Again this year, The Christmas People are planning to make the holiday merrier, with your help – especially if you can bake and donate cookies. We just received the announcement:
The Christmas People will gather again at Alki Masonic Center, 4736 40th Ave SW, on Monday, Dec. 23, Tuesday, Dec. 24, and Wednesday, December 25 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help in the kitchen during those hours; also needed, 3,000 homemade cookies, which may be dropped off.
Each day we will prepare 350 meals in full-size aluminum trays for women’s shelters in downtown Seattle. On Christmas Day we will host homeless, veterans, seniors, and those who need a meal. From noon to 4 p.m. there will be a full complimentary holiday buffet in Alki Masonic Center Dining Room. This is our 21st year. For further information, contact Fred Hutchinson at 206-719-4979 or
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