WEST SEATTLE BIRDS: Meet more of your feathered neighbors

Thanks to everyone continuing to share West Seattle bird photos with us so we can share them with you! Time for a weekend gallery. Above and below (with a shrimp snack), Mark MacDonald photographed Common Mergansers.

Here’s another seabird – a Cormorant drying itself, photographed by Stewart L.:

Two views of Anna’s Hummingbirds – first, from Jerry Simmons:

And from Gentle McGaughey:

Max Welliver shows us a Red-breasted Nuthatch:

From Mark Dale, a Cooper’s Hawk:

And here’s a tree full of Crows, photographed by Michael Burke:

If you catch a great view of a local bird, westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE BIRDS: Meet more of your feathered neighbors"

  • Pessoa January 24, 2021 (2:39 pm)

    Outstanding Cooper’s Hawk photo.   I used to see them darting around our LA neighborhood;  very common Accipiter down there, the  Sharp-Shinned much more abundant here. 

  • barbara s spector January 24, 2021 (3:08 pm)

    Wondering what he has in his claws.

  • BigJer January 24, 2021 (3:26 pm)

    Judging from those little fingers I would guess a mole.

  • miws January 24, 2021 (3:48 pm)

    That many corvids have to be murder on that tree… —Mike

    • Pelicans January 24, 2021 (4:30 pm)

      Ha, Mike! :-D

  • Mike January 24, 2021 (4:10 pm)

    I love these bird pics – keep ‘em coming!

  • Mark Dale January 24, 2021 (5:54 pm)

    I took several photos of the Cooper’s hawk, and after examining its prey closely I guessed that it was a Norway rat, or maybe a mouse of some kind. The head is face-down, and you can see one of the ears fairly well, which do not protrude like that on a mole. The feet do look like a mole, but could easily be a rat’s (or mouse’s) as well.

  • Boltsandnuts January 24, 2021 (8:17 pm)

    That cooper’s hawk seems to have an animal in its claws. And that animal appears to have a hand

    • Tinker bell January 24, 2021 (9:52 pm)

      You reach out for something and …

  • Sue L. January 25, 2021 (6:59 am)

    I would love to join a bird-watching group! My mother was a true bird lover. She would bring home sick ones, including a sea gull (VA) and a baby Oriole in its nest (Panama) to hand feed until they recovered. I took her to the Everglades in her late 70s, and we revelled in the beauty. 

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