CORONAVIRUS: Roundup for Saturday 5/29/2021

Late update because of Saturday night’s breaking news:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here are the cumulative totals from Public Health‘s daily-summary dashboard:

*109,591 people have tested positive, 211 more than yesterday’s total

*1,592 people have died, 1 more than yesterday’s total

*6,161 people have been hospitalized, 22 more than yesterday’s total

ONE WEEK AGO: Last Saturday, those numbers were 108,308/1,575/6,099.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 169.9 million people have tested positive, and more than 3,533,000 people have died; U.S. deaths exceed 594,000. Most cases: U.S., India, Brazil, France, Turkey (unchanged again this week). See the breakdown, nation by nation, here.

PLAYGROUND ACCESS: Seattle Public Schools has announced that it’ll decide at the end of the school year – just 3 weeks away – which of its playgrounds can be restored to public accessibility, which was taken away when pandemic restrictions began.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

5 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Roundup for Saturday 5/29/2021"

  • Smittytheclown May 30, 2021 (7:09 am)

    Getting below 200/day is proving surprisingly stubborn.  The nation reported only 12,600 yesterday in total.  That’s incredibly low – the lowest since the initial ramp up last April, I believe.  200 for just King County is disproportionately high.  By a lot.  

    • waikikigirl May 30, 2021 (12:35 pm)

      Disproportionately high is stating it nicely, my app on my phone shows new daily’s for my 4 favorite States as:
      WA – 1066
      AZ. – 557
      OR. 422
      HI – 48 

      • rme May 30, 2021 (2:55 pm)

        These numbers alone aren’t helpful because they don’t indicate rates. All of the states listed have different populations, obviously. These are rough numbers from a quick Google search (and from 2019), but hopefully it demonstrates the futility in comparing numbers that way. WA: 7.6 million AZ: 7.2 million OR: 4.2 million
        HI: 1.4 million The more valuable exercise is to compare our numbers to our own past numbers, as the blog does so well. Even then, there are limitations. 

        • waikikgirl May 30, 2021 (4:31 pm)

          RME…I was just showing the numbers that my app gives me on a daily basis, didn’t ask for this app it just showed up I’m assuming from an update but WA is always the highest in daily numbers. And yes the WSB is very, very good at giving us the King County numbers and much appreciated!Happy you are so well versed in Goggle searches I could had too searched if I wanted to point something out as you 

      • Lost at covid sea May 30, 2021 (8:52 pm)

        Thanks Waikikigirl. At a glance some may find it helpful to know our state has higher counts than other states, regardless of the rate, which is an important metric, thanks also rme.

        The CDC formula for percent positivity surveillance is positive tests/total tests x100

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