WEST SEATTLE SUNDAY: 24 churches’ online services; Farmers’ Market; more…

(American Goldfinch, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Welcome to Sunday, as Memorial Day weekend continues. We begin our list of what’s happening with the updated list of West Seattle churches’ online services:

ADMIRAL UCC: The video service is here. Also – follow that link for 11:15 am sermon talkback and 11:45 am coffee hour.

ALKI UCC: 10 am online service, via Zoominfo and link on church’s home page.

ALL SOULS SEATTLE (WSB sponsor): Online worship will be linked here at 10 am.

ARBOR HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CHURCH: Livestreaming here at 10 am.

BETHANY COMMUNITY CHURCH: Livestreaming here, 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am, 7 pm.

CALVARY CHAPEL: Service will be viewable here, plus 11 am fellowship via Zoom, 6 pm all-church prayer and 7 pm evening worship (info on home page).

EASTRIDGE CHURCH: Livestreaming here at 9 am and 11 am.

FAUNTLEROY UCC: Livestreaming on the church’s YouTube channel at 10 am.

FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF WEST SEATTLE: Today’s online liturgy is here.

GRACE CHURCH: Livestreaming here, 10:30 am.

HALLOWS CHURCH: Streaming at 10 am via the church’s YouTube channel.

HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH: Livestreaming in English at 8:30 am, en Español at 10 am, all here.

HOLY ROSARY CATHOLIC CHURCH: Livestreaming at 9:30 am here.

HOPE LUTHERAN: Today’s worship service and children’s story are viewable here.

OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH: Livestreaming at 10 am, both here.

PEACE LUTHERAN: Livestreaming at 10:30 am on YouTube.

ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Viewable on YouTube: All Ages Sunday School at 10 am, Morning Prayer at 10:15 am (here’s today’s bulletin), Kids’ Club at 11:30 am.

TIBBETTS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (WSB sponsor): The video service for today is viewable here (and today’s bulletin/order of worship is here).

TRINITY CHURCH: Livestreaming here, 10 am.

WEST SEATTLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: The video service is viewable here.

WEST SEATTLE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE: Livestreaming here, 11 am.

WEST SIDE PRESBYTERIAN Livestreaming at 10 am on the church’s YouTube channel.


WESTWOOD CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Online worship at 11 am; info here.

Any other churches to add? Please email us – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

Also today:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, the fourth market after almost two months without one. Enter at California/Alaska; the line goes east on Alaska, then north on 42nd. Here’s the info on policies and procedures; here’s the vendor/product list for this week.

FOOD-DONATION DRIVE: 10 am-4 pm outside Alki UCChere’s what they need. (6115 SW Hinds)

WEST SEATTLE TOOL LIBRARY: Open 11 am-4 pm – need a tool to fix or improve something? (4408 Delridge Way SW)

FREE TO-GO DINNER: High Point Community Dinner Church will serve to-go meals at 5 pm, outside, near High Point Community Center. (6920 34th SW)

9 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SUNDAY: 24 churches' online services; Farmers' Market; more..."

  • Just saying May 24, 2020 (7:29 am)

    It hasn’t been 2 months since the farmers market was open. It was open last weekend and super crowded. I don’t care what anyone says, it was too crowded we just kept walking by it. We didn’t want to add to it. 

    • WSB May 24, 2020 (10:17 am)

      The line refers to this being the fourth marker SINCE the two-month closure (March 8 was the last pre-closure market, May 3rd was the first one post-closure).

      • Frog May 24, 2020 (11:34 am)

        Regarding the farmer’s market — I understand that it’s designed as a price-fixed, premium priced offering, and not a place where one should expect to find bargains.  But in pre-pandemic days, there were two or three vendors that sometimes had good deals tucked away somewhere in their booths.  What’s it like now?  Are prices even higher than before, or the same, or did anyone notice any bargains in the last couple of weeks?

  • just wondering May 24, 2020 (10:16 am)

    Nice picture of the Washington state bird!

  • anonyme May 24, 2020 (11:47 am)

    Is the market mandating that customers wear masks?  Is this being enforced?  I really would like to resume shopping there, but the reports of crowds are not reassuring.  I seem to recall hearing about a separate senior line.  Is that still happening?  It would be nice if they let seniors in early…I think I’m going to need an N-95 or equivalent before braving the mob.

    • Em May 24, 2020 (12:38 pm)

      No because it’s an unenforceable law. Remember people want “less police” 

      • Anne May 24, 2020 (4:21 pm)

        True-but wouldn’t it great if they would “ police”themselves?

    • Anne May 24, 2020 (12:57 pm)

      No one enforces anything—it’s strictly honor system  as far as I can tell-even if words like require, mandate -are used-who is going to enforce that?  Shame on those that see the signs-know the rules , but disregard them. 

    • Sue H May 24, 2020 (8:06 pm)

      I was at the market last Sunday and while there is a long line, inside the market was not crowded at all as they regulate how many people they let in at once. I’m not sure if they have a separate senior line. I’m not quite a senior (late 50s), but I am disabled, and when I was walking up to get on the back on the line, the gate person stopped me when they saw my oxygen tank, asked if I was here for the market, and then asked me to stay there and I’d be the next person in (bypassing the line). So it doesn’t hurt to ask. I don’t know if its policy to let seniors or disabled in first, or just that persons decision.

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