WATER WOES? Now Seattle Public Utilities has an outage map too

Seattle City Light has long had a power-outage map, but if your water was out, you had no way to check on the extent of it aside from checking with neighbors. Now, that’s changed: Seattle Public Utilities has launched a water-outage map. This one also shows planned outages. (The only event shown for West Seattle right now is a planned-then-canceled August outage on Harbor SW.) You can see the map by going here (note it has a tab displaying the information in list format too). The page is also a convenient place to find SPU’s emergency hotline, 206-386-1800.

3 Replies to "WATER WOES? Now Seattle Public Utilities has an outage map too"

  • Sue L. July 22, 2020 (10:02 am)

    This is a great public service by the West Seattle Blog as well as the city. 

    • WSB July 22, 2020 (10:07 am)

      Thanks but we had nothing to do with it … aside from reporting that it now exists! And we do hope people will still let us know about water problems too because while the map can confirm some basics, there may be other aspects (water break, work crew, traffic impacts) it WON’T reflect. -TR

  • Sue L. July 22, 2020 (11:26 am)

    Knowledge is power!

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