11:22 AM: The West Seattle Junction free recycle/reuse/shred event is more than halfway through – and though the volunteers routing everyone couldn’t give us an in-progress count, it is without doubt the busiest one they’ve ever had. As noted in comments on our morning preview, the Northwest Center truck – household items and clothing – filled up very quickly. Organizers say NW Center isn’t able to send a second truck but they’re trying to see if they can get one for next week. (This is the nonprofit that used to have a daily truck in The Junction, but hasn’t been able to staff that during the pandemic.) Other than that, when we were there a short time ago, we were told everything else still has capacity, including electronics recycling with Friendly Earth:
And a shredding truck (four boxes max):
Plus household batteries and Styrofoam:
This continues in the parking lot off 42nd south of SW Oregon until 1 pm, as capacity allows.
12:22 PM: Electronics recycling is now maxed out, per commenters (thank you!).