TONIGHT: West Seattle Art Walk goes hybrid – part in-person, part online

July 9, 2020 1:03 pm
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 |   West Seattle Art Walk | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

With King County going to Safe Start Phase 2 since the last West Seattle Art Walk, that opens more possibilities for in-person participation – so this month’s WSAW is hybrid: Part in-person, part virtual. From the preview on the WSAW website:

Visit an outdoors art show and reception under a shelter tent or overhang:
*Linda McClamrock, Key Bank Plaza, Alaska Junction

Visit an indoor art show and reception, following all state guidelines for masks and capacity:
*West Seattle Grounds, Admiral Junction
*Click! Design That Fits, Alaska Junction
*Capers Home, Alaska Junction
*Wild Rose, Alaska Junction
*West Seattle Cellars, Morgan Junction
*NW Encaustics, Morgan Junction
*Brace Point Pottery & Gallery, Arbor Heights

Stroll by businesses that have art featured in their windows during Art Walk or displayed during business hours:
*Flying Apron, Alaska Junction
*Mailbox West, Morgan Junction

Or – online! See the gallery here, which is where you’ll also find the times and addresses for the locations mentioned above. Plus – this YouTube playlist! Support your local artists and businesses however you can; see you on the Art Walk (whose community co-sponsors include WSB).

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