BIZNOTES: Junction, Triangle, Alki – UPDATED

Three biznotes tonight:

FAMOUS SALMON ARRIVES: Thanks to Sacha for the photo! Copper River salmon has arrived at Seattle Fish Company in The Junction (4435 California SW) – that’s proprietor Jon holding the Alaskan arrival. ($49/pound filleted, per the SFC website – 12:49 pm update – we’re told that’s the “shippers” price, but the “in-store market price” currently is $5 less, $44.99/pound.)

REBELLYOUS FOODS GOES RETAIL: Back in November, we reported on Rebellyous Foods – a start-up that makes, and improves manufacturing technology for, plant-based “nuggets” moving into The Triangle. But its products were only available to food-service companies, like corporate cafeterias. Now – they’re going retail!

First two outlets – Leschi Market and Vegan Haven – are not in or near West Seattle, but Rebellyous tells us, “We’re hoping to be with some West Seattle retailers soon.”

PACIFIC ROOM CLOSES: Business closures and reopenings have been a little tougher to track during the coronavirus crisis, but the sign that went up outside the Pacific Room (2808 Alki SW) this week was rather emphatic:

We went there after getting tips that it appeared furniture was being moved out. The restaurant/music venue opened last June, then changed owners in February, and the new owners told us they planned to rebrand – then just a few weeks later, the pandemic struck. They had been open for takeout until recently, though.

12:48 PM UPDATE: We just got a call from Jisun Jackson, one of the new owners we interviewed in February, who says the “permanently closed” sign was put up by a business partner without authorization of the others, and they DO intend to reopen at a not-yet-determined date.

13 Replies to "BIZNOTES: Junction, Triangle, Alki - UPDATED"

  • Sillygoose May 16, 2020 (9:41 am)

    So so sad to see Pacific Room closure! We purchased a delicious take out meal from them! The inside was a beautifully designed contemporary space and the employees gorgeous! It was first on our list to visit when ban was lifted. So sorry to the owners.

  • Kathy May 16, 2020 (9:59 am)

    Remember the Golden Sun, the Chinese restaurant that was in the location the Pacific Room is vacating? I’d like to see something like that come back to Alki. It would be good for takeout, too.  I also would like to see the city bollard off all the parking on the business side of Alki Avenue this summer to create more space for outdoor dining in good weather.  There’s a new gelato place recently opened next to Top Pot down here I noticed the other day.

  • Mj May 16, 2020 (11:01 am)

    On a business note, I received my Comcast invoice and they are still charging a Regional Sports fee.  I am not aware of any regional sports happening at this time.  Anyone else try to get Comacast to remove this charge?  I did to no avail, very frustrating.

    • KM May 16, 2020 (2:50 pm)

      Local networks with rights are replaying old games, so technically, there are still regional sports being broadcast. Lame, I know. Cable companies make their tv subscription money with these fees, providing tv service is not nearly as lucrative a business model as being an ISP. They won’t ever waive them because of the cost to them to retransmit broadcasts, not to mention they are losing subscribers at at a very high rate at the moment.

  • David Snow May 16, 2020 (11:44 am)

    So sad indeed in losing another live jazz venue! First Tula’s (not to mention Highway 99 Blues Club) – pre-coronavirus – and now the Pacific Room, which had great potential for both music and food. Makes we worry about smaller places such as the Royal Room and Capitol Cider. Jazz Alley and Bake’s Place will hopefully survive too.

    • Sara Lou May 16, 2020 (12:25 pm)

      I work at Jazz Alley and we ain’t going nowhere! They are actaully in the middle of remodeling the club for when we re-open. Exciting things to come!

  • Derrick May 16, 2020 (11:54 am)

    I love supporting local business… but $49 per pound for salmon?? Please tell me that is a typo. 

    • WSB May 16, 2020 (12:56 pm)

      For Copper River, nope, no typo. It’s considered the gold standard of salmon. Maybe platinum! However, please note that we’ve updated above – that’s the store’s shipping price – if you buy in-store, current market price is $5 less. – TR

    • john May 16, 2020 (3:24 pm)

      $44 per pound filleted for  Copper River King.  The high price is likely because of the poor Chinook run of the opening day drove the fishermen’s price to $14 per pound.  That is ‘in the round’ weight before the head and entrails are discarded (1/3 approx.)  Additional weight is discarded in the filleting as well as shipping, mark up by wholesaler and finally mark up at retail.The Copper River supplies great high fat salmon, but it is not any better that then many other Alaskan fisheries.  It has greatly benefitted from the orchestrated marketing campaign that has successfully established it as a brand and this is part of the premium price.

  • WSB May 16, 2020 (12:46 pm)

    Update on the Pacific Room: We just got a call from Jisun Jackson, one of the new owners we interviewed in February, who says the “permanently closed” sign was put up by a business partner without authorization of the others, and they DO intend to come back. So stay tuned. – TR

    • Sillygoose May 18, 2020 (7:59 am)

      Thank you for the update on Pacific Room this just made my day.  They are so kind and the fish and chips beyond what we expected.  Happy to read they will reopen.

  • Pat May 16, 2020 (3:40 pm)

    The copper river salmon I got from Seattle Fish was worth every penny!  It is only available for a very short time once a year. It is the very best salmon and Seattle Fish is the best place to get it from! 

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