WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: What’s ahead for 2020’s conclusion

Thanks to Lori Vonderhorst for the photo – looking north from the Lincoln Park shore on Saturday afternoon – saying in her email, “Something to brighten this dark rainy morning.” The forecast is bright, too, predicting a partly sunny afternoon and more sunshine tomorrow. Looking ahead toward the change of years at the end of the week, New Year’s Eve is expected to be cloudy with a chance of rain. (No fireworksagain – this year, though, so no need to venture outside that night anyway.) Data point: So far, the calendar year has seen three inches more rain than the average year (last year was three inches below average).

5 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: What's ahead for 2020's conclusion"

  • MrsT December 27, 2020 (12:38 pm)

    I cracked up at “2020’s conclusion”! Never has a year been so welcome to go! 

    • WSB December 27, 2020 (1:07 pm)

      My initial thought was ‘2020’s final days’ but given the way things have gone, steering clear of an apocalyptic phrase seemed wise….

  • Mark D December 28, 2020 (1:20 pm)

    note that you use Sea-Tac airport as the  Seattle  point of reference and +37″ of precipitation, as most news outlets do the same. For the record,  Boeing Field is much closer to W. Seattle and  the NWS just yesterday recorded >20″ for the calendar year which is significantly less and only 54% which better reflects our microclimate;  more accurate. 

    • Joe Z December 28, 2020 (2:42 pm)

      Boeing field has issues with the rain gauge. I wouldn’t trust it. West Seattle certainly got over 35 inches of rain this year. 

  • nonni December 30, 2020 (9:16 am)

    No fireworks, eh? If only that were true!

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