King County’s numbers report is back after a day away, and that tops tonight’s roundup:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From today’s Seattle-King County Public Health news release:
2,496 confirmed positive cases (up 166 from Monday)
164 confirmed deaths (up 14 from Monday)
23 people are currently staying in King County isolation and quarantine facilities
To compare – one week ago, the numbers were 1,359 King County cases, and 100 deaths.
STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Still no new updates on the state Department of Health page, but they’re working on a fix, the governor said today.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them – nation by nation – here.
NO EXTENSION DECISION YET: The governor had another media briefing today (here’s our coverage, with video) and said he’s “likely” to extend the “stay-home” order but not ready to make an announcement yet. (The current expiration date is Aprll 6th, next Monday.)
BE A MAKER: The governor also exhorted our state’s manufacturers to pivot to making things that the pandemic fight requires – PPE, test sample vials, etc. (At least one here in our area has already stepped up to help out – we’re working on that story for tomorrow.)
SHOULD YOU WEAR A MASK? You’ve probably heard that the federal government is mulling new guidance on this topic. SKCPH addressed the topic in today’s news release, saying, “Staying apart from other people is our best protection against COVID-19, but non-medical masks can be a supplement.”
GOT SPARE SANITIZER? Here’s a local collection drive.
GOT SOMETHING TO OFFER OR REQUEST? Remember that West Seattle Support is up and running now at – co-coordinator Phil Tavel just spoke at tonight’s (online) District 1 Community Network meeting (full meeting report later) and said they’re continuing to ramp up, with dozens of volunteers ready to help, too.
GOT INFO? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!