If you can give, your next opportunity is Sunday, as announced by Alki UCC:
Alki UCC Food/Men’s Casual Clothes Drive and Call for Socks
Sunday, April 18, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Outside our main entrance at 6115 SW HindsWhile ALL nonperishable food donations are welcome for distribution through the White Center Food Bank, a food bank volunteer shared the following insights:
Sugar and Flour are treats.
Boxed milk is a treasure.
Canned foods should be pop-top OR donate a can opener.
Cooking oil is a luxury and much appreciated.
Spices, salt and pepper are a real gift.
Tuna and crackers make a good lunch.
Don’t forget the sandwich bread and jelly for PBB&J’s.
Pet food should be in clearly-marked containers.
Essential supplies include:
• Toilet Paper
• Diapers/Similac Formula/Baby Wipes
• Can Openers
• Personal hygiene items
• Hand Sanitizer
Donations of Men’s Casual/Work Clothes are also being taken, as well as NEW socks — the clothing item most requested by our neighbors experiencing homelessness.