. This period is 10 days after the start of symptoms and 24 hours after fever and symptoms improve without the use of medications.
The Seattle Public Schools COVID Central team is contacting and instructing individuals who came in close contact with this person to follow Public Health guidelines and quarantine for the entire 14 days from the date of exposure to the person with COVID-19. A close contact is anyone who has spent 15 or more minutes within 6 feet of the person with COVID-19, regardless of whether the individual and/or the person with COVID-19 were wearing a face covering. If you have not been contacted, it has been determined that your child did not have close contact with the Covid-19 positive individual. The team is involved and actively working with me to ensure the safety of our school community.
We’ve previously reported case announcements at Genesee Hill and at Lafayette Elementaries. The district’s dashboard tracks case numbers by region – West Seattle and South Park comprise the Southwest region, with 43 reported cases this school year, 35 students and 8 staff members.