The video and report are from Kacie at West Seattle Autoworks (WSB sponsor):

Just wanted to share that we were broken into around 3:20 this morning. They broke in through the front door, smashing the glass and stole a refurbished Samsung tablet and loose change. We consider ourselves very lucky that we only have to replace the front door and clean up glass.

SPD incident # is 2020-196715.

8 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business break-in"

  • WestSeaMom June 26, 2020 (12:03 am)

    I am so sad to hear that this break in occurred. West Seattle AutoWorks is a small family owned business that has done a great job taking care of our vehicles. I hope that someone will recognize the vehicle or person who broke in. 

    • John Sankalis June 26, 2020 (8:14 am)

      About a month?  ago, Hegee was broken into and cleaned out. A block away from WSA.

  • Beth June 26, 2020 (7:30 am)

    Oh Chris – So sorry! ☹️ This is maddening, but I have no doubt that little boy will be caught.

  • Js June 26, 2020 (8:16 am)

    Damn. I live around corner on 34th. Ill keep an eye out. Looks like he is a scraper based on random junk in bed. I cant believe how casual they are. 

  • Sillygoose June 26, 2020 (8:47 am)

    I am pretty sure this same pickup is in a ring video for a garage break in.  I hope you were able to get the liscense plate number

  • HS June 26, 2020 (11:42 am)

    Looks like they have a temporary plate renewal in the back window. 

  • Joan June 26, 2020 (12:11 pm)

    Did you report is to SPD?  I didn’t see it on the Crime Blotter

    • WSB June 26, 2020 (1:30 pm)

      The case # is in the story above.

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