Detour traffic, ferries, police @ Fauntleroy Community Association

Our toplines from the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s monthly meeting this past Tuesday:

BRIDGE DETOUR TRAFFIC: The SW Barton route to/from the Fauntleroy ferry dock is a lot busier since the West Seattle Bridge closed almost six months ago. The FCA is working on a letter to City Councilmember Lisa Herbold and SDOT‘s bridge-project leader Heather Marx, asking them to come take a look in person and see what can be done about it. The group is also collecting photos and video to show the problem.

FERRY WATCH: No major news, but anecdotally, long lines are making a comeback in Fauntleroy, though Washington State Ferries says traffic is still off a third from this time last year.

POLICE: Operations Lt. Sina Ebinger from the Southwest Precinct said one of the crime trends they’re keeping a close watch on is gunfire, with several reports in West Seattle so far this month. Regarding the department-wide shift of 100 officers to patrol, she said the SWP will likely lose its Community Police Team members in the redeployment, so the long-running projects/issues they’ve been working on will have to be rethought.

ON THE MOVE: FCA tracks new community arrivals and says 100+ people have moved into Fauntleroy this past quarter.

The Fauntleroy Community Association board meets second Tuesdays, 7 pm; community members are welcome – watch for info. And check out the newest quarterly “Neighbors” newsletter!

1 Reply to "Detour traffic, ferries, police @ Fauntleroy Community Association"

  • JayDee September 13, 2020 (5:47 pm)

    Aha, you mean the Beach Drive Freeway, don’t you? (Beach Drive>Fauntleroy>Barton and points beyond?)

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