2:49 PM: Seattle Fire has a big response headed for the 2400 block of SW Holden [map], on a “rescue extrication” call. Updates to come.
2:54 PM: SFD says this is reported as a driver-pedestrian collision with the pedestrian possibly “pinned under the vehicle.”
3:08 PM: The victim is being taken to the hospital. We have a crew on scene trying to get more information.
3:11 PM: SFD says “bystanders” helped get the victim, who is female, out from under the car that hit her.
3:17 PM: Added a photo of the car atop the story. Police have taken the driver into custody. Holden remains closed from 24th SW about 100 yards westward uphill.
3:31 PM: SFD says the victim, a 24-year-old woman, was in stable condition when transported.
7:26 PM: A commenter/witness said there was more to the story, and police have confirmed that to us, saying this was a case of domestic violence. SPD says the driver was arrested for felony domestic-violence assault and also investigated for DUI.
9 PM: We have since received a far more detailed police report. Here’s the narrative as written by police:
Several calls came in about a collision, a fight, and a possible domestic disturbance. Officers arrived and found all three reports were correct.
The suspect and his girlfriend (Victim) were in a verbal disturbance and then the suspect began to strangle the victim. A bystander (W) intervened and broke up the assault. The suspect then got into the victim’s vehicle and planned to drive away. The witness got into the car and told the suspect not to drive as he was drunk and high. An argument began between the S/ and the W/. The victim went to the passenger side and attempted to get her car back from him. The witnesses reported that the suspect then put the car in reverse and purposefully struck the victim and ran her over.
W/ and the S/ got into a physical fight directly after the S/ assaulted her. After the S/ was rendered unconscious the witness and another community member physically lifted the vehicle off of the victim. The suspect was taken into custody without incident. … The victim is in critical but stable condition at HMC with numerous broken bones and injuries.
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, call/text 911 if it’s happening now – but also be aware of this 24-hour helpline: 800-799-7233 or 800-787-3224 (TTY)