UPDATE: Big turnout for West Seattle dropoff recycling/shredding event

10:24 AM: If you’re headed for the recycling/shredding event in the north lot at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) – be patient! By 9:30 am, the vehicle line was backed up on northbound 16th SW past the campus’s south entrance and almost all the way to SW Holly. (If you’re just bringing something you can carry, you can park on 16th and walk in.) Once you’re in, here’s the setup:

Trucks are lined up from participants including Friendly Earth for electronics/small-appliance recycling:

Bring your Styrofoam, too, since Styro Recycle is there. And for paper, Sea-Dru-Nar is there for up to four boxes of shredding:

Volunteers are there to guide you in. The event organized by the West Seattle Junction Association and Chamber of Commerce is on until noon – 6000 16th SW, north entrance. Don’t forget your mask! If you have to head north to somewhere else on Puget Ridge this morning, we advise an alternate route. Southbound 16th, however, is not affected.

P.S. If you miss this event, as announced earlier this week, Fauntleroy Church is bringing back its twice-annual dropoff Recycle Roundup on April 25th (no shredding or Styrofoam, though) – details soon!

11:33 AM UPDATE: From volunteer Judy: “No longer taking light bulbs and electronics. Shredding, Styrofoam, batteries still accepted.”

17 Replies to "UPDATE: Big turnout for West Seattle dropoff recycling/shredding event"

  • Stephanie March 20, 2021 (11:07 am)

    So uplifting to see the turnout, they move quick so don’t be discouraged!Saw lots of folks with Styrofoam don’t forget you can recycle that curbside in Seattle. Just search special collection pick up 

    • ITotallyAgreeWithYou March 20, 2021 (3:05 pm)

      Not always-you have to go through the owner of the home and my apartment manager stopped arranging the service because it invited dumping.

  • Bob Hull March 20, 2021 (11:33 am)

    We tried to attend this event but gave up. At about 10am, the line of cars was nearly a mile long on 16th Ave SW.  After that mile, you would then enter the North entrance. Too long 

    • Bill March 20, 2021 (12:04 pm)

      Predictable – since it was only open for 3 hours!

  • Chris March 20, 2021 (11:35 am)

    What a disappointment! Get there at 11:00 and the only thing they are taking is styrofoam. Car was loaded up with electronics and small appliances, now taking it all back home. Can’t Seattle do anything right?

    • Jason March 20, 2021 (1:00 pm)

      You know…there are many places that will e-cycle for free, right? Quit complaining and use Google. 

  • mem March 20, 2021 (12:11 pm)

    Too bad Bob, should have hung in there. Yes the line was long but event so well-organized that the line moved smoothly, efficiently and relatively quickly. A big shout out to volunteers and organizers! Truly appreciated your time and effort in this event.

  • Conjunction Junction March 20, 2021 (12:21 pm)

    We waited in that line, past the south entrance, and it was a very nice 15-20 min spent with my kid listening to the 80’s music on the radio.  The volunteers were wonderful, the set up was perfect, the styrofoam guy was still cranky, but that’s okay.  I am so happy to see all these people recycling! Great job to the organizers, putting it at South and having the parking signs up, in anticipation of lines!

    Just a note, in between events, you can recycle styrofoam through your regular garbage collection for free, but it does require a little work and preplanning.  Go to http://www.seattle.gov/utilities/your-services/collection-and-disposal/garbage/special-item-collections.

    • wendell March 20, 2021 (1:08 pm)

      Our experience with the city and styrofoam: They pick it up but it isn’t recycled, styrofoam ends up with the regular trash. I’m at a loss why we had to sign up for a “special” collection. We ended up dropping off our styrofoam at a facility in the south sound. Things may have changed by now(?)

  • SJ March 20, 2021 (12:32 pm)

    Heads up for next time – only white puffy style Styrofoam was accepted (no black, no foam sheets, maybe other variations too – I saw other people turned away). Long line to find out I couldn’t unload half my car.  Well organized otherwise – thanks for hosting.

  • ITotallyAgreeWithYou March 20, 2021 (12:53 pm)

    Thank you to everyone involved in this event. It was nice to see an old friend volunteering as well. I arrived about 10a and the line was significant, ending at about the south parking entrance, but it moved steadily. From arrival at the end of the line to departure after unloading, it took me 40 minutes. They had collected quite a lot already at that point. I was grateful to off load some heavy, bulky, ancient items along with much more, for free. And the location is fantastic to accommodate more cars and provide more collection areas/trucks.

  • Ulrike Langer March 20, 2021 (2:22 pm)

    I’m glad we hung in there although the line was still long at 11:30 and at the entrance we were told that all they could take at this point were our batteries. But the line moved really fast and once we got to the trucks they also took our two small appliances and printer cartridges. Yay and thank you!

  • 1994 March 20, 2021 (2:40 pm)

    Bartell Drug Stores will take your used fluorescent spiral light bulbs – yeah for Bartell stores doing a community service!!

    • JohnW March 20, 2021 (3:40 pm)

      Home Depot and many other hardware retailers that sell compact fluorescents also accept these fragile, anachronistic, terrible looking and toxically constructed lights.
      Fluorescent tube lights can be recycled at the South Seattle Transfer Station -Hazardous Waste Facility.
      The advent of LED lighting has all but made fluorescents obsolete.

  • johnW March 20, 2021 (3:53 pm)

    @Chris, Seattle offers multiple ways to recycle your electronics all year round.   “

    Generally if it runs on batteries, plugs into the wall or plugs into something that plugs into the wall then we can accept it for recycling.” RE-PC Recycling on 1ST AVE S IN SODO IS MY GO TO. 
    E-Cycle WA SEARCH is another source for recycling places.  

    Goodwill and other donation organizations will take many items for recycling.

  • Michael Waldo March 20, 2021 (5:02 pm)

    Not 1st ave:RE∙PC Locations
    Our Seattle StoreAddress: 1565 6th Ave. So. Seattle, WA 98134Phone: (206) 623-9151 Fax: (206) 623-5089Email: repc@repc.comHours: Monday-Saturday 10-7 (Closed Sunday)

  • Alki resident March 20, 2021 (6:58 pm)

    This is a better location than the Junction parking lot. I think the last Junction e-cycling event also stopped taking electronics early. 

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